APUSH Crash Course Style Videos

Breakdown of how the videos align by topic, American Pageant (Kennedy), American History (Brinkley), America’s History (Henretta), and Enduring Vision (Boyer 5th ed) chapters. If you just focus on the topics listed, the videos should be useful for ANY APUSH textbook or class. I made these videos with the hopes that they would be useful to any and all history classes.

How I use the videos: I have my students watch the videos at home prior to reading the chapter. This gives them an overview of the important topics and themes of the chapter. In class I lecture, work with documents, and other typical apush activities. At the end of the chapter/topic I encourage students to watch the videos to make sure they got all the important stuff down. This usually takes place at home the night before the chapter test.

I hope this breakdown helps. Be sure to check out the other APUSH / U.S. history related videos on the channel. Playlist have been set up by Periods. Feel free to contact me at .

Video Details: More info at www.apushexplained.com

Topics: Native Americans Pre-Contact & Early Colonization: 1491-1607

Native American life, Columbian Exchange, Treaty of Tordesilas, encomienda system, mestizo, Pueblo Revolt, Juan de Sepulveda, Bartolome de las Casas, mercantilism, etc.


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 1

Brinkley- American History Chapter 1

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 1-2

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 1-2


Topics: Southern Colonies: 1588-1733

Spanish Armada, Roanoke, Jamestown, Joint Stock Company, Royal colony, Chesapeak, Maryland, Indentured Servants, Headright System, House of Burgesses, Bacon’s Rebellion, Anglo-Powhatan Wars, Act of Toleration, Southern Carolina, Georgia, West Indies


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 2

Brinkley- American History Chapter 1-2

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 2-3

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 2-3


Topics: New England & Middle Colonies: 1620-1700

New England colonies, Plymouth, Mayflower Compact, Mass. Bay Colony, John Winthrop, Town Hall Meeting, Roger Williams, Anne Hutchison, Pequot War, New England Confederation, King Philip’s War, New Amsterdam, New York, William Penn, Quakers, Navigation Acts, Dominion of New England, Glorious Revolution


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 3

Brinkley- American History Chapter 2-3

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 2-3

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 3


Topics: English Colonial Society 1607-1775

Contrast Chesapeake vs. New England colonies, slavery, triangular trade, middle passage, Stono Uprising, Half Way Covenant, Salem Witch Trials, Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards, New Lights, Mercantilism, Navigation Acts, Salutary Neglect, Dominion of New England, Glorious Revolution, colonial politics, Zenger Case


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 4-5

Brinkley- American History Chapter 2-3

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 3-4

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 3-4


Topics: European Rivalries & French & Indian War

New France, Samuel de Champlain, King Williams War, Queen Anne’s War, King George’s War, salutary neglect, French & Indian War, George Washington, Albany Plan, Treaty of Paris, Pontiacs Rebellion, Proclamation of 1763


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 6

Brinkley- American History Chapter 4

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 2 & 4

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 4-5


Topics: Road to American Revolution: 1763-1775

Seven Years War, King George III, George Grenville, Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Virginia Resolves, Stamp Act Congress, Sons of Liberty, Nonimportation Agreements, Declaratory Act, Townshend Act, Writ of Assistance, Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, Daughters of Liberty, Boston Massacre, Committee of Correspondence, Samuel Adams, Tea Act, Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts/ Intolerable Acts, Suffolk Resolves, Quebec Act, 1st Continental Congress, Lexington & Concord


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 7

Brinkley- American History Chapter 4

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 5

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 5


Topics: The American Revolution: 1775-1783

2nd Continental Congress, Bunker Hill, Oliver Branch Petition, Enlightenment, Thomas Paine, Republic, Declaration of Independence, John Locke, Loyalist, Patriots, Advantages / Disadvantages of the colonists, Battle of Saratoga, Franco-American Alliance, Battle of Trenton, Valley Forge, Battle of Yorktown, Treaty of Paris, Political & Social impact of the revolution, Abigail Adams, Republican Motherhood, Lord Dunmore, Pennsylvania Gradual Emancipation Law


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 8

Brinkley- American History Chapter 5

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 5,6

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 6


Topics: Articles of Confederation & The Constitution

State governments, separation of powers, Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom, republicanism, Articles of Confederation, Northwest Ordinances, Foreign Policy problems, Barbary Pirates, Shay’s Rebellion, Annapolis Convention, Constitutional Convention, Virginia Plan, New Jersey, Great Compromise, 3/5th Compromise, Slave Trade, Fugitive Slave Law, Federalist, Anti-Federalist, Federalist Papers, Bill of Rights, popular sovereignty, federalism, electoral college


