Biology 615: Special Topics for High School / Middle

School Biology Teachers

Description and Objectives: This course is designed to give an introduction to the topics covered in Middle and High School Biology classes, as aligned with the S.C. science standards. Specifically, the course will cover inquiry, cells, ecology, environment, evolution, DNA, genetics, and energetics / thermodynamics. By covering this material, teachers should gain an understanding of the role biological sciences play in technology and nature. In addition, an emphasis will be placed upon inquiry-based lessons, place-based lessons, and laboratories that will incorporate content. These approaches will help teachers prepare their students for the end of course test (EOCT) in biology and the PASS science test.

Web resources:

Dates and Times: The class will meet on Mondays – Fridays from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. The specific dates (June 11–June 29, 2012) are included on the attached course schedule. Class meetings will take place in Leatherman Science Facility room 201 at Francis Marion University for the first 2 weeks and at ScienceSouth the last week. Content-based lectures will occur from 9:00 – 10:30 am, Labs from 11:00 am -12:30 pm, Lunch (provided) from 12:30-1:30 pm, Labs 1:30 – 4:00 pm and 4:00-5:00 will include discussions on standards, EOCT, assessment, and inquiry-based learning.

Lisa Pike /
Associate Professor of Biology
Department of Biology,

Francis Marion University

Office:Leatherman Science Facility 204 D Phone: (843) 661-1411
Steve Welch /
ScienceSouth at Freedom Florence
1511 Freedom Blvd.
Florence, SC 29505
Phone: (843) 679-5353
Janis McWayne, Evaluator. FMU School of Education. 661-1437. /



Participation 45%

*Quizzes 20%

* Lesson Plan 10%

*Post-test 20%

* Attendance 5%
You must pass the post-test to pass the course.
A 85-100 B 75-84 C 65-74 F < 64

Laboratory:The majority of class meetings will include significant hands-on laboratory time. These experiments will be a mixture of K8-12 labs and college biological science labs. Participation is essential.

Quizzes:Three short quizzes consisting primarily of multiple choice and short answer questions will be given on the dates listed on the course schedule. A main purpose of the quiz is to provide instructor feedback on the concepts that have been covered. Any confusion can then be addressed. A pre-test and post-test will also be given. Only the post-test will count towards your grade.

Lesson Plan: Teachers will prepare 1 lesson as a lesson plan, ready to implement. These will be shared with the class via flash drive.

Biology 615 Syllabus Requirements

Attendance:No absences are allowed, except in the case of emergencies. If a student is absent more than 15% (missing or tardy over 12 hours or 1.5 days) of the total number of class meetings, the course instructor has the right to withdraw the student from the course with an “F”. The instructor may choose to allow students to make up class time to avoid being withdrawn from the course; however, this is solely the discretion of the instructor. Class make up time must be scheduled with the instructor ahead of time, at his convenience, and must be supervised by the instructor.

Tardiness:Students are expected to be in class at the beginning of the stated class time (9:00 am). Excessive tardiness may result in a student being dropped from a class by the instructor.

Grade Reports:Francis Marion University grade reports are available on-line. Near the end of the course, your instructor will provide you with a printed copy of the directions for accessing your grades on line or your instructor will e-mail the directions to you. If you do not have access to the Internet/World Wide Web, please visit the Francis Marion University Office of the Registrar on campus (Stokes Administration Building, Room 118) to sign a grade request form and a printed grade report will be mailed to you.

Course and Instructor Evaluations:Every semester students are provided the opportunity to evaluate each course and its instructor so that educational quality may be maintained and enhanced. All students are encouraged to respond to the evaluation with honesty, sincerity, and a sense of confidentiality.

The evaluation is administered during class time with the instructor leaving the room while a designated student hands out and then collects the forms. This student also delivers the sealed envelope containing the completed forms to the district office or the contracting agency office for mailing to Francis Marion University. These evaluations are completely anonymous and faculty do not receive any feedback until grades have been turned in to the Registrar. Upon noting that these procedures of evaluation have not been followed, a student may contact the Office of the Provost at (843) 661-1286 in order to confidentially inform the administration of such failure to follow procedures.

Your Day:

9:00 am - 12:30 pm Lecture and Lab activities

10:30 am- Break (10 min)

12:30 pm -1:30 pm Lunch (provided: Faculty Cottage M-TH; Pizza Friday)

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm Lab activities

3:30 pm - Break (10 min)

4:00 pm -5:00 pm Discussion

Field Trips: The intention is to implement Place-Based Education.

  1. Project Learning Tree Training (PreK-8) on FMU campus Wednesday June 12 (10:15 – 4:30 am). We will be spending some time outdoors. Certification included.
  1. ScienceSouth on-site Field Trip on Wednesday and ThursdayJune 27th and 28th (9:00 am) *Outside - bug spray! We’ll be walking to the woods and pond to do water quality, pond organisms, and forest tree diversity (Species / Area curves).

