RESA 8 Early Head Start/Head Start Pre-K Family Demographics

Date: ____/____/___

Child’s Last Name: ______FCP Worker: ______

Family Composition

List Adults (Head of Household first), then children oldest to youngest. Put a * by the Head Start enrollee.

Name / DOB / Gender / Race / Language:
Secondary / Highest Grade / School/Training
Employment Type & Location / Relationship to enrollee / Health Concerns

Parents’ English Ability (Check all that apply.): __ very well __ well __ not well __ not at all

Child’s Ethnicity: __ Caucasian __ Black __ Hispanic __ Asian __ other ______

Primary Occupational Status (If two-parent family, please check all that apply:

__ Full – time (more than 34 hours per week) __ Unemployed

__Part-time__With past employment history

__Seasonal-Non Agricultural __ With no previous job experience

__Seasonal- Agricultural __ Unable to work due to disability

__ Employed and in school __ Active Military

__ Training program with salary __ Veteran

__ Training program without salary __ Retired

__ Other __ Homemaker

__ In School

__ Towards high school diploma/GED

__ Towards trade/business qualification

__ Towards college degree

__Towards postgraduate degree

__ In school and employed


Types of Services or Financial Assistance Received (mark all that apply):

__ No services received

__ Medical financial assistance (i.e. Medicare/Medicaid) __ Unemployment insurance

__ Food Stamps__ Public housing assistance

__ Public assistance/Welfare (i.e.TANF/AFDC)*__ Emergency program assistance


__Supplemental Security income (SSI)__ Child Support / Alimony

__ Foster Care/Adoption subsidy__ Other: ______

Housing Payment Arrangement:

__ Own House__ Exchange Services for housing__ Receive subsidized housing

__ Rent Housing__ Make no payment for housing__other: Specify ______

Type of Housing:

__ House __ Mobile home/trailer__ Homeless/no housing__ Migrant housing

__ Apartment__ Community shelter__M/Hotel room__ Other:

Family currently has means of transportation: __ Yes __ No

Primary mode(s) of transportation used (mark all that apply):

__ Private vehicle (car, truck, van)__ Public transportation (bus, subway, taxi)

__ Friend or relative’s vehicle__ Other: ______

Child to be cared for by someone other than the head of household in addition to participating in Head Start:

__ Yes __ No

Day Care Provider (s) (mark all that apply):

__ Older sibling 12 -__Adult non-relative in non-relative’s home

__ Older sibling 12 +__ Childcare center

__ Relative__ Other: ______Adult non-relative in child’s home __ Not arranged yet

Do you receive a subsidy for child care; example – Mountainheart? __ Yes__ No

SM/AK 3/17