2.1: Imports from ECOWAS

2.2: Imports from European Union

2.3: Imports from Asia

2.4: Imports from Americas


3.1 Exports to European Union

3.2 Exports to ECOWAS

3.3 Exports to Asia

3.4 Exports to the Americas


The External trade of The Gambia for the year 2012 indicates a significant increase in total trade compared to 2011. The value of trade increased from D 13.32 billion in 2011 to D16.69billion indicating an increase of 25.3%. Both the total value of imports and exports increased significantly by 27.2% and 19.1% respectively.However, the value of domestic exportsin 2012decreased significantly by 37.2% due to the crop failure that led to significant drop in the exports of groundnuts. The tradebalance hastherefore worsened by 31.0%, from D6.96 billion in 2011 to D9.11 billion in 2012due tosignificant increase in the valueof imports.

The share of exports as a percentage of total trade thus decreased from 23.9% in 2011 to 22.7% in 2012. Domestic exports represented15.6% of the total exports in 2012 down from29.5% in 2011.

A summary of the trend of the value of the Gambia’s external trade from 2009 to 2012 is shown in table 1 and figure 1 below.

Table 1: Summary of theGambia’s external trade in D’ 000

Trade / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / %Change
Total Trade / 9,839,789 / 9,709,519 / 13,319,247 / 16,687,912 / 25.29
Imports / 8,084,622 / 7,977,728 / 10,137,160 / 12,898,329 / 27.24
Domestic export / 712,544 / 1,184,524 / 939,792 / 590,351 / -37.18
Re-export / 1,042,623 / 546,900 / 2,242,295 / 3,199,232 / 42.68
Total exports / 1,755,167 / 1,731,791 / 3,182,087 / 3,789,583 / 19.09
Trade Balance / -6,329,455 / -6,245,937 / -6,955,073 / -9,108,746 / -30.97
Total Trade (US$’000*) / 376,653.90 / 346,768.50 / 459,284.38 / 521,497.25 / 13.55%

Source: Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS)

Note: The average exchange for 1$ wasD29 in 2011 and D32 in 2012.

Figure 1: Gambia’s import and export flows (2008 – 2011)


The values of the monthly imports on average have been above D800 million, with the highest recorded of D 1,369.5 million in June 2012. The values of the monthly total exports have been consistently low and on average below D400 million. The performance of the monthly imports and exports for 2012 is shown in figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Monthly Imports and Exports for 2012

Source: GBoS

An analysis of the total exports shows that themonthly domestic exports in 2012 has been consistently low except in February and July when domestic exports were above D100 million.The monthly re-exports were much stronger and on average above D200 million per month. Figure 3 below shows the monthly performance of domestic exports and re-exports in 2012.

Figure 3: Monthly domestic exports and re-exports for 2012

Source: GBoS


The value of the Gambia’s total imports increasedsignificantly from D10.1 billion in 2011 to D12.9 billion representing an increase of 27.2%.Petroleum products, rice, electrical equipment, vehicles and spare parts, edible oils, and sugar continue to be the main imported products.

The ECOWAS region, Asia andthe EU continue to be the three main sources of the Gambia’s imports. The share of imports from the ECOWAS region increased from 28% in 2011 to 30% in 2012due to the increase in the value of imports of petroleum products and cement. The share of imports from the EU declined from 25% in 2011 to 18% in 2012 due a significant drop in the value of imports of electrical machinery and equipment.The share of imports from Asia however increased from 23% in 2011 to 30% in 2012.

Table 2.1 and figure 4 below show the direction and share of imports by region in 2012.