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 9

Brinkley- American History Chapter 5-6

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 6

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 6


Topics: The Young Republic: 1789-1800

Washington administration, Presidential cabinet, Secretary of Treasury Hamilton, Judiciary Act of 1789, Bill of Rights, Report on Public Credit, tariffs, excise taxes, National Bank, strict vs. loose interpretation, 1st Party System, Federalist vs. Jeffersonian Republicans, Whiskey Rebellion, Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality, French Revolution, Citizen Edmond Genet, Jay’s Treaty, Pinckney Treaty, Battle of Fallen Timbers, Treaty of Greenville, Washington’s Farewell Address, Election of 1796, John Adams Administration, XYZ Affair, Quasi War, Convention of 1800, Alien, Naturalization, & Sedition Acts, Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, nullification


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 10

Brinkley- American History Chapter 6

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 7

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 7


Topics: Jeffersonian America: 1800-1812

President Jefferson, Election of 1800, Revolutionary or Not?, Judiciary Act of 1801, Midnight Judges, Marbury v. Madison, Judicial Review, John Marshall, Louisiana Purchase, Haitian Revolution, Lewis and Clark, Wild Aaron Burr, Napoleonic Wars, Orders in Council, Berlin Decree, Chesapeake-Leopard Affair, Embargo Act, President James Madison, Non-Intercourse Act, Macon’s Bill #2, War Hawks, Tecumseh and the Prophet, William Henry Harrison, Battle of Tippecanoe, Causes of War of 1812


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 11

Brinkley- American History Chapter 6-7

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 7

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 8 (1st half)


Topics: War of 1812 & Era of Good Feelings: 1814-1824

War of 1812, Battle of New Orleans, Treaty of Ghent, Impact of War, Hartford Convention, Era of Good Feelings, sectionalism, Panic of 1819, James Monroe Administration, American System, Henry Clay, Tariff of 1816, 2nd Bank of the U.S., Transportation improvements, Erie Canal, Missouri Compromise, Tallmadge Amendment, Marshall Court, Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, Gibbons v. Ogden, Sec of State John Quincy Adams, Anglo-American Convention of 1818, Adams Onis Treaty, Monroe Doctrine


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 12

Brinkley- American History Chapter 7-8

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 7-8

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 8 (2nd half)


Topics: Age of Jackson: 1824-1840

Election of 1824, Corrupt Bargain, President John Quincy Adams, Rush Bagot Treaty, Monroe Doctrine, End of Era of Good Feelings, Election of 1828, Age of Common Man, Jackson Presidency, Caucus System, Spoils System, Nullification Crisis, South Carolina Exposition & Protest, Olive Branch & Sword, Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears, Worcester v. Georgia, Bank War, Pet Banks, Panic of 1837, Election of 1836, Martin Van Buren, Second Party System (Whigs vs. Democrats), Texas Independence, Lonestar Republic, Election of 1840


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 13

Brinkley- American History Chapter 9

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 10 (1st half)

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 10


Topics: Market Revolution 1790-1860

Economic specialization, German / Italian immigration, growth of cities, Tammany Hall, Nativism, Know Nothing Party, Samuel Slater, Eli Whitney, Samuel Morse, Lowell Mills, Commonwealth v. Hunt, Transportation Revolution, Erie Canal, Farming Inventions, Internal Slave trade, Western expansion


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 14

Brinkley- American History Chapter 10

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 9

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 9, 13, 11


Topics: Age of Reform 1790-1860

2nd Great Awakening, Deism, Unitarianism, Charles Finney, Age of Reform, Mormons, Brigham Young, Dorothea Dix, Horace Mann, Restrictions on black education, Temperance Movement, American Temperance Society, Cult of Domesticity, Republican Motherhood, Seneca Falls Convention, Transcendentalism, Utopian Communities


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 15

Brinkley- American History Chapter 12

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 11

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 10 (2nd half), 11


Topics: South and Slavery: 1787-1860

Southern Society, Overview of Slavery (Bacon’s Rebellion, Constitution, etc.) Missouri Compromise, Cotton Gin, Market Revolution, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, King Cotton, Southern politics, Comparisons with the North, Life for AA in the South, Nat Turner Rebellion, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, African American culture, Resistance to Slavery, Black Codes, Stono Rebellion, Denmark Vesey, Underground Railroad, Abolitionist Movement, American Colonization Society, David Walker, William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglas, Liberty Party, Gag Resolution, George Fitzhugh,


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 16

Brinkley- American History Chapter 11

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 12

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 12, 10 (abolition)


Topics: Western Expansion: Manifest Destiny & Polk: 1840-1848

Election of 1840, John Tyler, Texas Annexation, Election of James K Polk, Manifest Destiny, Oregon Dispute, Sliddel Mission, Mexican American War, Slavery debate & Western Expansion, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Lincoln “Spot Resolution”, Wilmot Proviso


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 17

Brinkley- American History Chapter 13

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 13

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 13


Topics: Sectionalism: 1848-1854

Free Soil Party, Debate over slavery, Election of 1848, Popular Sovereignty, CA Gold Rush, Compromise of 1850, Fire-eaters, Fugitive Slave Act, Underground Railroad, Personal Liberty Laws, Anthony Burns, Ostend Manifesto, “slaveocracy”, Gadsden Purchase, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Stephen Douglas,


