DATE:August 6, 2008

TO:Sherry Hendrix & Jon Briggs

FROM:Janice Ellis, Personnel Office

RE:Notes from Banner Break Out with Jon Briggs

  • Building the System

We need to determine the different monthly payrolls, such as regular, supplemental, work study, adjunct. Then, we will need to determine the pay periods. For example, the pay period starts the first day of the month and ends the last day of the month. Employees are paid the last working day of the month.

  • Classified

Non-exempt employees

No degree required


Technical Paraprofessional


  • Adjunct/Overload

Irregular payroll. They are paid the middle and end of the semester—October & December for the fall semester, and March & May for the spring semester.

  • Faculty

Faculty can elect 10 pay or 12 pay. Since the new fiscal year starts on July 1, the current system requires that the budget be left open in order to pay the June and July paychecks. It may be better and cleaner to do a deferred pay, in which part of each of their first ten paychecks would be deferred, then this amount would be paid during the eleventh and twelfth month. This would be helpful as well in the event that a faculty member leaves during the term. It would make is easier to calculate their final pay.

  • Speech Camp

This is a special situation, that occurs once a year in July. It is in the Communications Department and involves about 100 people.

  • Retroactive Pay Raises

In August or September, if the Board of Regents approves pay raises, there is a retroactive paycheck issued for the pay raise retroactive to July 1. This involves most of the regular employees with the exception of new employees and people with inadequate evaluations.

Stipends are one time payments or bonuses.

  • In Banner anything that reduces pay is a deduction. Anything that increases pay is a benefit.


TaxesTravel Allowance


United WayBonus


Reimbursement to CameronUniversity

  • Payroll ID

Top of the Banner Pyramid

This is a 2 character code for each payroll.

M1—everyone paid the end of the month.

M2—everyone paid the 10th of the month.


  • Employee Class

In Banner, this is the backbone of the system.



Part-timePart-timePart-time (salary)

AdjunctPart-time (hourly)



Work Study

  • Position Class


Vice President

Clerical 1,2,3,4

  • Position

Specific job (not the person)

There is one position for every full-time employee. Example: Vice President of Academic Affairs, Division Secretary for the Personnel Office


Pay ID (Table)

when they are paid

Employee Class (Table) Person

Example-AdministrativeBanner will create ID

Personal record-name, birth date, address, citizenship

Only one person record no matter how many positions are held.

Position Class (Table) Employee

Labor/Distribution Banner will keep records-info will not be Defaults to Job budget on employee screen

Change labor/distribution Active Status

when you change salary Current Hire Date

Original Hire Date—could use for date they started to accumulate retirement benefits

Adjusted Service Date—date on which leaves and vacation are calculated

Seniority Date—could be used for history—prior service, retirement, service awards

Benefit Category

Leave Category

Service Date


Example-VP for Academic Affairs



Labor Distribution or Budget for Job


All information flows into payroll so a paycheck can be issued.



Banner will have security protocols so that access can be granted for only certain parts of the system. For example, someone might have access to put person information into the system, but would not have access to employee screens.

You will not get an error message if your entry puts you over budget as this would not allow you to override. You will get a warning that you are going over budget. You will still be allowed to do it.

During the Discovery phase, Jon will be trying to determine what we need. After the Discovery phase, there will be six overviews. Jon will set up a sample database and show us examples. Each overview will be about two hours long and will allow us to see how it actually works. After the overviews, we will go over the good and bad aspects of the system.

Next, will be the Introduction to the system, then the test system and setting up screens. This phase will require longer training sessions.

We will be able to connect with a virtual classroom by logging onto SUNGARD’s website. There will also be Workbooks on the database that you can download.

  1. Pre-Work

Banner “Bible” is the HR user manual. It is 2500-2600 pages long. Our pre-work will be to review the topically relevant chapters.

  1. Banner Navigational Training CBT

This will train us in navigating the Banner System.

  1. Agenda Topics
  2. Recording person data in Banner
  3. Recruiting a candidate
  4. Hiring a new employee
  5. Post Training Client Assignments

Note taker in every classroom session.

Review task log.

Keep track of milestones that are completed.

To access Banner screens, you will need to use a seven character code that stands for the screen. To obtain this number, you will need to refer to the RULE & VALIDATION TABLES. On going maintenance of the system is done by tables.

Jon will return the second week of September for three days to finish the Discovery phase.