Table 2.1: Direction of Imports by region in 2010 and 2011 (D'000)

Regions / 2011 / 2012 / % CHANGE
EU / 2,562,460 / 2,318,033 / -9.54
Asia / 2,370,504 / 3,842,291 / 62.09
ECOWAS / 2,776,210 / 3,980,942 / 43.39
Americas / 1,243,529 / 1,296,848 / 4.29
Others / 1,184,457 / 1,460,215 / 23.28
Total Imports / 10,137,160 / 12,898,329 / 27.24

Source: GBoS

Figure 4: The Share of Imports by region 2011 and 2012

2.1: Imports from ECOWAS

The ECOWAS region continues to be the main source of petroleum products for the Gambia. The value of imports from the ECOWAS region increased from D2.78 billion in 2011 to D3.98 billion in 2012, representing an increase of 43.4%. This increase is mainly due to the substantial increase in the value of imports of petroleum products (mainly from Cote d’Ivoire) which increased from D2.13 billion in 2011 to D3.26 billion in 2012. The value of imports of cement and related products also increased from D320.90 million in 2011 to D411.02 million in 2012.

The main sources of Gambian imports in the ECOWAS region wereCote d’Ivoire (81.3%) and Senegal (17.6%) accounting for 98.9% of the value of imports from the ECOWAS and 30.5% of the value of total imports in 2012.

Tables 2.2 and 2.3 below show the direction of imports and the main imported products from the ECOWAS.

Table 2.2: Direction of imports from ECOWAS in 2012 by country

Country / CIF Value / As % of imports from ECOWAS / As % of Total imports
Cote d'Ivoire / 3,237,180 / 81.32 / 25.10
Senegal / 700,170 / 17.59 / 5.43
Ghana / 18,159 / 0.46 / 0.14
Guinea / 9,372 / 0.24 / 0.07
Nigeria / 7,783 / 0.20 / 0.06
Togo / 3,489 / 0.09 / 0.03
Sierra Leone / 2,971 / 0.07 / 0.02
Others / 1,818 / 0.05 / 0.01
Total ECOWAS / 3,980,942 / 100.00% / 30.86

Source: GBoS

Table 2.3: Main imported products from ECOWAS in 2012

PRODUCTS / CIF Value (D'000) / As % of imports from ECOWAS
Petroleum products / 3,255,472 / 81.78
Cement and related products / 411,019 / 10.32
Vehicles and parts thereof / 68,465 / 1.72
Wood and articles of wood / 53,305 / 1.33
Cereals / 31,315 / 0.79
Plastics products / 16,838 / 0.42
Tobacco products / 13,410 / 0.34

Source: GBoS

2.2: Imports from the European Union

The value of imports from the EU stood at D2.32 billion in 2012 compared to D2.56 billion in 2011. The share of imports from the EU therefore dropped from 25% in 2011 to 18% in 2012. The drop in the value of imports from the EU is attributed to a drop in the value of imports of electrical products, pharmaceuticals and dairy products. The value of imports of electrical machinery and equipment dropped from D420.8 million in 2011 to D163.0 million in 2012, down by 61%.

The main sources of imports from the EU in 2012were Belgium (23.0%), United Kingdom (18.8%), Germany (13.9%), Netherlands (13.2%), and France (11.0%). These five countries constituted 79.9% of the total imports from the EU and 14.4% of the total value of imports in 2012.

The main importedproducts from the EU in 2012were vehicles and spare parts (24.7%) and pharmaceutical products (10.0%). The other main imported products from the EU include, machinery and mechanical appliances, and electrical products.

Tables 2.4 and 2.5 below show the direction of imports and the main imports from the EU in 2012 respectively.

Table 2.4: Direction of imports from the EU in 2012by country

Country / Value of imports (D’000) / As % of imports from the EU / As % Total Imports
Belgium / 532,002 / 23.0 / 4.1
United Kingdom / 436,274 / 18.8 / 3.4
Netherlands / 306,833 / 13.2 / 2.4
Germany / 322,183 / 13.9 / 2.5
France / 255,855 / 11.0 / 2.0
Italy / 140,498 / 6.1 / 1.1
Others / 324,388 / 14.0 / 2.5
Total / 2,318,033 / 100.0 / 18.0

