Consolidated Version
Updated to May 25, 2013
The LPCBC Women’s Commission subscribes to the fundamental rights and freedoms of persons under the rule of law and commits itself to the protection of these essential values and their constant adaptation to the changing needs of modern Canadian society.
(adapted from the LPCBC 2011 constitution)
The name of the organization shall be the British Columbia Women’s Liberal Commission (the BCWLC or the “Commission”)
The purpose of the Commission shall be:
a)to provide a forum for women to promote a better and more equitable society by developing an awareness of political issues and policies among Canadian women;
b)to increase the active participation of women in the Liberal Party of Canada in BC and the Liberal Party of Canada;
c)to advocate and support Liberal philosophies, principles, and policies.
The general objectives of the Commission shall be:
a)to initiate and coordinate the activities of women as a group in the Liberal Party;
b)to provide a forum and act as a lobbying body for the ideas and programs of concern to women in the Liberal Party;
c)to provide a support body for women in the Liberal Party;
d)to further the political education of women;
e)to promote, organize, and support the active participation of women in the political process at the federal level.
The Commission shall be a Member Association of the Liberal Party of Canada in BC and a member organization of the Liberal Party of Canada.
In this Constitution and Bylaws, the following words have the meanings indicated:
“Accredited Affiliate” is an Affiliate or Club in good standing as defined by the Party and LPC constitutions.
“Affiliate” (also referred to as “Club”) means a group established in a particular area, or for a particular focus. The affiliate may be in an electoral district; cross a geographic region; or focus on a common interest or intent.
“Clear days” means the period of time of notice not including the day of the meeting/event.
“The Commission” means the British Columbia Women’s Liberal Commission.
“Executive” means the Table Officers and all other members as identified by the Commission constitution.
“ EDA” means a federal electoral district association, commonly referred to as a “Riding”.
“The Fund” means the Judy LaMarsh Fund.
“Member in good standing” means a member as defined by the LPC and LPCBC constitutions and the Commission’s constitution.
‘NWLC” means the National Women’s Liberal Commission.
“LPC” means the Liberal Party of Canada.
“LPCBC” means the Liberal Party of Canada in British Columbia.
“The Party” means the Liberal Party of Canada in British Columbia
“Table Officers” mean those elected members of the Commission Executive as defined by the Commission constitution.
- The Constitution and Bylaws of the Commission shall govern the operation of the Commission. Where they are silent or in contravention to the parent body, the Constitution and Bylaws of the Party and/or the LPC Constitution shall prevail.
- Whenever in these Bylaws any time limit is expressed as a number of days, days shall mean “clear days”.
- Unless otherwise indicated, number of days required for notification of meeting, events, etc. as identified in the constitution shall be as indicated in the Party constitution and bylaws.
- Any woman shall become a member of the Commission who:
a)is 14 years of age or over;
b)subscribes to the purpose and objectives of the Commission;
c)is a member in good standing of the Party (as per requirements of the LPCBC, LPC, and NWLC constitutions)
- A member shall have the right to appeal in writing to the Appeals Board in respect of:
a)an action by the Commission or the Commission Executive;
b)any irregularity in connection with a meeting of the Commission or an Affiliate or Club.
- Members of the Executive of the Commission shall:
a)whether elected or appointed, be members of the Party and the Commission;
b)be responsible to the general membership of the Commission; and
c)ensure compliance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Commission, the Party, and the LPC.
- The Executive shall be comprised of:
a)Table Officers (elected)
i)The President (who shall have served at least one year as an elected officer of the Commission or at least one year as President of an Affiliate or Club);
ii)Vice-President Fund Raising;
iii)Vice-President Communications;
iv)Vice-President Organization;
vi)Recording Secretary/Corresponding Secretary;
vii)Membership Chair; and
viii)Policy Chair;
b)Chairs of other Standing Committees;
c)Ex Officio
i)Immediate Past President of the Commission
ii) B.C. & Yukon Representative of the NWLC
d)President of each Affiliate or her representative;
e)Directors at Large;
f)The Commission representative on each Electoral District Association executive;
g)A representative each from the Aboriginal Commission; the Seniors’ Commission; the Youth Commission.
1. Elected:
c)Members of each elected Standing Committee shall be appointed by the Chair of the Committee in consultation with the President
2. Appointed
c)Any other committee deemed necessary by the Executive of the Commission
d)Chairs of appointed Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President of the Commission in consultation with the Executive; Members of each appointed Standing Committee shall then be appointed by the Chair of the committee in consultation with the President.
- Each Executive member shall:
a)carry out her duties as specified in the Bylaws;
b)maintain an annual record of her duties in a form that shall be passed to on to her successor;
c)if a Table Officer or Chair of a Committee, present a written report to the Annual General Meeting; and
d)If a Chair of a Committee, liaise with her NWLC Chair counterpart, as appropriate.
