Terms of Reference (ToR) for

Development and Operationalization of an interactive Web-based‘Project Monitoring Information Management System (PMIS)’ (Package S-64-AF)

1.  Background

Ministry of Education (MoE) with the support of the World Bank has been implementing a Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP). The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and relevance of the teaching and research environment in higher education institutions through encouraging both innovation and accountability within universities and by enhancing the technical and institutional capacity of the higher education sector.

The HEQEP is comprised of five components: (1) promoting academic innovation through an Academic Innovation Fund (AIF); (2) building institutional capacity; (3) raising the connectivity capacity of the higher education sector; (4) establishing quality assurances mechanisms; and (5) project management, communication and monitoring and evaluation.

The University Grants Commission of Bangladesh is the implementing agency of the project. Project implementation has started from May 2009 and expecting to continue till December 2018.

Under the AIF component, a number of sub-projects designed and implemented by the universities are funded for two to three years of implementation. In Round 1 of AIF, a total of 89 sub-projects were awarded grants and their implementation wascompleted. Currently, 105 sub-project in Round 2 are ongoing and there are possibilities of awarding another 100+ sub-projects in Round 3 and more sub-projects under Window 4.

Monitoring & Evaluation (M & E) unit of the project is responsible for designing, organizing and managing the information and documentation processes of the project. The unit also prepares half yearly progress reports and other periodical reports for documentation of project activities. The objective of the assignment is to develop and operation of an interactive web-based information/ datamanagement system to collect and manage data from sub-projects and other costs centers and generate various type of reports. The proposed PMIS is expected to be developed within three to four months after signing of the contract.

2.  Scope of Work

The consultant is expected to undertake the following but not limited to:

2.1 Prepare a detailed PMIS design for data entry, storage, and report generation in collaboration with key staff in HEQEP

-  Review relevant documents; and define database structure, data entry process, timelines, data flow and reporting requirements;

-  Consult with HEQEP staff (e.g. M&E, AIF, FM, Procurement, Safeguards) and sub-project manager to ensure that all data management needs for the project;

-  Prepare requirementdocument including hardware and software (can be in word or in MS power point) that outlines in detail the design of the PMIS in modules which should share required information without double entry at any stage.

-  Prepare an agreed timeline for development;

2.2 Tentative Scope of Functions of the PMIS

The PMIS is expected to have the following modules:

i)  Project Information Database – the system will store all the basic information of the sub-projects from complete proposals.

ii)  Monitoring Information Module – the M&E unit, AIF coordinators, and other units will update the database with the information they gathered from monitoring visit

iii)  Progress Reporting Module – the sub-project managers of AIF sub-projects will update their status of progress and disbursement for quarterly, semi-annual, and project completion reports.

iv)  Management Reporting Module – the HEQEP and World Bank will be able to view and download the statistics of progress and disbursement, and view the progress reports and monitoring information of individual sub-project.

v)  Report Printing Module – the sub-project managers of AIF sub-projects can print their quarterly, semi-annual, and project completion report based on the data stored in the database.

vi)  The sub-project managers can also update the Semi-annual monitoring report (Six Monthly Report) so, that the HEQEPU can download the six monthly progress of each of sub-project.

vii)  Financial Management Module – the sub-project managers can update the expenditure information, and print the financial reports.

2.3 Expected Users:

-  Sub-project stakeholders – 250 to 300 users (one user per sub-project)

-  HEQEP/UGC staff – approx. 30 users (including one System Administrator from ICT unit)

2.4Develop a prototype PMIS for review and piloting

-  Create database and forms for data entry based on the agreed design and indicators which would have multiple user access control (user, supervisor and administrator, etc.)

-  Design and generate custom reports from the database, with options to select from the pre-determined pop-up lists, i.e. modules, fields and time period the report covers (monthly, quarterly and annual) and what scope (all, by university, by project, individual sub-project, etc)

-  Adopt simple data export to MS Excel spreadsheets;

-  Test all the developed modules and ensure proper functionalities including help menu for each data points;

-  Upload the prototype to the web-hosting service for review and user testing; and

-  Address the comments received from the users during piloting and re-design the modules (if needed) and update to final version of the PMIS.

2.5Final product and services of the PMIS

-  Finalize the system development by incorporating the comments from the feedback providers;

-  Enter all the backlog/relevant data for keeping historical information in the PMIS;

-  Upload the final product to the web-hosting service for final acceptance;

-  Populate the reports using the database;

-  Upload additional data if required

2.6Prepare user manual for the PMIS.

