The Orange Navy – Part 8

The Battle of Jutland, 31st May 1916

Orange Lodges in the Royal Navy

Whilst Orange Lodges had long been popular in the Army, their presence in the Royal Navy has been much less remarked upon. Possibly the first lodge in the Royal Navy was Loyal Orange Lodge 610 which, in the Grand Lodge Directory of 1885, was shown as meeting on HMS Raleigh at the Cape of Good Hope. The Worshipful Master was shown as Thomas Hicks.HMS Raleigh was an unarmoured, iron, masted frigate which had been launched in 1873. In 1885 and 1886 Raleigh was flagship of the Cape of Good Hope and Africa Station, based at Simon’s Town.Raleigh was based at Simon’s Town for much of her service, but in 1886 Lodge number 610 is shown as having gone ashore, and was meeting at the Wesleyan Mission Schoolroom at Simon’s Town. The Worshipful Master was T H Liddy, whose address was the Royal Artillery Barracks there.

In 1886 another Naval lodge appears, namely Loyal Orange Lodge number 624. This was shown as meeting on HMS Colossus with the Worshipful Master being J Whittaker.Colossus was a major step up in warship design being without sail, of steel construction, and with a main armament of four Breech-Loading 12-inch guns. Commissioned in 1886, she was sent to the Mediterranean Fleet and served there until 1893. The Mediterranean Fleet’s main base was the island of Malta. In 1886 Brother Whittaker is shown as being still the Worshipful Master while the Secretary was Brother H Plowman, also shown as being on HMS Colossus.

In 1889 the Lodge is shown as having moved ashore and holding its meetings at the Windsor Castle Hotel in Valetta. The Worshipful Master was Brother W E Cooke, whose address is given as the Windsor Castle, but the Secretary, Brother A Sharing, was still shown as being on the Colossus. In 1890 and 1891 the Lodge met at 43 Strada Zaccarria, Valetta, a building which was also used by Masonic lodges and also the Good Templars, but then returned to the Windsor Castle Hotel until 1899 when it was shown as meeting at the Wesleyan Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Florina. In 1902 they were meeting at the St Francis Barracks on Malta, and in 1903 at the Star Club, 1 Strada Reala, Hamrum Road. By 1906 the Lodge is no longer mentioned.

In 1890 the Worshipful Master is Brother F Milner, Corporal Medical Staff, and in 1891 it was Brother W Studart of HMS Phaeton, which was a protected cruiser. In both these years the Secretary was Brother Wm Ed Cook, whose address is given as Flores College, 43 Strada, Zaccarria, Valetta. After that, Brother Cook is shown as Worshipful Master. In 1899 the Worshipful Master is once more a Naval man, Brother Beale, a Ship’s Corporal, RN, of HMS Hibernia, Malta. Hiberniahad been launched as long ago as 1804, but was flagship of the Mediterranean Fleet and was based in the Grand Harbour. Over the years the Secretaries tended to be drawn from the military garrison on Malta.

Another lodge which met on the island for a time was Loyal Orange Lodge number 453. This met for many years at the Admiralty Tavern, Spring Street, Landport, Portsmouth. In 1892, however, we find it meeting at the Windsor Castle Hotel in Malta, with the Worshipful Master the indefatigable Brother W E Cook. The Secretary was Brother W Davies of HMS Collingwood. Collingwood was a battleship of 1880’s vintage that served in the Mediterranean from 1889 to 1897. By 1907 the Lodge was no longer being returned.


Royal Naval lodges began to reappear in 1914. In the Grand Lodge Directory for 1914, compiled before the outbreak of War, “Carnarvon” Loyal Orange Lodge 827 is shown as meeting at the Marghritti Soldiers and Sailors Rest on Malta, on the first and second Wednesdays of the month. The Worshipful Master was Charles Monson on HMS Defence, in the 1st Cruiser Squadron, and the Secretary was T G Keowin, also on HMS Defence.

In the same year, “Ulster Purple Heroes” Loyal Orange Lodge 842 has its meetings described merely as “moveable”. The Worshipful Master is shown as F J Willmer, of HMS Lurcher, and the Secretary is A H Cosway, also on HMS Lurcher.