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 18

Brinkley- American History Chapter 13

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 13

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 14


Topics: Drifting Toward Disunion: 1854-1861

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Growth of Abolitionist Movement, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Topeka, Lecompton. Bleeding Kansas, Republican Party, Sack of Lawrence, Pottawatomie Creek, Sumner Beating, Election of 1856, Know Nothing Party, Lecompton Constitution, Dred Scott case, Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Freeport Doctrine, Harper’s Ferry, Election of 1860. Secession, Crittenden Compromise, Confederate States of America


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 19

Brinkley- American History Chapter 13

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 13

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 14


Topics: Civil War 1861-1865

Fort Sumter, Lincoln’s Inaugural, Border States, North vs. South resources, Conscription Act, 300 dollar men, NY Draft Riots, Radical Republicans, Confiscation Act, Battle of Antietam, Emancipation Proclamation, Frederick Douglas, Mass. 54th, Writ of habeas corpus, Federal power & civil liberties, Cotton Diplomacy, Cooperheads, War Democrats, Election of 1864, Impact of Civil War, Assassination of Lincoln


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 20-21

Brinkley- American History Chapter 14

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 14

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 15


Topics: Civil War Battles 1861-1865

Anaconda Plan, Battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Ulysses S. Grant, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Sherman’s March to the Sea, Appomattox, Death of Lincoln


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 20-21

Brinkley- American History Chapter 14

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 14

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 15


Topics: Reconstruction 1863-1877

Reconstruction issues, Freedmen’s Bureau, Wartime Reconstruction, Wade-Davis Plan, 13th Amendment, 14th Amendment, 15th Amendment, Black Codes, Tenant farming, sharecropping, Congressional Reconstruction, Impeachment of Johnson, Tenure of Office Act, Radical Reconstruction, Hiram Revels, Scalawags, Carpetbaggers, KKK, Force Acts, Civil Rights Act of 1875, Jim Crow laws


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 22

Brinkley- American History Chapter 15

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 15

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 16


Topic: Gilded Age Politics: 1868-1890

President Grant. Granitsm, Credit Mobilier Affair, Tammany Hall, Boss Tweed, Thomas Nast, Panic of 1873, Greenbacks, Election of 1876, Compromise of 1877, Civil Rights Act of 1875, Civil Rights Cases of 1883, Jim Crow laws, Plessy v. Ferguson, New South, Sharecropping, Grandfather Clauses, Literacy Test, Redeemers, Chinese immigration, Chinese Exclusion Act, Gilded Age Presidents, laissez faire, Civil Service Reform, Half Breeds, Stalwarts, Tariff issue, Great Railroad strike, Pendleton Act, Interstate Commerce Act


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 23

Brinkley- American History Chapter 15, 17, 19

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 15, 17, 20

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 16, 18, 20


Topics: Industrial Revolution: 1865-1900

Industrial Revolution, patents, Growth of railroad industry, Pacific Railroad Act, Railroad problems, laissez faire, Munn v. Illinois, Wabash Case, Interstate Commerce Act, Grange Movement, Andrew Carnegie, John D Rockefeller, Horizontal Integration, Vertical integration, monopoly, Social Darwinism, Gospel of Wealth, Sherman Anti-Trust Act, National Labor Union, Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor, Great Railroad Strike, Haymarket Bombing, Homestead Strike, Pullman Strike


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 24

Brinkley- American History Chapter 17 & 18

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 17 & 19

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 18, 20


Topics: America Moves to the City: 1865-1900

Urbanization, innovations, inventions, urban poverty, ethnic neighborhoods, Political Machines, Boss Tweed, New vs. Old Immigrants, push and pull factors, Ellis Island, Nativism, Chinese Exclusion Act, American Protective Association, Literacy Test, Quota Acts, Social Gospel Movement, Salvation Army, Settlement House Movement, Jane Addams, Horatio Alger, “Progress and Poverty”, “Looking Backward”, Booker T Washington, WEB Dubois, NAACP, Tuskege Institute


Kennedy- American Pageant Chapter 25

Brinkley- American History Chapter 17 & 18

Henretta- America’s History Chapter 17-19

Boyer – Enduring Vision Chapter 18, 19, 20


Topics: Western Expansion & Farmer Movements

Role of federal government in western expansion, CA Gold Rush, Homestead Act, Pacific Railroad Act, Mining Industry, Cattle Industry, Boom & Bust economy, Myth vs. Reality of West, Chinese immigration, Women’s suffrage in west, Bison, Native American Wars, Sand Creek Massacre, Battle of Little Bighorn, Siting Bull, Nez Perce Retreat, Wounded Knee massacre, “A Century of Dishonor”. Carlisle Indian School, Dawes Severalty Act, Frederick Jackson Turner, Frontier Thesis, Grange Movement, Munn v. Illinois, Wabash case, Farmers Alliance, Populist Party, Coxey’s Army, Election of 1896, Cross of Gold Speech