Yeadon Public Library

Café 3 Homework Nutrition Club Registration

Dear Parents and Guardians:

This letter contains important information about the Yeadon Public Library afterschool nutrition program, Cafe3 Homework Nutrition Club. Enrollment for our afterschool programs will take place from Tuesday, September 9, 2014,through Monday September 15th, 2014. Because there are limited afterschool seats, we encourage your child/children to enroll early. We can only guarantee seats to children that enroll prior to the first day of programming. Children may still apply after the first day.

Café 3 Homework Nutrition Club is an opportunity for students

to complete homework after school and receive a healthy meal. It is held

in the library. All meals are supplied by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Yeadon Public Library

Rules of Cafe3 Homework Nutrition Club:

1. You must sign in and out each day.

2. You must be in the library by 3:30 p.m.

3. You may not leave homework & nutrition club without permission from staff..

4. You must be working quietly.

5. No more than 4 students per table unlessinstructed by an advisor.

6. No food or drink from outside may be brought into Café 3 Homework NutritionClub.

7. You may not take food home or leave the library with food.

8. Clean your area and push in your chair priorto leaving.

9. All regular library rules apply.

10. This is a HOMEWORK NUTRITION Club – You must do homework, work on project, study or read.

If you are removed from homework club for anyviolation of these rules, you must call your parentbefore you leave and may not return until the library director speaks with a parent or guardian.

The nutrition component of the program consists of a healthy cold supper meal served to your child in the library.The cold supper menu includes items such as sandwiches, yogurt, fruit cups, hummus, 100% fruit juice, fresh fruit, and milk.

  • Turkey Sandwich on Wheat Bread
  • Strawberry Yogurt
  • Chicken Nuggets
  • Mixed Fruit Cup
  • Honey Roasted Sunflower Kernels
  • Orange Juice
  • Apple Juice
  • Raisin Bran
  • Animal Crackers
  • Peach Fruit Cup
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Fruit Juice
  • Milk
  • Please go over these rules with your child. Then both ofyou need to sign and date below before your child/children areallowed to attend Cafe3 Homework Nutrition club.

3:00 – 4:30






Parent: ______Printed Names:

Student: ______Parent______

Date: ______Student______

Emergency Contact:


Phone #______

Do your child/children have any food allergies? No__ Yes__

If yes, what foods is your child allergic too?

Contact: Director:

Richard E. Ashby, Jr.

Assistant Director: Darlene Walker

610- 623- 4090