Source: GBoS

Table 2.5: Main imported products from the EU in 2012

Products / Value (D’000) / As % of imports from EU / As % Total Imports
Vehicles and spare parts / 571,478 / 24.65 / 4.43
Pharmaceuticals / 231,231 / 9.98 / 1.79
Machinery and mechanical appliances / 210,250 / 9.07 / 1.63
Electrical machinery andequipments / 162,976 / 7.03 / 1.26
Dairy Products / 89,653 / 3.87 / 0.70
Flour and related products / 88,580 / 3.82 / 0.69
Edible vegetables, roots and tubers / 77,504 / 3.34 / 0.60
Fruits and vegetables / 67,123 / 2.90 / 0.52
Printed products / 65,435 / 2.82 / 0.51
Textiles / 62,719 / 2.71 / 0.49

Source: GBoS

2.3: Imports from Asia

The value of imports from Asia including the Middle East increased from D2.37 billion in 2011 to D3.84 billion in 2012 representing an increase of 62.1%.The share of imports from Asia as a percentage of total imports thus increased from 23% in 2011 to 30% in 2012.

The main sources of imports from Asia in 2012wereChina (27.0%), Turkey (14.1%), Indonesia (11.8%), and Japan (11.5%) respectively. These four countries constituted 64.4% of the value of imports from Asia and 19.1% of the total value of imports in 2012.

The main importedproducts from Asia in 2012includerice (15.4%) edible oils (14.9%), and electrical machinery and equipments (8.9%). These three categories of products represented 39.2% of the value of imports for Asia in 2012.

The direction of imports and the main imported products from Asia are shown in tables2.6 and 2.7below.

Table2.6: Direction of imports from Asia in 2012 by Country

Country / Value of imports (D’000) / As % of imports from Asia / As % Total Imports
China / 1,037,344 / 27.0 / 8.0
Turkey / 543,056 / 14.1 / 4.2
Indonesia / 454,633 / 11.8 / 3.5
Japan / 442,557 / 11.5 / 3.4
India / 418,933 / 10.9 / 3.2
United Arab Emirates / 187,509 / 4.9 / 1.5
Malaysia / 173,060 / 4.5 / 1.3
Pakistan / 150,394 / 3.9 / 1.2
Others / 434,806 / 11.3 / 3.4
Total / 3,842,292 / 100.0 / 29.8


Table 2.7: Main imported products from Asia in 2012

Products / Value (D’000) / As % of imports from Asia / As % Total Imports
Rice / 590,466 / 15.4 / 4.6
Edible Oil / 570,586 / 14.9 / 4.4
Electrical machinery and equipments / 341,231 / 8.9 / 2.6
Products of Milling Industry / 309,444 / 8.1 / 2.4
Clothing and textiles / 235,344 / 6.1 / 1.8
Machinery and mechanical appliances / 229,772 / 6.0 / 1.8
Plastic Products / 219,582 / 5.7 / 1.7
Vehicles / 128,807 / 3.4 / 1.0
Coffee, Tea Mate & Spices / 84,157 / 2.2 / 0.7


2.4: Imports from the Americas

In 2012, the total value of imports from the Americas increased from D1.24 billion in 2011 to D1.30 billion representing an increase of 4.3%.The main imported products from the Americas were rice (45.7%) and sugar (35.5%). These two products accounted for 81.2% of the value of imports from the region.

The main sources of imports from the Americas in 2012 were Brazil (75.6%) and the United States (13.0%) accounting for 88.6% of the value of imports from the Americas.

The direction of imports and the main imports from the Americas are shown in tables 2.8 and 2.9 below.

