Graded Work#_____

Acids and Bases Test Review

Be sure to read the notes and complete both worksheets!

1. List 5 properties of acids and 5 properties of bases. Be able to distinguish between Arrhenius and Bronsted-Lowry definitions of acids and bases.

2. Define the following in terms of pH, pOH, [H+], and [OH-]:

a. neutral solution b. acidic solution c. basic solution

3. Define the following terms: a. Hydronium ion b. Arrehenius acid and base c. Bronsted-Lowry acid and base

d. Conjugate acid e. Conjugate base f. Strong acids f. Concentrated acids g. Weak acids

4. Identify the conjugate base of the following: H2O______, NH4+______,HSO4-______, HPO42-______

5. Identify the conjugate acid of the following: SO3-2______,NO3-1______,H2PO4-1______

6. If a solution has a hydroxide concentration of 4.3 x 10-7, find a. pH______, pOH______, and [H+]______

7. Calculate the [H+] in the following: pH = 8.50______, pOH = 3.50______, [OH-] = 3.2 x 10-6 M______

8. The products of a neutralization reaction are ______and ______.

9. Write balanced equations and net ionic equations for the following reactions.

a. sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide

b. phosphorous acid and calcium hydroxide

Calculating the pH of Strong Acids and Bases (do not use RICE)

10. What is the pH of 0.75 M hydrochloric acid solution?

11. What is the pH of a 3.75 M sodium hydroxide solution?

12. Find the pH of a strong base that has an [OH-] of 1.0 x 10-9 M.

13. What is the concentration of lithium hydroxide if the pH is 12.05?

14. A solution has a pH of 8.5. What is the [H+]? What is the [OH-] ?


15. What is the molarity of NaOH if 45.0 mL of it are neutralized by 25.0 mL of a 1.5 M solution of sulfuric acid?

16. How many mL’s of 0.65 M HCl must be added to 35.0 mL of l.00 M KOH to neutralize the solution and have a pH of 7.00?

17. What is the molarity of LiOH if 45.0 mL of it are required to neutralize 75.0 mL of a 0.80 M solution of phosphoric acid?

18. How many mL’s of 0.45 M HCl would it take to neutralize 100. mL of 0.70 M ammonium hydroxide?

Calculating the pH of Weak Acids and Bases (use RICE)

19. What is the pH of 0.75 M solution of ammonia, NH3 (Kb = 1.8 x 10-5)?

20. What is the pH of l.35 M solution of benzoic acid, C6H5COOH (Ka = 6.3 x 10-5)?

21. Calculate the pH of a 2.35 x l0-4 M solution of acetic acid. (Ka of acetic acid = l.8 x l0-5)

Calculating the [H+] and [OH-] using Kw

22. The molarity of a KOH solution is 4.5X10-2M. Use Kw to determine the hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion concentrations in this solution.

23. Use Kw to determine the hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion concentrations in a solution that is 2.0X10-4M H2SO4.

Identifying Reaction Types

Predict the products and balance the equations for the following reactions. Assume reactants that are compounds are in a solution (aqueous). Identify the type of reaction (acid-base, precipitation, or oxidation-reduction).

24. Ca(OH)2 + HCl →

25. calcium and nitrogen react

26. calcium chloride and potassium phosphate react

TAKS Review Questions:

1. What is the reason that tap water will conduct electricity but pure water will not?

A Pure water has nonpolar bonds. B Tap water has dissolved ions. C Pure water has a neutral pH. D Tap water has a lower density.

2. Two clear solutions are placed in separate beakers. The first solution has a pH of 4, and the pH of the second solution is unknown. If the two solutions are mixed and the resulting pH is 5, the second solution must have —

A fewer suspended solids B a lower temperature C more dissolved salt (NaCl) particles D a higher concentration of OH– ions

3. Bathwater normally has electrolytic behaviors even though distilled water does not. This is because bathwater —

A contains isotopes of hydrogen B has been heated C is separated into H+ and OH– ions D contains dissolved minerals