At the same time there were lodges shown as meeting ashore, but in ports with a long naval history. Plymouth had five male lodges, while Devonport had four male lodges. Most of them would have had members who were Naval personnel. “Sons of William” Loyal Orange Lodge 652 met at the Foresters’ Hall in Gillingham. In the Grand Lodge Directory there is no obvious Naval connection, but the 1915 Roll of Honour listed 112 names from this Lodge alone, of whom 107 were serving in the Royal Navy.

In January 1914 the Grand Orange Lodge of England began to publish a monthly magazine called “The Orange Standard”, which ran until 1928 and therefore covers the period of the First World War. The edition for May 1914 carried the following account of the opening of the Carnarvon Lodge, -

New Lodge at Malta. On February 25th, at the Sailors’ and Soldiers'Institute, Marghritta Hill, Malta, Carnarvon L.O.L. 827 was opened for the first lime by Bro. C. Monson. After the brethren were installed in the positions, it was decided to meet on the first and second Wednesdays in the month, providing the Fleet wasin Malta. TheGrand Secretary and Devonport District Sec. and officers were heartilythanked for their help and encouragement. The members of the lodge are determinedto make the lodge a large and important one. Stoker Petty-officer Keown is the W.S.

It is worth noting that the Lodge anticipated difficulties in meeting when the Fleet may not be in Malta. Nonetheless, the next edition of the Orange Standard, in June 1914, reported further progress, -

CARNARVON, L.O.L. 827, MALTA At a special meeting held at the Soldiers’ and Sailors' Rest, Marghrettia Hill, Vittorosia, three candidates were admitted to the Orange Degree. Brethren passing through or visiting Malta will receive a heartywelcome. Lodge composed of Naval Men at present but soldiers and civilians can join.Address: T. G. Keown, St. P.O. H.M.S. Defence, Mediterranean Fleet.

The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Rest at Margherita Hill had its beginnings in the 1850’s in work by Methodist clergy on the island of Malta, originally to serve the members of the British garrison who were members of that church.


The Orange Standard of March 1914 contained an account of another lodge with strong Naval connections, -

L.O.L. Ulster Scot, 287. The Monthly Meeting was held at the Moravian School Room, James Street, Devonport, on Monday 19th, January, 1914. There were 56 Members present, and the W. M. Bro. Barberry opened the Lodge at 7.45 p m., supported by District Master Bro. Chas. Alexander, as D.M., Bro. Rev. W.Hawkins, Chaplain, H.D.G.M., Bro. A. Thornton, Treasurer and Bro. Matthews, Secretary. Bro Ed. Howard of No. 16, Sydney, was admitted on Certificate and warmly welcomed. The minutes and cash a/c of the lastmeeting were read and confirmed, the Lodge having a very substantial balance to its credit. Bro. Evans, who hadlately returned from Canada (H.M.S. Niobe) received a very fine reception and the best thanks of the Lodge was extended to him for his indefatigable effort in connection with our Order whilst serving in H.M.S. Niobe, Canada, in that the Lodge started there was broughtup to three figures in membership. Four Candidates wereproposed for membership Messrs Brockbank, Scantlebury, Brown and Bolton and duly initiated and Lectured. This brought the Lodgemembership up to 130. Bro. Ince rejoined after a long absence and Messrs. Rutherford, Cain and Tugallis were proposed for next meeting. Bro. G. H. Foster, Architect and Surveyor, who comes from a grand north Irish stock, whose Motto is the "Red Hand of Ulster," was also proposed for Membership and accepted. The"Orange Standard" was highly spoken of and the Secretary was directed to send out a copytoeach Member with the Summons. Arrangements were made for stewarding the Kensit Meeting at Plymouth Guildhall, and two or three Members addressed the lodge on "Our Duty to Ulster." A splendid Meeting was brought to a close at 10.30p.m. in prayer and singing the King.

This gives a picture of a lively and dynamic lodge, with a brother having returned from Canada and an Australian brother also present. It truly was a case of “join the Navy and see the world”, so that the movement of Naval brethren around the world, according to where they were posted, enabled them to see the Orange Order in its international aspect.

