RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 2017-18 GROUPS 13,14,15,16 FROM29.05.2018 – 15. 06.2018

T5 / Tuesday
29. MAY / Wednesday
30. MAY / Thursday
31. MAY / Friday
Overwiev of respiratory diseases. Introduction to the subject Respiratory diseases (Košnik) / BIOFIZIKA
Lung infections (Osolnik) / BIOFIZIKA
Lung tumours (ethiopatogenesis, clinical presentation, simptoms and signs, prognosis) (Terčelj)
9 / Pathophysiology of breathing (PAFI) (F. Bajrovič ) / Interstitial lung diseases (Osolnik) / Diagnostics of lung tumours ( Marc )
Pharmacology of cough (M. Lipnik-Štangelj ) / Sarcoidosis, EABA, IFA, asbestos (Terčelj/Osolnik) / Pleural effusion (Rozman)
11 / Pharmacolog of medications for airway diseases. Inhaled therapy and inhalation devices (M. Lipnik-Štangelj ) / Tutorial: Imaging in respiratory diseases(R Zbačnik ) / Clinical practice UKC 6th floor group »2« (2 hours)
12 / Imaging methods in respiratory diseases(Zbačnik) / Clinical practice UKC 6th floor group »1« (2 hours)
13 / Lung function tests (FLEŽAR)
T6 / Monday
4 JUNE / Tuesday
5 JUNE / Wednesday
6 JUNE / Thursday
7 JUNE / Friday
8 / Oxygen treatment, LTOT, noninvasive ventilation (Šarc/ Prestor) / MALA PRED. MF
Hyper and hypoventilationsyndrome, sleep related breathing disorders(Fležar) / BIOFIZIKA
Surgery of chest wall, diaphragma and mediastinum mediastinuma ( Sok ) / BIOFIZIKA
Tests for sleep related breathing disorders
(Ziherl) / BIOFIZIKA
Health effects of cigarette smoking(ZIDARN)
9 / Clinical practice Golnik
Groups 13,14,15,16 (4 ure) / Interpretation of lung function tests (Topole) / Thoracic injuries (Greif / Pulmonary arterial hypertension(Salobir ) / Airway diseases. Owerview. (definition, etiopathogenesis, clinical presentations, symptomsand signs)(M Zidarn)
10 / Clinical practice UKC 6th floor group »3« (2 hours) / Surgical treatment of pleurel diseases (Štupnik) / Clinical practice UKC 6th floor group »4« (2 hours) / Asthma and work related asthma(Škrgat)
11 / Surgical treatment of lung cancer( Štupnik ) / COPD (Šarc)
12 / Paralel:
Tutorial: Skupina 13,14, 15,16
Lung function testing
TutorialSkupina 13,14, 15,16
Inhalation therapy (Kadivec)
Imaging Skupina 13,14, 15,16
(Požek) / TutorialSURGERY (15):
Skupina 13
Surgery: Grand round, respiratory physiotherapy, postoperative analgesia (Gomzi, Gorjup, Sok) / TutorialSURGERY(15):
Skupina 14
Pneumothorax. Pleural puncture and drainage. (Štupnik)
13 / Tutorial(15):
Skupina 14
Surgery: Grand round, respiratory physiotherapy, postoperative analgesia (Gomzi, Gorjup, Sok) / Tutorial(15):
Skupina 13
Pneumothorax. Pleural puncture and drainage (Štupnik)
T7 / Monday
11 JUNE / Tuesday
12 JUNE / Wednesday Surgery
13 JUNE / Thursday
14 JUNE / Friday
Respiratory failure I (Fležar) / PREDAVALNICA 2 UKC
Terminal lung diseases
9 / Tutorial: Blood gas analysis (Fležar) / Terminal lung diseases
10 / Tuberculosis(Svetina) / Clinical practice UKC 6th floor group »6« (2 hours) / VELIKA PREDAVALNICA MF
Breast surgery (Snoj) / Clinical practice UKC 6th floor group »7« (2 hours) / Clinical practice UKC 6th floor group »8« (2 hours)
11 / Clinical practice UKC 6th floor group »5« (2 hours) / Lung transplantation (Turel )
12 / Tutorial(15): Skupina 15
Surgery: Grand round, respiratory physiotherapy, postoperative analgesia (Gomzi, Gorjup, Sok) / Tutorial: Skupina 16
Surgery: Grand round, respiratory physiotherapy, postoperative analgesia (Gomzi, Gorjup, Sok)
13 / Tutorial Skupina 16
Surgery: Grand round, respiratory physiotherapy, postoperative analgesia (Gomzi, Gorjup, Sok) / Tutorial Skupina 15
Pneumothorax. Pleural puncture and drainage. (Štupnik) (krg)

EXAM:monday, 18th June

The exam is from 10-11 in the big lecture hall of the Faculty of Medicine (Korytkova street)

APPLY THROUGH THE VIS SYSTEM!!! On time application in the VIS is mandatory!!!