Laurentian Hills Public Library Board Minutes

Sept 15th, 2016

Called to order at 7:08 pm

Attended: Jeannie Tilson, Gail Irvin , Anne Giardini, Megan Durant, Scott Jones and John Hoyle

Absent: Wendy Holland

Adaptation of Minutes from June 9th, 2016

Motion: GailSeconded: AnneCarried

Business Arising

Booktree Update

The book tree is complete. Just needs to be assembled and put into the ground

John showed the board a sample of the wooden doors he has built and photographs of the booktree

Anne suggested amalgamating the book tree project with the town’s natural revitalization of Anne Crossanpark. (agreed to do at previous meeting). Anne to speak to CAO about amalgamating.

Petawawa Glass may donate plexi glass for the booktree

Risk Assessment

CEO asked by board to put chime into current alarm system at Chalk River

Scott is to talk to Candice about risk assessment updateand how the changes have affected her work.

Scott to talk to CAO/Fire Chief about necessity of front door exit sign in Chalk River

New Business

Scott informed board that the Annual Survey had been completed. He will show an example of Annual survey to board at next meeting

Scott informed board of Service Ontario At the Library Grant. $425/branch for supplies/technology to help users with Service Ontario

Scott Informed the Board about submission of Angus Mowat Award for work done with programming at Chalk River.

Scott asked to attend both the OLS-North Conference in Sudbury and CEO’s meeting in Renfrew. Permission granted

Connectivity Fund is being cut by the Ontario Government

It is stable till end of the year, but unknown status after 2016

Email to town/council

Anne motion to go into camera, Megan seconded

Megan out of Camera, Anne Seconded


Anne motion to accept decision in camera, Gail seconded


Financial Report

Motion to accept: Gail, Seconded: Anne

Librarians Report

Chalk River has seen a dramatic increase in usage and circulation since last summer.

Summer Students ran an excellent Reading Program at both branches, we hope to see them back next year

June Puppet show went well. Maureen and Scott did Benjy the Bunny puppet show, hope to do another one for this winter.

Summer cleanup of Pt. Alexander went well, lifted books off bottom shelf and cleaned up Non-fiction sections

Motion to accept: Anne, Seconded: Megan

Date of Next Meeting

Oct 20th, 2016 at Chalk River

