The International Glaucoma Association

Role of Honorary Treasurer

Our vision is that everyone living with glaucoma, and all those at risk, should have the knowledge and access to the care they need to avoid preventable sight loss. To make this a reality we do three things:

  • Prevention

As long as glaucoma is detected early, most people retain a good degree of useful sight for life. Glaucoma is detected by having regular eye health checks at a local optician or optometrist practice. Sadly these two facts aren’t well known, so we run awareness campaigns to get the message across to the general public, and especially to those most at risk: people over 40, people from African Caribbean or South East Asian backgrounds, and those with a close family member with glaucoma.

  • Supporting people to live well with glaucoma Most glaucoma treatment starts with eye drops to control intra ocular pressure. However, taking eye drops is a problem for many people with glaucoma, and if unaddressed this can lead to raised pressure and permanent sight loss. Many people also report a lack of understanding of the condition, and this makes treatment choices difficult and can cause anxiety and depression.

We provide free information and advice leaflets, run a telephone helpline, and host a moderated glaucoma forum on our website. We increase understanding and awareness by giving talks and presentations to patients and professionals around the UK, and we get the eye drop message across at patient support groups in hospital eye clinics across the country. And for people facing difficult or scary treatment decisions, we provide volunteer Buddies who have been through the treatment and can offer peer support.

  • Research Working with the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, the Royal College of Nursing, the College of Optometrists and the UK and Eire Glaucoma Society, we fund research into diagnosis and treatment of the condition. Our annual grant spend averages £200,000.

The IGA also funds the majority of the costs of the IGA Professor of Ophthalmology at University College London, currently Ted Garway-Heath.

Our services are open to all, but the vast majority of our beneficiaries, and all our staff and volunteers, are UK-based.

Structure and governance

The IGA was founded in 1974 and is a charity registered in England and Wales (no. 274681) in Scotland (no. SCO41550), andis also a limited company (no. 1293286). It is based in Ashford, Kent, and currently has 16 staff and 25 volunteers.

The IGA is overseen by a board of trustees who are elected for a period of 3 years (up to a maximum of 12 years). The charity must have between 8 and 15 trustees, and there are currently 12, drawn from all over England and Scotland. The board comprises a minimum of 3 consultant ophthalmologists, plus optometrists, and people with and without glaucoma who bring a wide range of skills and experience.

The Board meets 5 times a year, on a weekday usually between 11amand 2-3pm. There are 4 regular board meetings, and an AGM which precedes our Annual Lecture, usually delivered to an audience of IGA members by a leading consultant in the field.

There are two permanent sub-committees:

  • theFinance & Governance Committee, which meets 4 times a year and comprises the Vice Chair and Treasurer plus (currently) 4 other trustees, with the CEO and Head of Finance in attendance..
  • the Grants Committee, which meets 4 times a year (3 usually via conference call), and comprises 3 ophthalmologists including the current Chair, plus a trustee patient representative.

All meetings are held either in central London or at the IGA offices in Ashford. Trustees are not paid, but reasonable out of pocket expenses are reimbursed.

For new trustees, a detailed handbook gives details of roles and responsibilities, an induction programme is in place, and training is offered on an ongoing basis.

The IGA has a turnover of c. £1.25m. Audited accounts can be found on the charity’s website at

The charity’s main source of income has always been legacies, and in an attempt to diversify income streams, the board recruited a Fundraising Manager in late 2015.The charity has healthy free reserves, held largely in a portfolio valued at £3.3m managed by Rathbones investment managers.

The Hon Treasurer role

The charity has recently introduced a range of improvements to financial systems, policies and procedures, and it is envisaged that the final changes will be completed by autumn 2017. Our Treasurer intends to retire in March 2018, when we hope that the IGA will be close to finalising a new strategic plan. With this in mind, we are seeking a new Hon. Treasurer with strong strategic and financial ability, and ideally a good level of awareness of the issues facing the charity sector.

The Treasurer’s role is to monitor the financial administration of the charity and report to the board of trustees on its state of financial health, in line with best practice, and in compliance with the governing document and legal requirements.

Day to day responsibility for financial matters is delegated to the CEO, supported by the Head of Finance. Written reports are presented to every Finance & Governance Committee meeting, comprising management accounts, cashflow, legacy report, grant report, and investment balances. Staff provide draft budget, Reserves Policy, Investment Policy, Risk Register and accounts to the Treasurer and F&G committee for discussion, according to an agreed annual schedule.

Role Description

The main responsibilities and duties of the treasurer are to:

  • play a key role in the Finance & Governance committee in line with its terms of reference, and report back to the board of trustees
  • maintain a good level of awareness of charity finance issues and the third sector operating environment across the UK
  • advise on the financial implications of the charity’s strategic plan; act as a sounding board for the CEO if needed
  • monitor and advise on the financial viability of the charity; ensure appropriate levels of reserves
  • oversee the charity’s investments, board-level liaison with investment managers; review the charity’s investment policy annually and revise if needed
  • oversee the charity’s financial risk‐management process; oversee the implementation and monitoring of specific financial controls and adherence to systems
  • oversee and present budgets, internal management accounts and annual financial statements to the board of trustees
  • lead in the board’s duty to ensure that proper accounting records are kept, financial resources are properly controlled, invested and economically spent, in line with good governance, legal and regulatory requirements
  • liaise with the auditors on specific board-level issues such as the Auditors’ Management Letter and the related board representations.

Person Specification

We are seeking a Treasurer who

  • Shares our commitment to the values and aims of the IGA, and to the wellbeing of the people we support
  • Has strong finance skills, good strategic awareness, and an understanding of the context in which the IGA operates (or a willingness to learn more)
  • Understands the duties and responsibilities of a charity trustee
  • Is a good communicator with excellent interpersonal skills, objective and independent and able to challenge supportively

Other documents available on request

  • Trustee Handbook
  • IGA Articles of Association
  • Board and committee terms of reference

If you would like an informal discussion about the role and/or the IGA, please contact Karen Osborn, Chief Executive on 01233 64 81 72 or or our current Treasurer Alan Vaughan at

July 2017

International Glaucoma Association

Trustee Application Form

1.Personal & Contact Details






2. Please tell us why you are interested in becoming an IGATrustee, and either attach a short CV or give details of the experience and skills you could bring to the Board.


Are you a member of the IGA?Yes / No

Do you have glaucoma?Yes / No

4. Please give the names and contact details of 2 referees. (Ideally these should be people who know you in a voluntary work, community work, or paid work context).





Relationship to youRelationship to you

5. Declaration of Eligibility

- I am over the age of 18

-I am not an undischarged bankrupt

-I have not previously been removed from trusteeship of a charity by a Court or the Charity Commission

-I am not under a disqualification order under the Company Directors’ Disqualification Act 1986

-I have not been convicted of an offence involving deception or dishonesty (unless the

conviction is spent)

-I am, in the light of the above, not disqualified by the Charities Act 1993 (section 72) from acting as a charity trustee

-I do not have any financial interests in conflict with those of the IGA (either in

person or through family or business connections), OR I have provided details of

all actual or potential conflicts of interest below.

I confirm that these details are correct, and agree to the IGA holding and processing the

personal data I have provided in line with current Data Protection legislation; the

information supplied will be only be used by the IGA and not disclosed to third parties

except to the extent required by law.


Print name

Please return to Karen Osborn, CEO at , or by post to IGA, 15 Highpoint Business Village, Ashford, Kent TN24 8DH

Thank you