- The President shall:
a)call and preside at general meetings and meetings of the Executive;
b)appoint, in consultation with the Executive, a Commission representative to each Party Committee as required;
c)where there is no Affiliate, appoint, in consultation with the EDA President, a Commission representative to each EDA;
d)where there is an Affiliate, appoint, in consultation with the Affiliate Executive, a Commission representative to the federal EDA; and
e)represent the Commission on the Executive of the Party and the National Women’s Liberal Commission.
- The Vice-President Fundraising shall:
a)assume, on a rotating basis with other Vice-Presidents, the duties of the President when she is absent or unable to serve;
b)be responsible for the organization and supervision of fundraising activities sponsored by the Commission, either singly or in conjunction with other groups;
c)co-ordinate fundraising activities with the Affiliates;
d)present to the Annual General Meeting a statement of funds raised from these events and a statement of proposed fundraising goals for the following year; and
e)perform such other duties as deemed necessary from time to time by the Executive
- The Vice-President Communications shall:
a)assume, on a rotating basis with other Vice-Presidents, the duties of the President when she is absent or unable to serve;
b)be responsible for the preparation and distribution of news releases, official communications, pamphlets, publicity material and submissions, articles, and any other material determined by the Executive, required for any Party publication;
c)receive, in a timely manner, from the Nominating, Policy, and Constitution Chairs, such materials required for publication prior to the Annual General Meeting; and
d)perform such other duties as deemed necessary from time to time by the Executive
- The Vice-President Organization shall:
a)assume, on a rotating basis with other Vice-Presidents, the duties of the President when she is absent or unable to serve;
b)initiate and maintain an active program for organization which should include but not be limited to education about political and electoral organization;
c)maintain and expand the number of active Affiliates;
d)initiate and develop overall membership programs in consultation with the Membership Chair; and
e)perform such other duties as deemed necessary from time to time by the Executive
- The Treasurer shall:
a)deposit with the Party office, along with appropriate paperwork, all monies received and payable to the Commission [tax receipts will be issued by the party as appropriate];
b)authorize all payment of accounts on the approval of any two of the Treasurer, the President and designated Vice-President;
c)present the financial report to the Annual General Meeting;
d)ensure all accounting practices are in accordance with the financial policies and procedures of the Party;
e)meet all financial directives as per the Party constitution (Section 17)
- The Recording Secretary/Corresponding Secretary shall:
a)keep and present minutes of all meetings;
b)send notices of all meetings to those entitled to receive them;
c)receive and conduct all correspondence of the Commission;
d)report at each Executive meeting all correspondence received and sent; and
e)précis all important correspondence for inclusion in the minutes
- The Policy Chair shall:
a)encourage Affiliates to initiate and submit policy resolutions for consideration at the Annual General Meeting;
b)chair the meeting or session discussing policy resolutions;
c)initiate and oversee policy research;
d)organize and oversee the organization of discussion sessions, policy workshops, or conferences on issues of particular concern to women and/or the community at large; and
e)present to the Party Policy Chair the priority resolutions emanating from the Commission Annual General Meeting or policy workshops/sessions for inclusion in the Policy Plenary session of the Party Convention and/or Policy Conventions.
- The Membership Chair shall:
a)keep accurate, current files on all members of the Commission, to include names, addresses, telephone and additional electronic contact information, and a record of any position of responsibility to which each member has been elected or appointed;
b)keep an accurate list of all Affiliates, the date of their founding and the number of members;
c)ensure that a member voting at any meeting shall be a member in good standing;
d)ensure that a member seeking delegate status, election or appointment to the Executive shall be a member in good standing; and
e)present a credentials report to the chair, prior to any voting for Executive positions, delegates to any meeting or convention, constitutional amendments or policy resolutions.
- The Constitution Chair shall:
a)receive all proposals for amendment, supplement or repeal of the Commission Constitution and Bylaws;
b)send all amendments to every Commission member in good standing at least 13 days prior to the date of the meeting at which the amendments shall be discussed; and
c)chair the meeting or session discussing constitutional amendments or proposals.
- Other Committee Chairs shall operate as per the mandate of the committee as established by the Executive.
- The Commission Representative on EDA executive and Party committees shall act as a liaison between the Commission and her respective EDA and committee.
- Table Officers Meetings
Table Officers meetings of the Commission shall be held bi-monthly, with at least seven days’ notice to the members.
- Executive Meetings
Executive meetings of the Commission shall be held bi-monthly, with at least seven days’ notice to the members.
- Annual General Meeting
a)The Annual General Meeting shall be held once every calendar year, but no more than 15 months after the previous Annual General Meeting, for the purpose of tabling Executive Reports and electing Executive Officers for the following year.
b)The call to the Annual General Meeting shall go out to all Commission members at least 27 days prior to the day of the meeting. The manner of notice of meeting in a format and means in accordance with the Party or Commission constitution.
c)The names of the newly elected Officers shall be forwarded to the President of the National Women’s Liberal Commission and to the Party headquarters forthwith by the Recording Secretary.
