

Little Einsteins Day Nursery Ltd
Beverley Road
Tel 01302 366430
(Established June 2006) / Little Einsteins Day Nursery Ltd
School Walk
Denaby Main
DN12 4HZ
Tel 01709 860046

(Established September 2010)
Little Einsteins Day Nursery Ltd
Denaby Main Primary School
School Walk
Denaby Main
DN12 4HZ
Tel 01709 860046

(Established January 2014) / Little Einsteins St Alban’s
St Alban’s Catholic Primary School
Wadworth Street
Denaby Main
DN12 4AQ
Tel: 01709 868854

(Established September 2014)


Welcome to Little Einsteins Day Nursery where our aim is to provide high quality care and education for your child, by ensuring that our provision recognises and meets the diverse needs of each individual child.

We are a day nursery that is the private provider for Wheatley Children’s Centre, based in Wheatley (see map). Our nursery has been purpose built for childcare, providing an environment that provides extensive opportunities for your child to develop, recognising and promoting the Governments ‘Every Child Matters’ five outcomes that are most important for young children;

·  Be healthy

·  Stay safe

·  Enjoy and achieve

·  Make a positive contribution

·  Achieve economic well-being

The nursery is owned and managed by highly qualified childcare practitioners who have vast experience and knowledge of early years care and education. Fully vetted childcare practitioners care for all children within an environment that meets the requirements of the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage; a national strategy which sets standards for a child’s learning, development and care.

Little Einsteins Day Nursery Ltd aims to provide a reliable and flexible service to meet the demands of working parents and carers (please refer to the pricing strategy) and we do not require a minimum booking of sessions to secure a place for your child. We provide childcare for children from birth and 5 years; promoting care and education within a nursery environment that recognises and supports the diverse ages and stages of children’s development. Children access the room that is most supportive of their current needs and are divided as follows;

Discovers Room – for babies (children from birth to two years of age approximately)

Explorers Room – for toddlers (children who are rising two’s to three years of age approximately)

Inventors Room – for pre-schoolers (children who are rising three’s to five years of age approximately)

School readiness room – for pre-schoolers that are due to start full time school in the following September

The rooms offer different learning environments that support and promote the different stages of children’s development. Children access the different rooms based on their learning and development needs – and not necessarily their age, thus recognising that all children are unique and develop at different ages and stages.

Our Ref: Nursery Enquiry letter


Dear parent and carer of:

Thank you for your enquiry about your child attending Little Einsteins Day Nursery Ltd for early years care and education.

Little Einsteins is the private provider of childcare for Wheatley Centre, and provides full day care for children from birth to five years. Care and education is provided in a purpose built, safe, caring and stimulating environment that is inclusive to all children and their families.

We understand that children learn and develop when they feel safe, secure and are happy in their environment, and therefore we aim to build firm attachments with each individual child and their families to ensure that each child’s individual needs are nurtured within our nursery. To ensure that our nursery environment is suitable for your child and meets your family’s needs we encourage you to make an appointment to visit the nursery before registering your interest in a place. This will give you an opportunity to ask any questions about the nursery, and to explore the environment where your child would be cared for.

For your perusal, our nursery prospectus is enclosed. Operational information is provided with details of the high quality care and education that is promoted. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information or to make an appointment to visit the setting. We will look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards

Laura R BA (Honors) in Early Childhood Studies


Cheryl C BA (Honors) in Early Childhood Studies


Rachael M BA (Honors) in Early Childhood Studies, and Early Years Teacher Status

EYT Manager

Discoverers Room

It is recognised that babies and young children require familiarity and routine in a warm, homely environment with consistency in care givers. Our recognition of this promotes an ethos in which the foundations in which our ‘Discoverers Room’ has been created. A warm, calm, and cosy environment, which is decorated in neutral colours, natural wood and soft furnishings, reflecting that of a home setting is where our babies and young children are supported in their early years care and learning journey.

Childcare practitioners will care for your child in an environment that will support their individual routine and emergent needs. We recognise that a baby’s routine is of paramount importance and therefore we continue the routine parents have established at home within the nursery environment. A baby’s early days are extraordinary and that they require a warm and caring environment to enable them to thrive. Our ‘discoverers’ environment has established different areas to support children’s different routines and individual needs;

·  A sleep and quiet time area with cosy floor coverings and cushions

·  Milk feeding area, where children can have their bottle in a quiet area and share quality time with their primary carer when in the nursery environment

·  Nappy changing area, where children are changed based on their individual needs, not at a set time

·  Sensory and exploration areas, where young children can play independently and take part in adult led activities which teach and promote new skills

·  A meal time area where children are encouraged to discover new tastes and textures supported by care givers and encouraged to develop their Independence at mealtimes.

Our childcare practitioners are aware of the importance of nurturing interaction and provide a language rich environment to stimulate babies and young children. Sensory and exploratory experiences are introduced to all children using a variety of natural resources and equipment, stimulating development and supporting their current stage of development. Regular observations of your child’s development and interests will provide the foundations for planned activities and necessary changes to the nursery environment, reflecting upon and meeting your child’s emergent needs.

We have a designated area in the nursery, providing a private and comfortable space for parents who wish to breastfeed their child.

