We Serve St. Beatrice and St. Gertrude Parishes
______AVE MARIA COUNCIL # 4456______
April, 2017
Rev. Rob Schultz
Rev. Kevin Birmingham
Eric Tragarz
Grand Knight
Michael Paul
Deputy Grand Knight
Joel DeLeon
Chris Wachal
Recording Secretary
Jerry Swigost
Wesley R. Hessel
Michael Tuman
John Walenter
Inside Guard
Robert Walenter Outside Guard
Wayne Bernacki
Frank Kurash
Russell Klug
Thomas Zima
Financial Secretary
Chris Wachal
Past Grand Knight
Kurt Sedlacek
District Deputy
Russell J. Klug
Robert Bauer
Cyber Scribe
Pierre Zermatten
Ins. Field Agent
Good of the Order
Remember in your prayers our, all of our Brother Knights, our Brother Knights who are ill, as well as all of our deceased Brother Knights, and their families. GOD BLESS ALL our Soldiers who are Protecting Our Country and their families. Remember them in your hearts and prayers.
Grand Knights Message
My Brother Knights,
Our council kicked off March with another extremely successful Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner. We’d like to thank everyone who attended including the Centre at North Park staff who served up a wonderful evening and to all the Brother Knights who helped out. DGK Michael Paul did a great job as the emcee for the O’Hare Irish Dancers and of course to PGK Wayne Bernacki for chairing the event again this year. The food, the entertainment and atmosphere were perfect; everyone we spoke to can’t wait for next year. “Bravo!”
The Ave Maria Council also served up our third and final Loaves & Fishes dinner for this fraternal year. Since it is Lent, we served baked Tilapia with dirty rice – which went over
very well with the patrons. There is never a shortage of help from the Knights, or their wives and friends, to serve the hungry in our community. Thank you all; the size of your hearts cannot be concealed. Thanks to PGK Wayne Bernacki for providing the orange “Knights at Work” tee shirts (check out the pictures on Facebook) – a huge hit. And a very big thank you to DGK Michael Paul, who was the chairman of all three Loaves and Fishes dinners this year. He makes it look easy but we know there is a considerable amount of preparation and planning to make dinner for a large group.
Please note: There will be “No” Social Meeting on Wednesday, April 19. The council will be providing an Honor Guard for the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Beatrice.
If you can, please join us for a special mass, Sunday, April 23 at 11:00 AM at St. Jane De Chantal – 5252 S. Austin Ave. in Chicago. The mass intention will be for the Knights of Columbus Ave Maria Council 4456. The intention is a thank you on behalf of the Toldero family, for a scholarship we presented to their son Manny, who is a seminarian at St. Joseph’s College Seminary.
Vivat Jesus
Eric Tragarz, Grand Knight
April. 2017
Pg. 2
Mark your calendar!
Friday, July 21, 2017, KC Ave Maria’s Council will be Celebrating their 60th Anniversary.
A dinner is being planned for that night at Pescatore Palace.
More info to follow.
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Sunday, April 23 at 11:00 AM at St. Jane De Chantal – 5252 S. Austin Ave. in Chicago.
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May 15, 2017
Hillinger Election of Officers
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May 21, 2017
Hillinger, 8:00 AM Memorial Mass at Techny
April Anniversaries
Wayne & Marsha Bernacki, Celebrate on April 15th.
Dates to Remember!
Wed. April 5 … Business Mtg.
Sun. April 9 … Palm Sunday
The Passion of the Lord
Fri. April 14 … Good Friday
Sat. April 15 … Vigil of Easter
Sun. April 16 … Easter
The Resurrection of the Lord
Mon. April 17 … Hillinger
Tue. April 18 … Blood Drive
Wed. April 19 ... St. Beatrice
Confirmation 7PM
Social Mtg Cancelled
Sun. April 23 … Special Mass
(see Grand Knight’s msg.)
Wed. April 26 ... Officers Mtg.
April Birthdays
S.K. Rev. Robert Schultz ...... … 4
B.K. Paul Buccella ….….…...… 7
B.K. Randall Hart Jr. …...... …… 9
B.K Rev. John Bresnahan ……13
B.K. Michael Salwach …….... 14
S.K. Ted Jozefczak ………..…. 17
B.K. Glenn Rawski ……..…..… 19
S.K. Frank Kurash ……..…….... 25
Honor Guard Requests;
We are looking for Sir Knights to serve as Honor Guard for the following events;
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
St. Beatrice - Confirmation
7:00 Mass.
Sat. May 6, 2017 St. Beatrice
1st. Holy Communion,
10:00 AM Mass.
Sat. May 13, 2017
St. Gertrude 1st. Holy Communion,
11:00 AM Mass.
Sun. May 21, 2017, Hillinger Memorial Mass, Techny, 8 AM
What season are we in? It’s Tax Season!!
Taxes, taxes, taxes!! We are in the middle of tax season and you are probably in the process of preparing your 2016 tax returns.
Are you aware that the Knights have IRA’s both Traditional and Roth? Even if you participate in a 401(k), 403(B), you can contribute up to $5,500 for 2016 ($6,500 if you’re age 50 or over). You have until April 18th to contribute.
Long-term care expenses (nursing home, qualified home care, premiums on Long-Term Care Insurance) are deductible to the extent that you are itemizing on Medical Costs.
Call me; Pierre Zermatten-Field
Agent, to learn more
(847) 323-0914.
Life Insurance • Disability Insurance
Long-Te I ns
Pictures from Loaves & Fishes