Table 2.8: Direction of Imports from the Americas in 2012 by country

Country / CIF Value (D'000) / As % of imports from Americas / As % of Total imports
Brazil / 980,217 / 75.6 / 7.6
United States / 168,798 / 13.0 / 1.3
Canada / 39,710 / 3.1 / 0.3
Uruguay / 19,648 / 1.5 / 0.2
Peru / 19,422 / 1.5 / 0.2
Paraguay / 9,044 / 0.7 / 0.1
Others / 6,690 / 0.5 / 0.1
Total Americas / 1,296,848 / 100.0 / 10.1


Table 2.9: Main imported product from Americas

Products / Value (D’000) / As % of imports from Americas / As % Total Imports
Rice / 593,193 / 45.7 / 4.6
Sugar / 459,812 / 35.5 / 3.6
Vehiclesand spare parts / 81,179 / 6.3 / 0.6
Meat / 45,350 / 3.5 / 0.4
Dairy products / 14,086 / 1.1 / 0.1

Source: GBoS


Thevalue of The Gambia’s exports in 2012 increased from D3.18 billion in 2011 to D3.79 billion in 2012 representing an increase of 19.1%. The re-exports continues to dominate the Gambia’s exports as 84.4% of the total exports are re-exports, mainly to the ECOWAS sub-region.The share of exports to the ECOWAS region thus increased from76% in 2011 to 84% in 2012.However,the share of exports to the EU dropped significantly from 17% in 2011 to just 5% in 2012. This is attributed to the failure of the 2012 crop season which resulted in a significant drop in the exports of ground nuts.

The main exports domestically produced in The Gambia in 2012werewood products, ground nut products, cashew nuts and fishery products.

Table 3.1 and figure 5 below show the direction of exports and share of exports by region in2012respectively.

Table 3.1: Direction of exports by region in 2011 and 2012

REGIONS / 2011 / 2012 / % CHANGE
ECOWAS / 2,415,612 / 3,201,420 / 32.5%
EU / 548,585 / 175,791 / -68.0%
Asia / 183,887 / 364,482 / 98.2%
Americas / 10,652 / 8,950 / -16.0%
Others / 17,701 / 38,940 / 120.0%
Total Exports / 3,182,087 / 3,789,583 / 19.1%


Figure 5: Share of exports by region, 2011 and 2012

3.1 Exports to European Union

TheEU continues to be a main market for the Gambia’s domestic exports.However, the value of exports in 2012dropped from D548.6 million in 2011 to D175.8 million in 2012, down by 68.0%. This is attributed to the crop failure of 2011 which led to a significant drop in the exports of groundnuts. Exports of groundnut products to the EU dropped from D398.1 million in 2011 to D130.0 million in 2012.Exports of fruits and vegetables to the EU also dropped in 2012 compared to 2011. The share of exports to the EU thus dropped from 17% in 2011 to 5% in 2012.

The main export destinations in the EU wereUnited Kingdom (79.2%),Netherlands (11.24%) and Spain (3.7%). These three accounted for 94.1% of the total value of exports to the EU and 4.36% of the total value of exports in 2012.

The direction of exports by country and the main exported products to the EU in 2012 are shown in tables 3.2 and 3.3 below respectively.

Table 3.2: Direction of exports to the EU by Country in 2012

Country / Value of Exports (D'000) / As % of Export to EU / As % of Total Exports
United Kingdom / 139,246 / 79.21 / 3.67
Netherlands / 19,752 / 11.24 / 0.52
Spain / 6,408 / 3.65 / 0.17
Denmark / 5,635 / 3.21 / 0.15
Belgium / 2,427 / 1.38 / 0.06
Germany / 1,740 / 0.99 / 0.05
Others / 582 / 0.33 / 0.02
Total EU / 175,791 / 100.00 / 4.64

Table 3.3: Main export products to EU in 2012

PRODUCTS / FOB Value (D’000) / As % of exports to EU
Groundnuts and groundnut products / 129,975 / 73.9
Fish and fishery products / 33,494 / 19.1
Printed books, newspapers / 6,070 / 3.5
Works of art, / 1,932 / 1.1
Wood and wood articles / 1,102 / 0.6
Other made up textile articles / 311 / 0.2

Source: GBoS

3.2 Exports to the ECOWAS region

TheECOWAS region was the main market for the Gambia’s exports in 2012, although these werepredominantlyre-exports to the region. The value of exports to the region increased from D2, 415.6 million in 2011to D3, 201.4 million constituting an increase of 32.5%.Fish and fishery products were the main domestically produced products exporedt to the region in 2012.