Explorers Room

Our ‘Explorers Room’ creates an environment where children can reinforce their newly found mobility and sensory exploration. The room has different learning areas that are well stocked with resources and equipment that supports their emerging skills and interests. The room is open plan, and uses furniture to create different areas of interest; including a block area, creative area, puzzles, role play area and mark making area. Children have access to a safe and secure outdoor learning environment that supports activities most suited for the outdoors; bike play, exploring the natural environment, sand and water play, large block play and discovering about the natural elements.

Daily activities are planned to ensure that children have opportunity to reinforce their new found skills in a learning environment that supports their interests. Childcare practitioners will facilitate your children’s learning in an environment that will promote firm foundations for future learning.

We have a daily routine that supports the needs of children of this stage of development, promoting children’s personal, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual development. Our ‘Explorers’ environment provides different areas to support individual needs;

·  Sleep and rest area

·  Meal and snack area

·  Separate changing area and toilets

·  Sensory and exploration play areas

·  Book area with floor cushions, throws and rugs to rest

·  Creative area

·  Activity areas

·  Outdoor play area

All children are to be supported by qualified and experienced childcare practitioners who will build a close, nurturing relationship with them to allow them to feel safe and secure in the nursery. We work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that the nursery continues to meet the emerging needs of all children, building positive and professional working relationships with the child’s family, having a holistic approach to providing early years care and education.

We plan an early year’s environment that promotes the Early Years Foundation Stage, ensuring that children’s learning and development is closely monitored, and that learning opportunities are enhanced through the continuous provision. All children are respected as individuals and activities and resources are adapted to meet all needs.

As our setting is registered and inspected by OFSTED and implements the Development Matters for the Early Years Foundation Stage; some parents and carers can claim for free early learning funding for two year olds at our nursery. Children and their families who meet strict criteria as set

by the Government may be entitled to receive 15 hours of free early years provision per week for 38 weeks per year (subject to government change) from the term following their second birthday - further information is available from the nursery, along with session times as described on our waiting list form. Or for further information / to apply, please follow the link to the appropriate website as detailed here;

The local council will then contact you regarding whether you are eligible for the funding, and what information you would need to provide to the setting to show your eligibility.

Inventors Room

Our ‘Inventors Room’ provides a variety of ‘hands on’ learning opportunities where children are encouraged to choose from a selection of equipment and resources which are available. The nursery environment promotes the Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) – (introduced in September 2012), though a play based environment. A continuous learning environment is carefully planned to ensure that children can learn through their play and engagement with practitioners and peers. Early years childcare practitioners plan activities that promote children’s early years’ development of key skills, making preparations for school life and future learning.

Little Einsteins Day Nursery Ltd promotes the seven areas of learning and development within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) guidance, helping children progress towards the ‘early learning goals’ as set out by the document.

As our setting is registered and inspected by OFSTED and implements the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance; parents and carers can claim for their free early learning funding for three and four year olds at our nursery. Children are entitled to receive 15 hours of free early years provision per week for 38 weeks per year (subject to government change) from the term following their third birthday - further information is available from the nursery, along with session times as described on our waiting list form.

Our commitment to providing high quality, flexible, accessible and affordable childcare and education gives parents and carers peace of mind that their child is accessing good quality early years education in a setting that is flexible in meeting the needs of the whole family. Parents and carers can access wrap around care to extend on the free early years learning funding to extend a child’s stay at nursery, supporting parents and carers who work, study or those who use the nursery for respite care.

School Readiness Room

To support your child in their preparation for school, we have created a ‘school readiness

programme’ for them to take part in – to enable them to build confidence and develop the necessary skills in preparation for their Reception year. The room has been specifically designed with areas that are similar to a classroom in a school environment. We have researched the routines and practices within the local Foundation Stage Units / Reception classes within our surrounding schools, and have been liaising closely with our sister site at Denaby who were the first to establish a school readiness programme. The activities planned for the programme will still follow the EYFS curriculum, which is the same as what is used in schools up to the end of the Reception year. However the routine is slightly tailored to enable your child to develop a ‘school routine’ with the opportunity to access activities within Park Primary school such as school assembly, dinner time (learning how to use the dinner time trays and self-service units), access the school playground etc.

The aim of our nursery curricula is:

·  To support all children in their learning journey

·  To provide opportunities for learning and development based on current interests

·  To promote a positive attitude towards learning in a play-based environment

·  To promote positive attitudes of learning through discovery and exploration

·  To promote an ethos of mutual respect and kindness, and a sense of what is and

what is not acceptable conduct of behaviour

·  To help children understand that everyone are individuals and unique, promoting

a knowledge and understanding of diversity and the importance of inclusion

At Little Einsteins Day Nursery we encourage parents and carers to visit the setting to look at the facilities available, and to meet our childcare practitioners. At your first visit we will show you around the setting explaining how the nursery operates, providing many opportunities for you to ask questions about the setting, supporting you in making an informed decision of whether our setting will be the most suitable in meeting the needs of your child and their family.

You will have access to our key and additional ‘operational policies and procedures for parents and carers’ that describe in detail how the nursery operates on a daily basis. It is recommended that upon registration of child at the setting, that a legal guardian reads and understands key operating policies before the child is left within our care. Our policies and procedures ensure that the highest standard of care and education is promoted and meets the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation stage and promotes the Governments Every Child Matters Five Outcomes for Children.