WPTP Hawks Monthly Meeting / 05/26/2015
6:30 PM
Blue Building
Murphy Park
Putnam, CT
Board Members: Geoff Schimmelpfennig*, Mike Noel*, Lisa Dennett*, Marie Dupre*, Dawn Libby, Brad Libby, Jay Kollbeck, Mark Caswell, Jean Mowry, Jeff Morissette, Lynne Gravell, Jen Green, Chris Green, Liz Schimmelpfennig, Christie Owens, Kevin Dupre, Brian Kennett, Mike Dennett, Rachel Gerber, Rachael Boudreau, Todd Poulin, Todd, Larkin, Kris Bushey, Lee Schiavetti
*Denotes Executive Board Members
Call Meeting to Order
Opening Introductions / Geoff Schimmelpfennig
Meeting Minutes from last meeting / Lisa Dennett
Financial Report
©  Account Summary
o  Balance
©  2015 Football & Cheerleading Needs
o  Equipment
§  Football
·  Helmet Rack (Need to Purchase)
·  Need to order ice packs.
·  Sled Pads – Need to get quote and approval from board to move forward.
·  Disinfectant Spray
§  Cheerleading
·  Need to order ice packs
·  Small Skirts (estimated 12) – need quotes
·  Warm Up Outfits – need quotes and quantity
·  Request 2 racks to hang up uniforms in storage units / Marie Dupre
Committee Reports
©  Fundraising
o  List of fundraisers
§  Raffle-Tickets
§  Tag Day – tentative dates August 21st – 22nd
§  Exhibition: Oct 16th 2015
§  Five Below
§  Restaurant Fundraising
§  Tag Day – split out over 4 towns
§  Woodstock Fair
§  New Ideas? Suggestions?
©  Corporate Sponsors
o  Sent out Letters to potential sponsors
o  Is working on connecting with local sponsors
o  Thank you Letters – have been ordered and received.
©  Volunteer Coordinator / Kris Bushey
Mike Noel
Dawn Libby
©  Equipment and Facilities
o  Sled Pads
o  Helmets for Flag Football Players
o  Look into putting storage pod at A/B practice field
o  Owen Tarr available this year – Yes! Need to talk with Willie. / Jeff Morissette/Geoff Schimmelpfennig
©  Concessions
o  Need someone to take over for Dawn.
o  What do we need? What is the condition of the Concession Stand?
o  Look into Wholesale Distributors
o  Discounts with Grocery Stores / Need a Volunteer
©  Recruiting/Registration
Ø  Open Registration on January 1. Receive $10 discount until JULY 1st.
Ø  Business Cards are available.
Ø  Football
Ø  Cheer
Ø  How do we grow numbers in cheerleading and football?
Ø  Memorial Day Parade – not enough interest
Ø  Flyers were distributed to Putnam, Woodstock and Eastford schools. Need to distribute to Pomfret.
Ø  New ideas or suggestions? / Board Members
©  Banquet
©  Quiet Corner Football Organization/NOW
o  NOW Updates
o  Recreational Town Project Update / Need a volunteer
Mark Caswell
©  Apparel
©  Halloween Party
©  Yearbook
o  New Printing Company
o  Area High Schools
©  Photos
o  Brad will work with Norm Aubin to set up logistics around team/individual photos for this year. Norm is open to a la cart options. – Need Update
o  Review packet from Sandro Photography / Liz Schimmelfennig
Mike Dennett/Lisa Dennett
Need a volunteer
Brad Libby
Conference Report
o  Conference meeting Update
o  Heads UP certification
o  Bylaws changes and background checks / Geoff Schimmelpfennig/Jean Mowry
Coaches for 2015:
©  Glazier Clinic available
©  Certifications needed for all coaches.
©  Assistant Coaches Needed
©  Football Coaches for 2015
§  A Squad: Mike Dennett
§  B Squad: Kevin Dupre
§  C Squad: Gary Rudman
§  D Squad: Jared Murawski
§  Flag: OPEN
©  Cheerleading Coaches
§  A Squad: Jean Mowry
§  B Squad: Rachael Boudreau
§  C Squad: Rachel Gerber
§  D Squad: Lynne Gravell
§  Flag: OPEN
©  Cheer Update
©  Where do we stand with uniforms and warm-ups?
New Business
©  UConn Football Games
©  Donation Cans at Local Stores /
Jean Mowry
Additional Information