HMS Niobe was a protected cruiser which had been launched in 1897. In 1910 she was transferred to the Royal Canadian Navy to assist the Dominion build its own naval forces. Brother Evans would have been helping with this project and, apparently, had assisted with the growth of an Orange Lodge there to the extent that it had a three-figure membership.

In a Lodge Report in the following month’s Orange Standard, for April 1914, the positive note is maintained, -

Ulster Scot, L O.L. 287.Over 70 members werepresent at the last lodge, which was presided over byBro.Barberry, W. M., and supported by the officers, Bros Macavoy, Rev. Hawkins, Thornton, Matthews,andFeltham. Bro. Foster,an Ulsterman, was receivedinto membership with loud acclamation; he praisedthelodgeon its wonderful condition. Five Naval menwere initiated. Bro. McConkey,from China, wasreceived oncertificate, and Mr. Blaney was admittedto the Orange Degree. £2 each was granted to Bros in distress. Itdecided to ask other lodges toform a Committee for an Orange Hall.


In the same issue another Orange Lodge gave an encouraging report, -

Ulster Purple Heroes, L.O.L. 842 met at St.John's Church Mission Room,Weymouth, on January29th. Thankswere accorded to brethren who wereleaving for Devonport. All brethren and friends inWeymouth are heartilyinvited to this lodge. Bro. F.J. Wilmers and Bro. A. Cosway, of H.M.S. Lurcher,Portland, will be glad tocommunicate with friends.

The coming of the War, however, caused so much disruption to the working of the Naval Lodges that, for a time, it seemed they would not be able to continue. Loyal Orange Lodge 827 seemed to be the bellwether lodge and, in this respect, sent in the following Lodge Report which appeared in the Orange Standard of December 1914, -

From a Bro. holding an importantposition on H.M.S. in theMediterranean. DEAR SIR KT. AND BRO., "It is with pleasure and with a certain amount ofreserve that I am sending these lines to you. First Iwish tostatethat L.O.L. 827 has had to close its doorswhen everything was becoming so bright. Merry andstrong right inthe midstof our enemies at Malta. Secondly, that owing to the movements of H.M.S. ______theWarranthas been placed in my hands for safekeeping. Every arrangement has been made regardingits disposal shouldthis ship be liable to capture orsunk. But I trust to our Creator that we shall all bespared after doing our duty toKing and Country, toreturn once more with the honours of this war thickupon us … Well, dearBro., I t rust this war will end byshowing to the German people that war is not alwayswon bywearing uniforms and brass helmets. I cannottell you whatwe are doing or where we are, as it isnot allowed, but all the Brosare well and happy. I trust you will be long spared to take thegreatleadership in the mostnobleOrder in the worldand that we shall multiplysix-fold beforethe timeagain arrives for us to save Ulster for aone and undivided Nation. If anything happens to me you will know where the Warrant has gone."

In the Orange Standard of February 1915 there was a letter from Brother J A Britten. Although this letter was written with the intention of thanking the Grand Secretary for sending a large amount of Christian literature for distribution among the ship’s crew, there was also the encouraging news that the members of LOL 827 had resolved to carry on the Lodge. The Warrant shall go with us. H.M.S."Indefatigable," Mediterranean. 17/12/14. DEAR BRO. EWART, I must say how very pleased I was to receiveyour very welcome letter and its cheering contents,for which I must thank you so verymuch, and I am sure that it will be a greathelp to everyone who are fortunate to possessthem (Testaments and Gospels). You mustreally excuse me for not answering yours before,but you must knowthat our time is not ourown these dark days. I saw our Chaplain regarding the Gospels and Testaments, and hewasvery pleased with them. I had a real good chat with him, and he said that he does notsee any objection atall, and that you shouldsend them to the captain. The more I talk ofor think of our Institution the more I seemtowant to talk and I trust that our Father willlead me so that I shall have the honour togather in recruits, notonly to our great Order,L.O.L., but to see


