Rancho Cotate High School Student Conduct Code 2010-2011

Disciplinary Violations and Consequences

Please note: All school rules are enforceable on the way to school, leaving school, during school, at lunch time, during the period that school is in session when the student is truant from school, at school activities, to and from school activities on or off campus. The area of school supervision includes the campus, the perimeter of the campus and sidewalks on both sides of the streets adjacent to the school. All school rules are also in effect at ALL SCHOOL events and activities. Education code 48900 subsection (r)

The Student Conduct Code provides an indication of the types of behavior violations and potential consequences that may occur. Please be aware that behavior consequences incurred at any of the Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District Schools are cumulative, regardless of the fact that they pertain to different offenses. Consequences and infractions incurred at one school will be carried out in any of the other Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District High Schools in case of student transfer. Each student behavior as well as his/her academic record will follow the student if, and when, he/she changes schools in the Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District.


Subsection (a) (1) Caused, or attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person.

(2) Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self-defense.

First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Inciting Violence / 3-5 day suspension. / 3-5 day suspension. / 3-5 day suspension. / Five (5) day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.
First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Continuing to Engage in Combat
A student who continues to engage in combat and causes, attempts to cause, or threatens to cause harm after being directed to stop and/or being separated by school personnel. / 5 day suspension and possible. Recommendation for expulsion.
Report to law enforcement agency. / 5 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion. / 5 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion. / Five (5) day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.
First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Mutual combat in which both parties have contributed to the situation by verbal and/or physical action: or when a fight has been provoked by one person. / 3-5 day suspension and possible. recommendation for expulsion.
Report to law enforcement agency. / 5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / 5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / Five (5) day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion.
First Offense ---- Second Offense ----Third Offense ---- Maximum
Gang/Group Related Violence/Physical Injury to a Student
When a student causes, attempts to cause, or threatens to cause physical injury to another student as a part of any group or gang activity, the following shall result: / ·  Parent/guardian contact.
·  A five (5) day suspension and recommendation for an expulsion.
·  Report to law enforcement agency
First Offense ---- Second Offense ----Third Offense ---- Maximum
Gang/Group Related Violence
When a student causes, attempts to cause, or threatens to cause physical injury to a classified or certificated staff member as part of any group or gang activity, the following shall result: / ·  Parent/guardian contact.
·  A five (5) day suspension and recommendation for an expulsion.
·  Report to law enforcement agency
First Offense ---- Second Offense ----Third Offense ---- Maximum
Physical Injury
Physical injury to staff members including verbal threats to person, family or property. / ·  Parent/guardian contact.
·  A five (5) day suspension and recommendation for an expulsion.
·  Report to law enforcement agency
First Offense / SecondOffense / Third Offense / Maximum
Third Party Engaging in Combat
A third party student who attempts or threatens to cause harm to one or all of the students involved in combat (fight). / 5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / 5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / 5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / Five (5) day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.
First Offense ---- Second Offense ----Third Offense ---- Maximum
Threats of Violence
Expression of an intention to harm / First and repeat offenses = Administrative decision:
·  Counsel
·  Parent contact
·  Detention
·  On-campus suspension
·  1-5 day suspension
First Offense ---- Second Offense ----Third Offense ---- Maximum
Unprovoked Attack / ·  Five (5) day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.
·  Report to law enforcement agency.

Subsection (b) Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object, unless, in the case of possession of any object of this type, the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the principal or the designee of the principal.

First Offense ---- Second Offense ----Third Offense ---- Maximum
Possession of Any Firearm, Knife, Explosive or other Dangerous Object.
Possession, use or sale of any firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the pupil. / Five (5) day suspension from school and recommendation for expulsion, unless the principal determines and reports to the governing board that expulsion is inappropriate due to the particular circumstances in the incident.
First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Possession of Pepper Spray and/or Irritant of Any Kind / Confiscation and detention or on-campus suspension.
. / 1-5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / 1-5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / Five (5) day suspension and recommendation for expulsion
First Offense ---- Second Offense ----Third Offense ---- Maximum
Use of Pepper Spray and/or Irritant of Any Kind / Five (5) day suspension from school and recommendation for expulsion, unless the principal determines and reports to the governing board that expulsion is inappropriate due to the particular circumstances in the incident.

Subsection (c)

(Reference BP5114) Unlawfully possessed, used, sold or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of, any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 11053) of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind.

Students are prohibited from using any drugs or consuming any alcohol or being under the influence of any drugs or alcohol or intoxicant of any kind while on school property, during school-sponsored activities and under school jurisdiction. Possession of drugs and/or alcohol or intoxicant of any kind, either actual or constructive, by students on school property, during school-sponsored activities, or under school jurisdiction is also expressly prohibited. Possession of drugs, alcohol or intoxicant of any kind includes, but is not limited to, actual physical possession or control of such substances, possession of such substances in a student’s car, locker, desk, backpack or other container or being in close proximity to such substances with the intent to use or possess such substances.