The main destinations for the Gambia’s export were Mali (37.1%), Guinea (33.9%), Senegal (17.6%), and Guinea Bissau (10.2%).These countries accounted for 98.8% of the value of total exports to the ECOWAS region and 83.5% of the Gambia’s total value of exports in 2012.The direction of exports by country and the main exported products to the ECOWAS region in 2012 are shown in tables 3.4.

Table 3.4: Direction of exports to ECOWAS by country in 2012

Country / Value of Exports (D'000) / As % of Export to ECOWAS / As % of Total Exports
Mali / 1,186,028 / 37.05 / 31.30
Guinea / 1,086,560 / 33.94 / 28.67
Senegal / 564,868 / 17.64 / 14.91
Guinea Bissau / 327,003 / 10.21 / 8.63
Sierra Leone / 32,928 / 1.03 / 0.87
Others / 4,032 / 0.13 / 0.11
Total ECOWAS / 3,201,420 / 100.00 / 84.48

Source: GBoS

3.3 Exports to Asia

The valueof exports to Asia increased from D183.9 million in 2011 to D364.5 million in 2012, up by 98.2%. This is mainly due to the high volume of re-export of wood logs to the region. In addition the share of exports to Asia increased from 6% in 2011 to 10% in 2012. Cashew nuts continued to be main domestic export of the Gambia to the Asia region. These two products represent 91.5% of the value of exports to Asia in2012.

China and India are the main marketsfor Gambia’s exports in the region, accounting 95.0% of the total value of exports to Asia in 2012 and 9.1% of the total value of exports.

The direction of exports by country and the main exported products to Asia in 2012 are shown in tables 3.5 and 3.7 below respectively.

Table 3.5: Direction of exports to Asia by Country in 2012

Country / Value of Exports (D'000) / As % of Export to Asia / As % of Total Exports
China / 253,288 / 69.49 / 6.68
India / 93,133 / 25.55 / 2.46
Vietnam / 6,491 / 1.78 / 0.17
Taiwan / 2,734 / 0.75 / 0.07
Others / 8,836 / 2.42 / 0.23
Total Asia / 364,482 / 100.00 / 9.62

Source: GBoS

Table 3.6: Main exported products to Asia in 2012

PRODUCT / Value of Exports (D'000) / As % of Export to Asia
Wood and articles of wood / 237,923 / 65.28
Cashew Nuts / 95,442 / 26.19
Preparations of meat, of fish / 10,866 / 2.98
Iron and steel / 2,612 / 0.72
Fish and crustaceans, / 1,767 / 0.48
Sub Total / 348,610 / 95.65

Source: GBoS

3.4 Exports to the Americas

Exports to theAmericas are very minimal and only constituted 0.24% of the total value of the Gambia’s exports in 2012. The value of exports dropped from D10.6 million in 2011 to D9.0 million in 2012. The main exports destinationswereUruguay(52.5%)and United States (40.6%).Fish and fishery products were the main exported products accounting 63.5% of the value of exports to the Americas in 2012.

Table 3.7: Main exported products to Americas in 2012

Country / Value of Exports (D'000) / As % of Export to Americas / As % of Total Exports
Uruguay / 4,696 / 52.46 / 0.12
United States / 3,630 / 40.55 / 0.10
Brazil / 609 / 6.80 / 0.02
Nicaragua / 16 / 0.18 / 0.00
Total Americas / 8,951 / 100.00 / 0.24

Source: GBoS

Table 3.8: Main exported products to Americas in 2012

PRODUCTS / FOB Value (D’000) / As % of exports to Americas
Preparations of meat, of fish / 4,696 / 52.5
Other made up textile articles; / 986 / 11.0
Fish and crustaceans, molluscs / 334 / 3.7
Miscelleneous edible prepapration / 156 / 1.7
Sub total / 6,172 / 68.9

Source: GBoS


[1] The Data Analyzed is still considered Provisional by GBoS