-  Prepare a user manuals (print and electronic) for HEQEP staff and sub-project managers

2.7Facilitate training workshop

-  Provide training to HEQEP/UGC staff and other users for data entry, data management and report generations;

-  Provide training to the users at the selected universities and sites; and

-  Provide guidance to HEQEP/UGC M&E and IT unit on how to operate the PMIS.

2.8 Operations and maintenance

The consultant need ensure proper operations and maintenance of the PMIS for at least one year and continue to provide support for troubleshooting of the PMIS, including but not limited to:

-  Assistance in resolving any problems with data entry or management and reporting from existing tables;

-  Update modules/fields to capture required data and reporting requirements; and

-  Establish a unique call center for providing instant help to the users.

3.  Expected Deliverables

The key deliverables include:

i)  Develop system requirement document in MS Word or PowerPoint;

ii)  Establish prototype online PMIS for review and testing;

iii)  Facilitate of 1-day feedback/ planning session with key HEQEP staff ;

iv)  Establish final web-based PMIS and uploaded to web hosting service with database populated with initial datasets;

v)  Facilitation of training for HEQEP staff, universities and UGC; and

vi)  Provide support for operations and maintenance.

4.  Consultant Staffing (proposed)

# / Role / Specific Expertise Desired / Minimum qualification and professional experience desired /
1 / Project Manager / Having experience of heading minimum two end-to-end software development project with large government organization / BSc/BSc Eng/MSc/M Eng/MSc Eng in computer Science + MBA with minimum 3+ years of experience in heading project of similar nature and overall experience of 8 years.
2 / System architect / Having designed minimum four end-to-end software system, preferably for web application / BSc/MSc/BSc Eng/MSc Eng in computer science with minimum 5 years of experience in the relevant field.
3 / Database specialist / Having experience in designing and managing the database for minimum two web based information system. / BSc/MSc/BSc Eng/MSc Eng in computer science with minimum 8+ years of experience in the relevant field with any oracle certification.
4 / Web Software Engineer / Having developed minimum three software system with similar level of requirement in web application development. / BSc/MSc/BSc Eng/MSc Eng in computer science with minimum 3+ years experiences in the relevant field.
5 / Testing engineer / Having relevant experience in minimum two project / BSc/MSc/BSc Eng/MSc Eng in computer science with minimum 2+ years experiences in the relevant field.
6 / Training manager / Having relevant experience in minimum two project / BSc/MSc/BSc Eng/MSc Eng in computer science with minimum 2+ years experiences for providing training.
7 / Support staff / Minimum one year experience / Computer science graduate


Any interested companies or consortium (more than one company) should have the flowing qualification at the minimum

-  Experience in design, develop, installation, implementation and maintain a complete web-based information solution;

-  More than five years of experience in web-based software development in World Bank or any other international donor funded government project;

-  Experience of supply, installation of hardware & network and establish datacenter in World Bank or any other international donor funded government project;

-  Experience to implement any project for an organization that has more than hundred employees;

-  Experience of developing at least two similar software (interactive application software used by web & mobile devices) project in last 5 years;

-  Experience of implementing large office network solution with datacenter setup;

-  Must have updated valid trade license, Certification of Incorporation (if applicable), VAT registration certificate, TIN certificate, bank solvency certificate;

-  Documents related to liquid asset/working capital/credit facility;

-  Proven record of financial and institutional soundness of the company;

-  Track record of working at World Bank funded government project;

-  At least one person from management who have previous experience to work as project manager for similar type of project.

6. Ownership of the documents and equipments

-  HEQEP/UGC shall be owner of all the software, hardware, designs, drawings, reports, documents, manuals etc. prepared by the consultant and equipment procured under the project

-  After completion of the tasks the documents, results and reports and all necessary software shall be handed over HEQEP/UGC before final payment.


The payment will be made on three (3) installments:

-  25% of the contract amount will be paid on signing the contract and submission of inception report by first week of the contract;

-  50% of the contract amount will be paid upon the acceptance of the final MIS System at HEQEP;

-  15% of the contract amount will be paid after completion of training of MIS system; and

-  10% of the contract will be paid after the completion of the operation and maintenance support service.

8. Professional Liabilities

The Consulting Firm(s) is expected to carry out the assignment with due diligence and in accordance with prevailing professional standard. A proper consultation with HEQEP/UGC needs to be maintained in terms of design, documentation, development and report.

9. Confidentiality

All documents, reports and information from this assignment will be regarded as HEQEP/UGC and partners’ property, so the mentioned outputs or part of it cannot be sold or used in any case without the prior permission of HEQEP/UGC.

10. Rights

The HEQEP/UGC will reserves the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for all deliverables of the assignment.