MINUTES of the Meeting of Chobham Parish Council Planning Committee

Parish Pavilion, Station Road, Chobham, Surrey GU24 8AJ

Tuesday 19th January 2016 at 8.00pm

Committee: Cllrs Mrs Barr, Mrs Beach (Chairman), Bentall, Coombs (Vice-Chairman), Mrs Head, Mrs Mancini, Taylor, Mrs Tedder, Wheeler.

Present:Cllrs Mrs Barr, Bentall, Coombs (Chairman), Mrs Head, Taylor, Mrs Tedder, Wheeler, Mrs Mancini

Apologies:Cllr Beach


Meeting commenced at 8:00pm

A No objection be made:

B No objection be made subject to the following:

C Objection made for the following reason(s):

  1. Welcome to members of the public.Three members of the public were present.
  1. Declarations of interest. Cllr Wheeler declared a non-pecuniary interest in 15/1133
  1. Planning Applications Received:

p15/1095 51 The Grange, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8NQ

Full Application for the erection of a single storey side extension and the conversion of the garage into habitable accommodation.

Proposal: Full Planning Application


15/1133 Chobham Service Station, Station Road, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8AJ

Relaxation/Modification of Variation of Condition 1 of planning permission SU/13/0367 so as to allow the petrol station to remain open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Proposal: Relaxation/Modification

CPC Decision:C OBJECTION inappropriate in a conservation area, light and noise pollution together with increase traffic.

15/1117 Shrubbs Farm, Ford Road, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8SS

Full Planning Application for the erection of a single storey side extension

following the part removal of the existing garage and flank wall window.

Proposal: Full Planning Application

CPC Decision: B NO OBJECTION subject to the extension not being over 30% of the original building.

  1. To consider any planning applications received after the agenda was published: None received
  1. Other matters:

The plan for the development of the piggery site on Bagshot Road, Chobham was discussed.

CPC would like to see more detail on the build and there would need to be an element affordable housing together with the repositioning latest plan (plots 1 to 4).

Cllr Tedder and Cllr Wheeler did not comment.

Actions update

  • Parish Clerk to e-mail Jenny Rickard, Jonathan Partington and Philip Partridge seeking information regarding the agricultural building next to the Kalima Traveller Site.Can Parish Clerk confirm that this has been sent.
  • Terms of Reference for Planning Committee – Final document to be included on the next Planning Committee agenda and will be included on the CPC agenda for January. Noted
  • A proposal to the Personnel Committee to have the Administrator take on the task of Clerk of Planning Committee was made by Cllr Coombs and seconded by Cllr Beach.Noted
  • Yellow lines in Station Road – update required. Closing date for

objections is 20.1.2016. Administrator to email Surrey County Council

confirming our decision against further restrictions.

  • Chobham Service Station, acolaid case 15/1133, Administrator to send a letter of objection to SHBC.
  • Chobham Piggery, Bagshot Road, Administrator to send Mr Howard an update of the Council’s and residents view of his proposal.

Meeting closed at 9.06pm