- Special General Meeting
a)Notice of a Special General Meeting shall be given in a manner and format in accordance with the Party or Commission constitution to all members of the Commission at least 13 days prior to the day of the meeting. Such notice shall specify the date, place and time of the meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted.
b)10% of the Executive members or 10 percent of thegeneral members of the Commission in good standing may call a Special General Meeting.
- Quorum for Meeting
Quorum for Table Officers meeting shall be 50% of the Table Officers; quorum for full Executive meetings shall be 50% of the Table Officers of the full Executive.
- Only members in good standing of the Commission and Party shall be entitled to vote for or stand for election as:
a)an Executive Officer; or
b)a delegate to National and Party conventions; in accordance with the criteria of the Party and National constitutions
- Only members in good standing shall be entitled to vote for constitutional amendments and policy resolutions.
- A member is good standing shall be deemed to be:
a)one whose membership fees to the Party and LPC are current
b)one whose membership fees are paid up prior to the commencement of the meeting, providing that a paid up membership was held by the Party within 90 days prior to the day of the meeting; and
c)one who has paid new membership fees to the Party 41 days prior to the day of the Annual General Meeting or a Delegate Selection Meeting.
- The date of membership in the Party shall be that date such as membership is received at
Party Headquarters.
- National Conventions
a)The Commission and/or Affiliate must hold a delegate selection to select a delegate and alternative delegates to National Conventions at the time and in accordance with the procedures established by the LPC National Constitution.
b)Every member of the Commission or an Affiliate has the right to attend and vote at a Delegate Selection meeting if be selected as a delegate at a Delegate Selection Meeting if that members of that Affiliate if that member:
- is present at the meeting
- has been a member of the Party in good standing for the 41 days immediately preceding the meeting.
c)Every member of the Commission or an Affiliate has the right to be selected as a delegate at a Delegate Selection Meeting if that member:
- is present at the meeting or consents in writing to be a delegate
- has been a member of the Party in good standing for the 41 days immediately preceding the meeting.
d)The Affiliate President must hold its DSM 34 days prior to the convention. The number of days notification of notice and the manner of the notice shall be in accordance with the procedures established by the LPC National Constitution.
e)Each accredited Affiliate shall be entitled to select 2 delegates and any number of alternative delegates.
- Liberal Party of Canada in BC Convention
a)Every member of the commission or Affiliate has the right to attend and vote at a delegate selection meeting of the Commission or Affiliate if that member;
i. is present at the meeting
ii. has been a member in good standing for the 41 days immediately preceding the meeting
b)Every member of the commission or Affiliate has the right to stand as delegate at a delegate selection meeting of the Commission or Affiliate if that member;
i. is present at the meeting or consents in writing to be a delegate
ii. has been a member in good standing for the 41 days immediately preceding the meeting
c)The Commission President, at least 76 days before the convention and 27 days before the delegate selection meeting, shall notify all Commission members in good standing of the date of the delegate selection meeting. This notice is to be in the form and method prescribed by the Party Executive.
d)The President of an accredited Affiliate, at least 76 days before the convention and 27 days before the delegate selection meeting, shall notify all Affiliate members in good standing of the date of the delegate selection meeting. This notice is to be in the form and method prescribed by the Party Executive.
e)At least 48 days before the convention, the Commission and accredited Affiliates shall hold their delegate selection meetings. Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote if present in person at the delegate selection meeting and to seek delegate status.
f)If a member wishing Commission or Affiliate delegate status to a LPCBC convention is unable to be present in person at the delegate selection meeting, she may submit her name in writing prior to the meeting.
g)The Commission shall be entitled to select 25 delegates and any number of alternatives to attend a LPCBC convention and each accredited Affiliate shall be entitled to select 4 delegates.
h)At least 41 days before the convention, the Presidents shall submit to the Party Secretary a list of the names and addresses of the delegates and (where applicable) alternates and a signed certificate confirming the delegates were constitutionally elected.
The Constitution and Bylaws of the Commission may be amended at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present and entitled to vote, provided notice of the amendments has been presented in writing to the Constitution Chair 30 days prior to the meeting and circulated to all Commission members at least 13 days prior to the day of the meeting.
A special resolution shall require a 2/3 vote of those present and entitled to vote.
- An Affiliate may be established in an electoral district; cross a geographic region; or with a focus on a common interest or intent with ten (10) founding members.
- A member of an Affiliate shall be a member of the Commission and the Party.
- An Affiliate shall pass a Constitution and Bylaws governing its organization and procedures, such Constitution and Bylaws to include or be deemed to include all provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws, where appropriate, and shall not be inconsistent with this Constitution and Bylaws, the Party and NWLC constitutions.
- Each accredited Affiliate shall be entitled to elect two delegates to a National Convention provided that the Affiliate shall have:
a)held its founding meeting one year prior to the date of convention;