2014Broughton High School Chick-fil-A Bowl Trip Contract

Student Name ______Student Band ID#:


City______Zip Code ______

Parent Name(s)______

Phone Email

I understand the following regarding the 2014 Broughton Band Trip:

1. The APPROXIMATE total cost of the Band Trip per student is $665 -$700 (four people in a room) The EXACT price will be given after the first payment is received. The more people that go, the cheaper the price, so we are shooting for the $665—get your contract in!!!

2. The cost of the trip may go up or down by a small amount depending on the number of students participating and potential (but unlikely) fuel surcharges charged by the bus company.

3. The above named band student intends on participating in the 2014 Band Trip to the Chick-fil-A Bowl in Atlanta Georgia

4. I agree, with the accompanying deposit of $50.00 to accept responsibility for the remaining balance of the trip per the attached payment/deadline schedule.

5. If for any reason the above named student cancels their participation on this trip, I understand that monies paid will be forfeited, and any cancellation after October 31st will call for full payment.

7. Special arrangements of deadlines will be considered by the band director and Booster Board if the need should occur. Failure to communicate verbally and in writing will result in forfeiture of funds and the above named student will be excluded from participating in this trip.

8. The band director may deny participation in this event. Denial on the basis of disciplinary action shall result in forfeiture of all deposits and fundraising.

Students and parents are welcome and strongly encouraged to take care of trip payments and fair share fees using the fundraisers provided. Please keep an eye on your Charms accounts to see where you stand with our fundraisers.

Signature of Band Student ______

Signature of Parent(s)/Guardian

Date ______

Please pay my deposit using my funds available in my band account.

Please see attached Check, Cash, or Money Order to pay this deposit.


Make all Checks payable to: Broughton High School Band Boosters

Bring all monies to BHS Band Office

All payments become non-refundable after due date.

2014 Broughton Band Trip Information

This year, the Broughton Band has been accepted to play at the Chick-fil-A Bowl in Atlanta Georgia! Our trip will take place December 28-31st. This is a huge honor!! Our students will combine with several other bands to put on a pre-game performance for the packed crowd at the Georgia Dome. The game is televised nationally, and the opportunity to perform in such a fantastic arena is a rare one that will be sure to be memorable!!

Your trip includes:

·  Hotel

·  Transportation

·  Breakfast each day

·  Three dinners (Hard Rock, Varisty, and an awards ceremony/banquet/party for participating bands)

·  Georgia Aquarium

·  World of Coke

·  Tickets to the Chick-fil-a Bowl Game

There may be other items added as we move forward with our trip. A final Itinerary will be sent out later this fall.

Approximate Cost of trip per person according to hotel rooms:

Single Room: $849

Double Room: $729

Triple Room: $685

Quad Room: $665

**This price is contingent on having 90 travelers and may change if we don’t meet our minimum goal** We are expecting every student to travel with us, and we need lots of parents to help us chaperone!! Start finding your room buddies now!!

Payment Schedule

8/8/2014--$50.00 Deposit per person

9/1/2014--$150/per person

10/1/2014--$200/per person

11/1/2014—Remainder of Balance