Name: Hussein Hassan Tattue TARIMO

Postal Address: Private Bag 00269 Gaborone, Botswana

Telephone: Office- General (+267) 3170585; Direct (+267) 3632121

Residence- (+267) 3911378/ Cell (+267) 71724779

Fax: (+267) 3170177 or (+267) 3902092

E. Mail: or

Date of Birth: 22nd August 1952.

Marital Status: Married with four children.

Sex: Male

Nationality: Tanzanian Citizen

Languages known: Fluent in English, and Swahili

Country ofResidence: Botswana permanent resident

Computer skills Excellent computer skills in Microsoft Office

Academic Qualifications: Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Degree (Food Science &

Technology), Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Degree (Chemistry

Botany), Postgraduate Diploma in Food Technology; Certificate

in Quality Assurance.

Special Awards: IBFAN Africa certificate of recognition of outstanding

contribution to the implementation of the International Code.

Botswana Bureau of Standards certificate of recognition of

outstanding contribution to standardization and quality


Work Experience

I have37years of working experience in food safety and quality management, at various levels including atcompany level, national levels, SADC-sub regional level, African regional level and international level:

Currently working for the Ministry of Health in BotswanaasPrincipal Scientific Officer responsible for Food Safety. Other duties includeNational Codex Contact Point,Executive Secretary of the National Food Control Board and NationalCode Monitoring Coordinator- responsible for the implementation of the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes inBotswana From 2004 to 2007. I was responsible for the implementation of Interagency Group on Breastfeeding Monitoring (IGBM)/ UNICEF/ MOH projectin Botswana.

In Tanzania I worked for several organizations including Tanzania Bureau of Standards, and Tanzania Industrial Research and Development Organization as Food Standards Officer Quality Assurance Officer and Research and Development Officer. I also worked for the food industry as Quality Assurance Officer.

I was engaged as a consultant for the following projects:

  • 1996: FAO Expert for one month –Technical Cooperation Programme to organise a Zimbabwe NationalWorkshop on strengthening of Food Quality Control, and preparation for the Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa Session in Harare, Zimbabwe.
  • 2000- FAO Consultant Technical Cooperation Programme Project TCP/ZIM/8923(A) Strengthening Government Analyst Laboratory Food Standards Advisory Board and Port Health Authority of Zimbabwe.
  • 1990-: International Trade Centre (ITC) Food ControlConsultant - ITC ( 5 months)(UNCTAD/GATT) Project No RAF 37/06 - Quality Control and Testing Services forExport Products and Packaging in the SADCC (now known as SADC) sub-region. (Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe).

Workshops and Conferences Attended

I have attended many workshops, meetings and conferences that provided opportunities to visit many countries andnetwork withpeople of different backgrounds including IBFANmembers globally. Countries thatI have visited include USA, U.K, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Turkey, New Zealand, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, Mozambique, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mauritiusand Namibia. In relation to Breastfeeding and the International Code, I have participated in a number of national and international events includingthe following:International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) Africa Conferences,UNICEF workshops and expert meetings on Infant and Young Child Feeding and the International Code, WABA Conferences,relevant Codex meetings including those of the Committees on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, Alimentarius Commission,. Coordinating Committee for Africa and Milk and Milk Products

Membership of Professional Associations and NGOs
I have been a number of associationsincluding South African Association for Food Science and Technology, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), Chicago, USA. Institute of Quality Assurance, London, U.K, Botswana Breastfeeding Association (BOBA),Botswana,IBFAN Africa and Chairman of IBFAN Africa Code/ Codex Working group.


1) Joyce Chenetsa E mail:

2) Annelies Allain E Mail:

3) Patti Rundall E mail:

4) Betty Elisabeth Sterken Email:

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