Health & Safety Policy

Policy Updated September 2017

And due regard given to the Equalities Act

Health and Safety Policy

The provision of a safe secure environment is of the highest importance to Tuxford Academy. It recognises its duty of care for all students, employees and visitors and as policy it will comply with all statutory health and safety requirements.


·  The current school building was opened in 2007 and it fully complies with modern building regulations relating to materials, access, air circulation, fire control, sanitation, etc.

·  The site and building are leased from Transform Schools under a private finance contract and managed by Engie. The company is responsible for the maintenance and safety of all parts of the building including electric plugs and sockets, floor surfaces, fuel tanks and the fire alarm system. The company is also responsible for periodic testing and maintenance of all fire safety equipment including emergency lighting, fire extinguishers, the sprinkler system and alarm system. All maintenance logs must be completed in compliance with regulations.

·  Removal of hazards is the highest priority and Engie (or its successor) is responsible for identifying, isolating and removing potential dangers such as wet floors, loose cables, and accumulations of litter, uneven flagstones and obstructions to exits.

·  The academy is responsible for using the site and buildings safely, for assessing risk and for establishing and implementing a comprehensive range of Health and Safety controls and procedure. The Academy Board and Academy Director are responsible for ensuring compliance with all regulations and procedures.

·  The Associate Leader Capital Services and Associate Leader Student Services are responsible for liaising with Engie (or its successor) and the Academy Board on H&S issues. They have specific responsibility for implementing and monitoring health and safety compliance for fire, first aid and educational visits and a general responsibility to keep the Academy Director aware of any Health and Safety concerns.

·  The Associate Leader Capital Services has the responsibility for co-ordinating planning for critical incidents including emergency evacuation and fire procedures. He arranges termly fire drills and works with marshals and monitors to produce evaluations.

·  A formal site inspection is conducted annually by the Associate Leader Capital Services, the Governor responsible for Health and Safety and Engie to identify potential hazards. Representatives of staff associations are welcome to accompany them on the inspection. The control of any hazards identified will be a priority.

·  All teams (Faculties, Colleges and Sections) should designate a member of staff to be responsible for coordination and supervision of Health and Safety for the team.

·  Faculties must carry out risk assessments of all activities and provide clear written details of all hazards and control measures. Faculties with specific health and safety issues i.e. Science, Technology and PE must regularly review and update all health and safety arrangements in their areas.

·  Science technicians are responsible for complying with all regulations and professional guidelines for the safe handling and storage of chemicals.

·  The academy should appoint a person or persons to be responsible for first aid.

·  Transport hired, operated and owned by the school should comply fully with Department of Transport and staff are informed of their role in operating it safely.

·  School trips are planned, risk assessed, supervised and monitored to comply fully with DfE and Notts LA regulations.

·  Emergency evacuation of the building is practised termly and evaluation reports are prepared for staff.

·  Every member of staff has a responsibility to be vigilant in identifying potential hazards – and in reporting these to the Associate Leader Capital Services or Engie representative on site as soon as possible.

·  Strangers on site should be challenged by staff and their presence should be reported to a member of Leadership Team without delay.


·  All staff should receive health and safety awareness training for fire, using computers, lifing and handling, etc. A fire drill is held every term.

·  The designated first aider will arrange training for colleagues. Individual support staff will be encouraged to achieve first aid at work qualification and teachers who regularly run educational visits will be encouraged to have a basic first aid qualification.


·  The Associate Leader Capital Services will review the school’s fire and bus park risk assessments annually.

·  Heads of faculties are responsible for assessing the health and safety risks of their subject area. PE, Science and Technology should monitor assessments of practical lessons.

·  Trip organisers will need specific risk assessments approved by the Academy Director before every trip


·  The academy is responsible for arranging insurance cover for all activities and people to the same level and standard as the NCC insurance scheme.


·  All accidents and injuries will be recorded, reported and investigated as appropriate. The designated first aider is the person responsible for Riddor/Oshens reports and she should refer incidents for investigation as needed.

Signed...... Chair of Governors


H&S Policy 2017