that light that never fades. Dear Bro., the Brothers very much regret tohear of the death of our I.G.M. the Earl ofErne, and trust thathewill meet with thereward he deserves, for the work he has done on this earth. Dear Bro., I held a meeting of the Brothersof this ship last Tuesday, the 15th, re the disposal of our Warrant 827, Carnarvon, andit was decided to retain it, for if the ship goesdown it goes with us. But as we all trust thatshe will not, and that every one of the ship'scompany will, by the help of our Father, returnto their homes again in times ofpeace, theBrothers will be able to look up to theWarrant and say from their hearts, "That by the helpof our Father it has travelled and kept safethrough one of the most horrible of wars whichhas ever struck thisunhappy world.” Also itwas decided that new officers be appointed, and I am glad to say I have had the honourofbeing elected Master of 827. D.M., Bro. Lanyon;Secretary and Treasurer, Bro. Moorcroft;ChaplainBro.Close; Tyler, Bro. Robertson. Dear Bro., this was done so as to keep theLodge going, because you see the ships haveall separated. Westarted with Defence,Inflexible, Indomitable, Dublin, Chatham,Gloucester, Duke of Edinburgh, BlackPrince,Blenheim, and 16 destroyers. Weare now all in different places, doingour different duties for our King andCountry, and perhaps it will be monthsbefore we shall be ableto shake each other bythe hand again. TheBrothers all join me inwishing both your wife and yourself the complimentsof the season. Trusting that Godwill spare you many, many years to carry onthe grand work you are doing, I will now closewith my sincereregards and good wishes, Yoursfaithfully and fraternally, JNO. A. BRITTEN, C.P.O. Telegraphist.

In the Grand Lodge Directory of 1915, Ulster Purple Heroes LOL 842 was shown as being “With the Fleet”, Ulster Scot LOL 287 was shown as being “On War Service with the Fleet”, and Carnarvon LOL 827 is also shown as being “On War Service with the Fleet”. Brother F J Willmer is still Worshipful Master of 842 with Brother A H Cosway as Secretary; 827 has Brother J A Britten as Worshipful Master with Brother Moorhouse as Secretary; and 287 has Brothers Charles Alexander and John C Matthews as Worshipful Master and Secretary respectively.

The 1915 Grand Lodge Report has a “Roll of Honour” showing the names of 1,411 Orangemen, (and one Sister) who were already enrolled in the services by the time the Report was compiled. It is by no means exhaustive, as many lodges did not supply any information about their members in Service. Of the 1,411, 424 are shown as being in the Royal Navy and a further 17 in the Royal Marine Light Infantry. LOL 287 is shown as having 91 members in the Royal Navy, but Sons of William LOL 652, meeting in Gillingham, has 107 members in the Navy. 88 named ships are shown as having Orangemen in the crew. Under these circumstances Orange Lodges in the Royal Navy, far from being on the point of closing, were on the point of dramatic expansion

In the Orange Standard of January 1916 there is news of a new lodge being founded, -


ROYAL NAVY NEW NAVALLODGE HASAGOODSEND-OFF KING WILLIAM'S OWN, L.O.L. 872 The firstmeeting was held at the County Hotel, Hebburn-on-Tyne, on the 16th inst. Lodges of Hebburn andJarrowDistrict were well represented. Bro. Thomas Rowan,P.G.M., presided, assisted by Bro. Taylor as D.M.,and Bro. Cumminns, D.O. The first business after theopening preliminaries was to install the Officers of thenew Lodge, and the following brethren were installed: Bro. Sharman, W.M.; Bro. Brookes. W.D.M.; Bro.O. Fiddler. W.S.; and Bro. Harvey, Chaplain. Theproceedings were carried out in an impressive manner. At the close of the Lodge, a splendid social and concertwas held, suitable to the occasion, and a capitalprogramme was rendered, Bro, Rowan presiding. Fraternal greetings were exchanged between the Brethrenof 872 and Hebburn and Jarrow District.TheNavalBrethren took with them the best of wishes for success, good luck, and the memory of a very pleasantevening. A most enjoyable evening was brought to aclose by the singing of the National Anthem. A GOOD START The first meeting held on board was most successful. Two candidates were initiated and three others wereproposed. Special business was transacted.