Farm Based Training
Potatoes South Africa has been actively involved assisting Farming communities and producers with the implementation of social projects and skills training interventions. There are many Producers who have in isolation, been participating in training through established networks and training providers. All of the above are recognised and applauded. However some of the training that have occurred in isolation was provider driven instead of a demand driven approach, thus the training wasn’t focused and in many instances the target group was incorrectly identified.
Background / Goal / Process/ Undertaking
A substantial group of producers have indicated their interests and support through the Baseline study that was conducted. A comment shared by all is that they simply don’t have the time to do all the paper work and to source the correct expertise.
We believe that the establishment of Hubs throughout the Country will add value to both the Producer and Transformation in this sub-sector. / ToincreasetheeconomicvalueaddedofemployeesinthePotatoIndustrythroughbest-practice HumanResourceDevelopment(HRD),skillsdevelopment,EEand Genderpolicies.Akeyelementwillbetoidentifythecriticalskills, retainandcreatequalityemploymentinthesector. /
  • Assist potato farmers busy with transformation projects in supplying proper training for their trustees and shareholders.
  • Uplift the skill of farm workers focussing on decision making and the understanding of their role.
  • Assist developing potato farmers with technical and business skills to enable them to farm profitably
  • Establish a culture of training and development in the mentioned areas
  • Improve the quality of potato production by improving the knowledge base of those producing the potatoes.
  • Develop the employees and ensure sustainability and Good Agricultural Practices.
  • Train and develop management skills
  • Develop farmers to work more effectively and efficiently.

Tertiary Skills Development Pipeline
Potatoes South Africa’s transformation strategy addresses a critical issue –support of BEE business development and skills development for all individuals in the potato Industry. During this year our Transformation Division launched a Bursary programme that intends developing the skills of young farmers in the potato industry through Tertiary Skills Development Pipeline.
Background / Goal / Process
The pipeline involves identifying talent within existing potato enterprises and developing their farming skills through tertiary education at agricultural colleges resulting in the acquisition of an agricultural diploma and the resultant skills.
The new enterprises and empowerment partnership businesses across the country that produce potatoes are making great strides in terms of production. However there are skills gaps within the farming enterprises that need to be addressed in order to build the sustainability of these businesses /
  1. To develop the technical capacity for the potato farming enterprise by offering bursaries to deserving talent from the enterprise who want to become farmers
  2. To develop these students from the farming enterprise to acquire technical tertiary education and come back to add value to the business
  3. To select outstanding second year students
  4. To further enhance their skills through internships and workplace experience programmes
  1. Consult with the enterprises and farmers regarding the plans
  2. Identification and selection of students by end of November 2008 (The students will either be selected from existing potato producing enterprises at second year level at the college)
  3. Recommendation to the Bursary Committee
  4. Funding bursaries for tertiary education in January 2009
  5. Placing them at the relevant tertiary institution in January 2009
  6. Organise and monitor holiday work for students
  7. Monitor and evaluate the progress on a regular basis
  8. Absorption by the businesses at the end of the programme.