Peak Radio Association

November12th, 2012 Meeting Minutes

Stacey was ill so Chris Novara opened the meeting had everyone go around the room and give name and call. See roster. A call was put out for anyone who might want an application for membership.

Minutes of previous meeting presented. A correction offered was that Jeremy was starting a law practice not a league practice. Vote to accept as amended passed.

Treasurer’s report: The Treasurer, Jeremy NH6Z,reported that we have $37 more then the approximate "500 bucks" reported last month. He holds the checkbook so no money has been spent. He also acquired a post office box (PO Box 1743, Corvallis97339) for the club and has or will distribute keys to Sean and Stacy, the other officers that live in Corvallis. in conjunction with that Jeremy put a motion before the board to authorize him to file a change of address for the corporation with the State.Motion seconded and passed a vote.Report voted on and accepted.

Reflection on Mary's Peak day. Chris recalled that 13 people it was windy and rainy. Questions were asked and interest was high. There was also interest in setting a fixed date next year for a more structured field day. A suggestion was offended to have a club meeting at Mary's Peak on a weekend day to combine the site visit with the meeting.

Old business:

A call was put out for W7KQ Noah Forest andN7ICM Nicholas Moore for membership vote. Noah and Nicholas were not present.

Johnny reported that the card printing effort has been derailed by a computer crash.

Bill reported that we have the official results from Field Day. On Page 78 of December QST. We were a 6A group and got 854 contacts on generator power 150 watts or less with 12 operators for a total of 2626 points. Our ranking was good for a first effort without an emphasis on making contacts. Some discussion and ideas about next Field Day.

New business:

Discussion about the board having a separate business meeting. One suggestion was to have the board meeting just before the regular meeting so folks could sit in and listen. The regular meeting would be more for presentations interactive things. Chris K7TVL suggested that someone would need to step up and coordinate presentations for the regular meetings.Mike W7RIS foolishly volunteered to be program coordinator. The club quickly made a motion that passed to vote him in.

It was generally agreed that we as a club would, after the first of the year, have a program coordinated by Mike and there would be a short business meeting either before or after the regular meeting.

Non-Agenda items:

Johnny asked if the club would be interested in paying for a CD that would help folks pass the Amateur Radio Exams called Ham Cram. This format provides the question and the correct answer. This would be in conjunction with our club administering a VE test. It was concluded that there is not really a need in this area for more VE tests.

New Applications include Paul Lusardi N0ULR, Mark Forbes KC7LZD and Brad Kellison NK8J.

Vaughn pointed out that the club is approaching the end of our first year and that we need to start considering changes to the by-laws and officer elections. Proposed changes to the by-laws and candidates for board members and officers need to be published the month before


PRA 10-08-2012 minutes Draft

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