2011 Broken Arrow Relay For Life
Team Captain Meeting

March 10, 2011

Immanuel Lutheran Church of Broken Arrow

5:45 p.m.

I. Welcome - Wendy Auten

II.  ACS Moment – Ron Whitaker

III.  Team Information – Wendy Auten

·  Tee Shirt Information *

o  There has been some confusion about the t-shirts this year. They have always been the $100 incentive prize but it was never really followed. In an effort to cut down on ordering too many shirts as in previous years and to cut down on overhead, ACS is having everyone follow the Incentive Prize levels. When a member of your team reached $100 in fundraising or those teams who raise $100 or more per team member will receive the tee shirt. Shirts will be ordered for all those who achieve this level by April 28th and they will receive the shirt before the Relay event. If you turn in your money and achieve the $100 level after that, you will receive your tee shirt either at Relay or at the Wrap Up Meeting, depending on when you reach that level.

o  Many questions have been raised about the registration and commitment fee and what they are for if not for the tee shirts. The registration and commitment fee have not been used totally in the past to pay for the tee shirts, although they did do that in part. Actually, the vast majority of this money goes to help pay for all of the expenses associated with the event--ranging from the materials the ACS provides such as Team Captain packets, Team Captain gifts, etc. There are also several expenses associated with the event and this helps to offset some of those expenses that we are not able to get underwriting for. Not only that, the registration is also a sign of your commitment to the event--showing that you are willing to commit yourself monetarily to the event as well as ask others to do so.

IV. Updates and Reports - Terri Roush

·  Applebee’s success

o  We had a great turnout of both patrons and help. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the Applebee’s staff was great. 114 tickets were redeemed but Applebee’s only charged us for 100 tickets.

o  Total amount collected in ticket sales, tips, and donations equaled $1,067.00; Applebee’s was paid $185.00; We have a total profit from the Applebee’s fundraiser of $882 at this point.

o  There are still some tickets checked out to people that have not been turned in. If you or your team members have any tickets or money from ticket sales still outstanding, please contact Terri Roush at

·  Enjoy Local

o  The contract on the first round of cards distributed is about up. Please contact Terri Roush with all card sale proceeds, to turn cards in, and to check out cards.

o  We have signed a second contract and received additional cards but the money collected for these cards needs to be turned in as often as possible.

o  At this point we have contracts for 275 cards and will receive $2,062.50 if all of these cards are sold as we receive half of the $15 that we are selling them for.

o  Currently 32 cards have been sold and money turned in.

o  If you have money that needs to be turned in for these cards, you need to check out cards to sell, or you would like to turn in cards you have not sold please contact Terri Roush at

·  Warehouse Market

o  Remember to keep all your Warehouse Market receipts. These receipts can be turned in at the Team Captains Meetings. Relay for Life of Broken Arrow will receive 1% of each receipt.

V.  Fundraising Made Easy – Jami Sullins

·  On-Site fundraising is going to be strongly encouraged this year.

·  Jami will be keeping track of all on-site fundraisers as well as the silent and live auction.

·  The auction baskets work best if they are themed. If you have something that doesn’t really fit with your auction basket, still bring it in and Jami can possibly fit it in with another basket. Bring all baskets to bank night.

·  On-site fundraising examples were given such as selling pizza slices, VIRGIN frozen margaritas (remember this is a non-alcoholic event), lap tracker necklaces, marshmallow shooters, popcorn. There will be a sign-up sheet for your on-site fundraiser at the next t.c. meeting so that everybody will not be doing the same thing.

·  Examples of general fundraising were discussed. Some examples included: bunko, golf ball drop, no bake bake sale, desert sale, Texas Hold ‘Em tournament, etc.

VI.  Corporate Sponsorship - Rhonda Bennett

·  If you have any connections or contacts with any businesses, please check with them about sponsorships or forward that information to Rhonda. We are starting to have sponsorships come in.

VII. Questions - Concerns

Next Team Captain Meeting: Thursday, April 7th 5:45 p.m.

Dates to Remember:

Bank Night – TShirts Delivered BA Relay for Life Event -

Thursday, May 27 Friday and Saturday, June 3 & 4

5:15 p.m. - Immanuel Lutheran Church 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

Broken Arrow South Intermediate Track

Questions? Contact one of us & we can help!

Pam McLeod Team Captain Coordinator (918) 810-3428

Wendy Auten Team Captain Coordinator (918) 258-4580

Danielle Roush Event Chair (918) 857-6333

Blair Lemon Event Vice Chair (918) 812-8348 JulieDavis ACS Staff Partner (918) 477-5411