Sample letters and flyers have been provided to help you with ideas on how to share information about the Parent Resource Center. You may use these samples by adding your school’s information. All samples and templates are available in MS Word for easy editing and are located in the Department of Federal and StatePrograms’ website:

Parent invitation to PRC

Teacher invitation to PRC

Parent-Teacher Conference – TAPPS sheet

Teacher PRC Material Referral

Welcome flyer for the PRC


Suggestion Card

Parent Brag and Boast Sheet

Student Brag Sheet – I’m a Star Student

Technology Training Invitation

Daily Sign-in sheet

Workshop Sign-in sheet

Patron Statistic Summary

Topics for Parent Training/Workshop

“Sunshine Elementary” proudly invites parents to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony for thenew

Parent Resource Center

Our Parent Resource Center provides a place for parents to gather information to take home and assist their children. Our focus is to work together as partners to increase student achievement.

Meet our Parent Resource Center staff and learn about materials that may be beneficial to you and your child.

See our wide variety of books, games, puzzles and activities that you may check out to use with your child at home.

See our calendar of parent trainings and family involvement events.




Time: ______

Bring Your Child

Refreshments will be served!

Dear Teachers,

The Parent Resource Center (PRC) is open! The Parent Resource Center is a place that benefits parents, students and teachers in their support of student learning. Please take the time to browse what is available for parents to check out. We are located in Room Number _____ and we are open from ____A.M. to ____ P.M., Mondays through Fridays.

Having a parent-teacher conference soon? As you conduct your conference you can suggest resourcesthat are available to assist with the areas of concern. Parents can check-out games, flash cards, activities, puzzles, and more to reinforcement skills, practice, and learn new content strategies.

Encourage parents to visit the Parent Resource Center for information and materials often. Trainings will be provided to help you become familiar with the center. When teachers get excited about the Parent Resource Center others will follow. Educational excitement can be contagious!

Take a walk, stroll or run to the Parent Resource Center!

See you soon!


Name of the PRC staff and phone number


Teacher And Parent = Student Success

Thank you for attending our Parent-Teacher Conference. Please take the time to visit our Parent Resource Room to check-out a variety of materials that are available to help your child at home. The Parent Resource Center staff will guide you in your selection of educational materials.

Teacher Name: ______

Date and time of the Parent Teacher Conference: ______

TeacherRecommendations: ______

Please look for materials in the subject area of

  • Mathematics
  • Reading
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Other ______

Note: Please send this sheet to the PRC two (2) days before the scheduled parent-teacher conference.

Welcome to Our Parent Resource Center!

Themission of the Parent Resource Center is to empower parents as their child’s first teachers thus making them great partners in education and increase student achievement.

Please check-out the materials and resources for you to use with your child at home.

In every nook and cranny you will find materials that will interest you and your child. Stay awhile, get comfy, pull up a chair and learn.We are here to guide you in choosing materials and happy to assist you!

Hours of operation: Mondays-Fridays, ____ A.M. to ____ P.M.

We have parent opportunities such as:

Parent Trainings

Parent Demonstrations

“When parents are involved in education, children do better in schools, and schools get better too!”

Parent Resource Center Visitation Evaluation

  1. Thecenter is a welcoming environment.
  • Yes
  • No
  1. Thecenter’s hours of operation are flexible and convenient.
  • Yes
  • No
  1. The center providesmaterials I need tohelp my child.
  • Yes
  • No
  1. The Parent Resource Center staffis knowledgeable and assists me with selecting thematerials I need to help my child.
  • Yes
  • No
  1. My experience in the center has been a positive one.
  • Yes
  • No

Parent Resource Center Suggestion Card

I would like to make the following suggestions for the Parent Resource Center.



Parent Resource Center Suggestion Card

I would like to make the following suggestions for the ParentResource Center.


Parent Boast and Brag Sheet

Tell us about your positive experience in our Parent Resource Center!


I am a Star Student

My family and I use the Parent Resource Center!

Student Name: ______

Teacher: ______

Grade: ______

What I like best in the Parent ResourceCenter is:


These materials help me because:


Parent Technology Time!

Offering Important Technology Resources for Parents

Come to Sunshine Elementary to learn:

How to use the computer to help your child at home,

How to navigate educational websites, and

How the computer can provide helpful information for the entire family.

Location: Parent Resource Center



Other technology related services to parents:

Faxing of documents and making copies of school related materials

Parent Name & Phone Number
Student Name/ Grade Level
Parent Name/Phone Number
Student Name/Grade Level
Follow Up – Parent Check-Out
Total / June / May / April / March / February / January / December / November / October / September / August / Month
# of ReferralReceived
Faculty Circulation
Parent Circulation
Student Circulationnn
Number of Visitors

Parent Resource Center

Teacher PRC Material Referral

School: ______

Please fill-out this referral sheet and advise the parent/guardian to visit the Parent Resource Center. The PRC staff will prepare the recommended materialswithin two (2) working days, if not sooner.

Student Name: ______Grade: ______

Teacher Name: ______Date: ______

Areas of Concern discussed with parent: ______

□ Enrichment□ Remediation inareas indicated below

Reading / Math / Other
□ Main Idea / □ Place Value / Science:
□ Author’s Purpose / □ Number Sense
□ Making Predictions / □ Addition / Writing:
□ Cause and Effect / □ Subtraction
□ Inferencing / □ Multiplication / Grammar:
□ Sequencing / □ Division
□ Compare and Contrast / □ Measurement
□ Context Clues / □ Estimation
□ Narrative Elements
(character, plot, setting,
problem/solution) / □ Time and Money / Spelling:
□ Geometry
□ Fractions

Based on data collected on: ______Instrument(s) used (attach copy): ______

Teacher Signature: ______Parent Signature: ______

Parent contact information:

Day time phone number: ______Home/Cell: ______

Address: ______

Language spoken at home: □ Spanish □ Haitian Creole Other: ______

To be completed by the Parent Resource Center Staff

Date: ______Parent Resource Staff: ______

Material(s)checked-out by: □ Mother □ Father □ Grandmother □ Grandfather

□ Student □ Sibling □ Other: ______

Topics for Parent Trainings/Workshops

Together We Can Make a Difference


Literacy: Learn ways to get your child excited about reading

Learn skills and strategies to build your child’s reading comprehension and vocabulary to achieve academic success. ______


Technology: Using technology to get what you want

Learn how to help your child with research, book reports and homework tools online to support academic success. ______


Math: Easy math concepts that you can do at home

Learn easy ways that you can share math concepts with your child. Prepare a recipe, measure ingredients, do step by step directions. Count and sort objects, prepare a graph, estimate the number of marbles in a jar then count the actual number and compare the results.


December or January

Writing: How to stimulate children to write

Learn ways that you can encourage your child to write. Writing can be fun! They can make their own story, help with a grocery list, make a postcard, write a letter to a friend, make a cartoon, make a bookmark, write a message to put in parent’s lunch, write an ending to a story, a poem or a song.


Parenting: The Role of the Father

Invite fathers to attend this session. Share information on how to support and motivate a father to be involved with his children. Share ways that dads can interact with homework.


Games: Family Game Night, a fun learning experience

Teach your child a new game! Teach the concepts of fair play and strategy building. ______


Meals: Preparing Healthy Meals on a budget

Teach parents about the four food groups and how to buy foods that are nutritious while on a budget. ______


Summer: Fun activities over summer vacation

Teach parents simple activities that they can do over the summer with their children. Inform them of free services that may be provided by local vendors and partners.