Society Position Qualifications


A candidate for region governor must:

1. Be a voting member of the Society in good standing;

2. Be assigned to that region as a member of one of the professional sections or as a professional member at large; and

3. Have served at least two years in the aggregate as a professional member of the senate, professional section or members at large president, professional section or members at large representative, or region officer, except that one year as either a collegiate senator or collegiate representative may be counted toward this requirement.


The senator must be a voting member of the Society in good standing.Professional Senator is a 2 year term, while the Region Collegiate Senator (RCS) is only a 1 year term.

Professional senator responsibilities include:

  • Charting the strategic direction of SWE by developing and adopting long-range goals for SWE
  • Developing statements of external policy on issues or positions that have broad implications for the professional environment and the Society as an organization
  • Conducting essential dialogue on long-term trends and issues of common interest
  • Establishing policies on the use and restrictions of contingency funds
  • Approving changes toSociety bylaws
  • Attendingsenate andregion meetings, including teleconferences
  • Being the voice of the region on the senate
  • Keeping the region council informed of senate activities and decisions

***All collegiate positions require 2 years in SWE and a current paid member, good academic standing, interest in SWE at region level, and ability to travel (Annual conferences travel and registration fees).

Region Collegiate Senator (RCS):

In addition to the requirements above, the region collegiate senator must have attended a region or annual conference and held a section/region/society leadership position in SWE.

  1. Chartering the strategic direction and adopting long-range goals;

2.Serve as the collegiate representation at all senate and region meetings; and

3.Work with RCR to coordinate the submittal of quarterly reports from the collegiate sections.

Region Collegiate Representative (RCR):

1.Represent the collegiate members of the region at region council meetings;

2.Preside at region collegiate membership meetings;

3.Coordinate the submittal of quarterly reports from the collegiate sections; and

4.Perform other duties incident to the office of RCR as described in the Society procedures and region governance documents.

Region Collegiate Communications Editor (RCCE):

1.Assume the duties of RCR if a representative is temporarily unable to serve;

2.Manage the region’s collegiate communications media;

3.Have an up-to-date roll of the collegiate section presidents at all meetings of the collegiate members; and

4.Perform other duties incident to the office of RCCE as described in the Society procedures and region governance documents.

Region Position Qualifications

Lt. Governor:

The lieutenant governor must meet the same eligibility requirements as the governor.

Secretary, Treasurer, and Region Nominating Committee Chair:

The secretary, treasurer, and region nominating committee chair must be voting members of the Society in good standing.

Petition Process

Between Feb 1st and Feb 20th, any qualified individual may petition to be accepted on the slate within this time period, provided the following four conditions are met:

1) The member is eligible for the position;

2) The member has given written consent to being placed on the ballot;

3) A minimum of two percent of the voting members of the region have signed a petition or endorsed an e-mail to place the candidate’s name on the ballot with no more than half of the signatures or endorsements having been made from any one professional section or the members at large; and

4. The petition, together with the written consent, is submitted to the nominating committee prior to February 20.

The finalized slate must be submitted to national no later than March 1st. There are no exceptions or extensions granted for this part of the process. Once all of the Society slates have been finalized, the ballot will be issued to the membership. This includes the Region Collegiate positions.

Additional Notes

For all collegiate positions, please provide your name, member number, contact information, and a candidate statement that highlights your qualifications. Some additional questions to consider as part of the statement are: What does SWE mean to you?, Why do you want to be RCR/RCCE/RCS?, If elected, what would your top 3 goals for the position be?

For all positions flowing to the national ballot please provide a biography and a photograph.