Minutes for VGA Committee meeting 23/11/2017

Meeting opened at 8:01pm

Attendees: Brooke, Dan, Tess, Clare, Shaun, Thien, Carolyn

Agenda Items


-Treasurers Report

Trophy’s- $110 - paid

Uniforms- $812 - paid to Covo

Money for volunteer presents - to be paid to Sam

$15967 - Total

$14665.88 - Term deposit

$130 - Balance - Statement Account

Change Signatories on account to Brooke’s position

-Allocation of roles for committee members

General members to think about roles

Roles/areas of responsibility:






Travel agent

Social media/web admin - Shaun has volunteered for this role

Other jobs that need to be done within VGA that you can think of?

-Victorian Uniforms

◦Update on progress of payment to Covo Sports - paid

◦Update on progress of invoices to members for uniform costs

Brooke to send lists of uniform sales

-VGA Bank Accounts

◦ Update on change of signatories - in AGM minutes

◦Update on Bendigo Bank account - in AGM minutes

-Calendar Proposal

Need to find out how regular players are playing? And whether they want it to be more competitive/more social/keep current format 4 one day comps/less serious/social, other weeks- fixed teams/more serious/competitive? Fixed teams or not?

Shaun to put a poll on fb, Tess to send an email version of poll

Poll will inform decision on calendar

If its decided to have fixed teams - we should have team captains

captains send out emails each week/before winter league to see if players are interested/availabity

Push all league weeks back one week

24 March will be come and try day

Tess to contact WA, SA about border clash

Dan to make calendar with proposed changes

-Committee Meeting Schedule

Brooke to set dates and Dan to put committee meetings in calendar

-Registration Form

make changes and finalise in gdoc

gdoc to be confirm next meeting comments before then

-Contact Database

Look at list - everyone

-Equipment and Storage

◦ Update on storage at Vision Australia - Sam is trying to get access by end of year

◦ Update on access cards for Vision Australia

-Fee Structure-

define ages - next meeting

-Local League Structure (Bylaws) Review - dan to email new copy as people could not open the last one

-Starter Kit

-State Uniform Review

-Local League Uniform Review



◦ Trivia Night - Caz to follow up GM17 committee -

14 Dec tentative date for meeting with GM17 and VGA reps (Dan, Caz)

Meeting Closed: 9:59pm

Next Meeting: Thursday 21 December 2017


Caz - Money for volunteer presents - to be paid to Sam

Caz - Change Signatories on account to Brooke’s position

Dan, Shaun, Clare, Thien - General members/VP to think about roles they would like to take on - see list above

Brooke - send lists of uniform sales to Caz for invoices

Caz/Brooke - change of signatories/Bendigo Bank account details - in AGM minutes

Shaun to put a poll on Facebook

Tess to send an email version of poll

Tess to contact WA, SA about border clash/Crestani Cup

Dan to make calendar with proposed changes

Brooke to set dates for committee meetings

Dan to put committee meetings in calendar

Everyone - last comments to be made on rego form gdoc before next meeting

Everyone - look a list on contact database

Brooke/Sam - to get access cards for VA storage

Dan - to resend Local League Structure (Bylaws) doc - some people could not open it

Caz - to follow up GM17 committee - propose meeting with VGA reps

Caz, Dan - attend meeting with GM17 committee