First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Unlawfully furnished, possessed, used, or been under the influence of alcohol. / 3-5 day suspension, probation, and SCAYD referral. / 5 day suspension, probation, and recommendation for expulsion. / 5 day suspension, probation, and recommendation for expulsion. / 5 day suspension, probation, and recommendation for expulsion
First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Unlawfully possessed, used, or been under the influence of any controlled substance (drugs). / 5 day suspension, probation, and SCAYD referral. / 5 day suspension, probation, and recommendation for expulsion. / 5 day suspension, probation, and recommendation for expulsion. / 5 day suspension, probation, and recommendation for expulsion

Conditions of Probation:

The conditions of probation may include a forty-five (45) school day restriction from all social and extra-curricular activities. The student will not be permitted to participate, practice, or play in any extra/co-curricular activity. The student’s probationary period shall extend from one school year to the next when needed to complete the prescribed amount of social restriction. For example, if a student violated the Alcohol or Drug Code during the last week of school, he/she would be required to complete the social restriction the following regular school year. Counseling will also be a recommendation of the student’s probation.

Important Note to Seniors:

Any senior on Probation may NOT participate in any senior activity, including but not limited to, the following:

a.  Graduation commencement exercises

b.  Junior/Senior prom

c.  Senior picnic

d.  Senior breakfast

e.  Awards ceremonies

Note: Violations for drugs, alcohol and drug paraphernalia are cumulative throughout a student’s high school career. If a second offense occurs less than 12 months from the first offense, expulsion may be recommended.

Subsection (d)

(Reference BP5114) Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 (commencing with section 11053) or Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, and either sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to any person another liquid, substance, or material and represented the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant.

First Offense ---- Second Offense ----Third Offense ---- Maximum
Intoxicant Sales
Unlawfully offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell or furnish any controlled substance (drugs), alcoholic beverages or intoxicants of any kind. / Five (5) day suspension from school and recommendation for expulsion.
First Offense ---- Second Offense ----Third Offense ---- Maximum
Represented (Look alike) Drug/Alcohol/Intoxicant Sales / Five (5) day suspension from school and recommendation for expulsion.

Subsection (e)

(Reference BP5114) Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.

First Offense ---- Second Offense ----Third Offense ---- Maximum
Theft of personal property accomplished by means of force or threat of force. / Five (5) day suspension from school and recommendation for expulsion.

Subsection (f)

First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Property Damage/
Caused or attempted to cause damage to school or private property. / 1-5 day suspension and/or detention alternative to suspension, restitution, and possible recommendation for expulsion. / 2-5 day suspension, restitution and recommendation for expulsion. / 3-5 day suspension, restitution and recommendation for expulsion. / Five (5) day suspension, restitution and recommendation for expulsion.

(Reference BP5114) Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.

Subsection (g)

(Reference BP5114) Stolen or attempted to steal school property or private property.

Subsection (l)

(Reference BP5114) Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.

First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
The taking of, or knowingly receiving, stolen school or private property without permission. / 3-5 day suspension, restitution and possible recommendation for expulsion. / 3-5 day suspension, restitution and recommendation for expulsion. / 3-5 day suspension, restitution and recommendation for expulsion. / Five (5) day suspension, restitution and recommendation for expulsion

Subsection (h)

(Reference BP5114 &

BP5131.6) Possessed or used tobacco, or any products containing tobacco or nicotine products, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew packets, and betel. However, this section does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products.

First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Student possession or use of tobacco on school premises or at school-sponsored events is a violation of law and School Board policy and is not permitted. / Parent/guardian contact and possible detention, on-campus suspension, or 1-5 day suspension. / Parent/guardian contact and possible detention, on-campus suspension, or 1-5 day suspension. / 1-5 day suspension. / 1-5 day suspension.

Subsection (i)

(Reference BP5114) Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.

First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Pornography/ Vulgarity/Profanity/Obscene Acts
Possession of or displaying of pornography, language or gestures that are not publicly acceptable. / Parent/guardian and possible 1-5 day suspension, on-campus suspension, or detention. / 1-5 day suspension. / 2-5 day suspension. / 3-5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion
First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Verbal Abuse
Student’s use of abusive language, profanity, or vulgarity. / 1-5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / 3-5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / Five (5) day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / Five (5) day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.
First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Verbal Abuse of Staff Member
Student’s use of abusive language, profanity, or vulgarity. / 3-5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / 3-5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / Five (5) day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / Five (5) day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.

Subsection (j)

(Reference BP5114) Had unlawful possession of, or unlawfully offered, arranged or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the Health and Safety Code.

First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Drug Paraphernalia
Unlawful possession of or unlawfully offered, arranged or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia. / 3-5 day suspension. / 5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / 5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion. / 5 day suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion.

Subsection (k)

(Reference BP5114) Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.

First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Academic Dishonesty / “Zero” on work submitted;
Parent contact. / “Zero” on work submitted;
Parent contact. Detention /on-campus suspension. / “Zero” on work submitted;
Parent contact.
1-5 day suspension. / “Zero” on work submitted;
Parent contact.
3-5 day suspension.
First Offense / Second Offense / Third Offense / Maximum
Bicycles shall be walked while on campus. Bikes must be locked with a secure mechanism. / Warning, detention, or on-campus suspension. / Parent contact.
On-campus suspension,
or 1-5 day suspension. / Suspend riding/parking on campus for five school days. 1-5 day suspension. / Suspend riding/parking on campus from five (5) to twenty (20) school days. 3-5 day suspension.

Note: Students may be suspended from school when they have willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.