Sarah Schenkewitz

2219 Creekridge Drive (214) 500-5455

Carrollton, TX 75007


Texas A&M University, College Station, TX May 2011

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management,

Major GPR: 3.78; Cumulative GPR: 3.47


Mays Business School, College Station, TX August 2010- May 2011

Management Department Student Worker

  • Assist the management department professorsbyrevising college textbooks, making copies, designing PowerPoint presentations, creating Excel spreadsheets, and welcoming visitors twenty hours a week.

Pine CoveChristian Camps,Tyler, TX May-August 2008, 2009, 2010

Woods Family Camp Counselor

  • Supervisedcampers varying from newborns to college students and responsible for leading their bible studies.
  • Operated as a team with 60 counselors, hosted 40 new families every week, and coordinated the 60+ staff schedules.
  • Managed the camp store byimproving customer service, organizing the inventory, tabulating the family camp accounts, designing the excel account spreadsheet, and processing the credit card reports.

McAlister’s Deli, Plano, TX May 2005- December 2006


  • Performed cashier, service, marketing, and cleaning tasks for 15-30 hours per week.


Sigma Phi Lambda, Texas A&M University August 2007- May 2011

Covenant Group Leader August 2008-May 2010

  • Facilitated and scheduledcovenant group meetings with 8 sorority girls once every week for two hours.

Smiles Committee Head Leader May 2009-May 2010

  • Responsible for maximizing an assigned budget to create and purchase various gifts such as pledge signs, Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, bookmarks, and other treats to encourage the 250 sorority sisters.

Leadership Team May 2009-May 2010

  • Collaborated with the officers bi-monthly to make important sorority-wide decisions and establish future plans.

Freeway Committee September 2007-March 2008

  • Established different ways to advertise for Freeway, a week of free food, scantrons, drinks, and Bibles on campus.

Pine Cove Recruiting Team, Texas A&M University September 2008-November 2011

On Campus Representative

  • Supported the Pine Cove resident staff with the organization of and recruiting for 250+ on-campus interviews.

Home Bible Study Leader, Texas A&M University August 2010- May 2011

  • Prepare and conduct a weekly bible study for a group of seven freshman girls.


Society of Human Resource Management January 2011- May 2011

Songfest Philanthropy September- December 2007, 2008, 2009

Christian Business Leaders August 2007-May 2009

  • Member of the social committee where we coordinated the two socials and the Christmas party.

H.O.S.T.S. August 2007-May 2008

Helping Other Students to Succeed VolunteerMentor

  • Mentored one boy once a week to further develop his mathematical and reading skills.

Compassion International April 2007-Present

  • Support and encourage two Ugandan children monthly through writing letters and monetarily.


Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society August2007- Present

Mays Business Grant Fall 2010,Spring 2011

Mays Business School Distinguished Student Fall 2007, Spring 2010

Texas A&M Honor Student Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008

National Society of High School Scholars Fall 2006-Present

National Merit Commended Scholar Spring 2007