Campus Housing: The intention is that this is a commuter course. However, due to past experience we are offering some campus housing. If you choose to stay on campus in student housing you will forfeit the $500 stipend given upon course completion. In other words, the $500 will be used to pay for housing for the three weeks. Housing is in the student apartments, with private rooms but a shared bath / kitchen / living space. We will make every effort to pair you with a teacher and not an undergraduate student taking summer classes. Lunches on Monday – Friday are paid for as a part of the course but you will be responsible for your own breakfast and dinner. Please let us know with your application if you need housing.

2011 / Topic / Labs / Standards
Monday June 11
Standard B-1 and B-3 & 7th grade (7-1, 7-3) / Inquiry
9:00 Intro to Course / Syllabus
Pre-test / Pre-Survey / Parking
Stickers etc.
10:30 Lecture: Into to Inquiry, Data
Collection, Graphing
1:30 Inquiry Labs
3:00 Calorimetry Lab
4:00 Discussion: SC standards support system (S3) and 7th grade applied biology standards / Inquiry Lab (She turned me into a newt (I got better)
Inquiry Lab (Storytelling Graph)
Calorimetry (B-1, B-3)
Discuss: Water transport in plants: an exercise in experimental design
Tues. June12
& 7-4 / Project Learning Tree Certification -
Ecology and Environment
Box Lunch Provided / * Some outside work
Wed. June13
Standard B-2
& 7-2 / Chemistry (Enzymes) & Cells
9:00 Lecture: cells and cell chemistry
10:00 Cell labs
1:00 Enzyme Labs
4:00 9-12 biology standards / Applied Biology and EOCT Q&A / cheek cells, Elodea plasmolysis & cytoplasmic streaming, stomata, onion, pollen tube, termites (B-2.1-2.4)
cell size lab (surface area to volume ratio) (B-2)
Enzyme (Spit) lab, lactose & milk digestion, germinating seeds and enzymes (B-2.7, B-2.8)
Thurs. June14
Standard B-2B-4 & 7-2.4 / Enzymes, Membranes, Diffusion and Osmosis * indicator solutions
9:00 finish enzyme labs
10:30 Lecture: osmosis
1:30 Osmosis labs
3:30 Diffusion (agar)
4:00 PASS testing and 7th grade Standards (biology) / Enzymes and Catalase (Yeast) (B-2.7, B-2.8)
Osmosis and Diffusion labs (B-2.5)
Electrophoresis (B-2 and B-4)
Fri. June 15
Standard B-3
& 7-2.4
6th grade / Energetics / Photosynthesis / Cell Respiration (Probeware)
9:00 Lecture – Energetics
10:30 Respiration labs (mealworms, plants, yeast)
1:00 Finish Respiration Labs
2:00 Photosynthesis (chlorophyll / lycopene extraction / absorption)
3:00 Plant Respiration
4:00Pascal and Vernier Probes in the Classroom (motion, CO2) / Molasses and yeast demo, measuring yeast fermentation, bromythol blue and Elodea, CO2 production in seeds, cricket respiration (B-3.2)
Vernier probes for animal respiration(mealworms) (B -3.2)
Paperclip Pedagogy
Pasco probes for Photosynthesis / Plant respiration (B-3.1)
Mon. June18
Standard B-4 & 7-2.5
Standard B-6 & 7-4.3
and 6th grade / Dr. Vernon Bauer’s models for DNA Replication, Transcription, Translation
9:00 QUIZ 1
9:30Plants and Transpiration
11:00 Lecture: Transcription and Translation
1:00 DNA Repl / Transc/ Transl models
2:30 DNA Dry Labs
3:00 Brine Shrimp and Habitat Preference
4:00 NCCSTS Case Studies / Plants and Transpiration; Transpiration with Probes (B-1; B-3)
DNA models (B-4.1-4.4)
DNA Dry Labs (B-4)
Protein Bracelet (B-4)
Brine Shrimp Behavior (6thB-1, B-6.1, B-6.2, B-6.6)
Tues. June19
Standard B-5& 7-2.6 and &-2.7
Standards B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4
7th grade
8th grade / Evolution
9:00 Lecture – MicroEvolution
10:00 Evolution Labs
1:00 Phylogeny and Caminacules
2:30 Taxonomy and Dichotomous Keys
3:30 Animal Diversity
4:00 Plant Game: How to use Games in Biology Lab to Collect / Graph Data / Co-evolution and Natural Selection (B-5.1 - 5.4)
Agents of Evolution (Beans) (B-5.1-5.4)
Caminacules (B-5.7)
Animal Diversity (6th)
Dichotomous Key
Plant Game Inquiry (B-1, B-6.2, B-6.5; 7-4.5)
Wed. June 20
Standards B-6
6th-7th grade / Ecology
9:00 Lecture – Population Ecology,
Species Interactions
11:00 Mark-Recapture Lab
1:00 Survivorship Lab
2:30 Blacklighting for Insects
3:30 Environment and Behavior: UV Beads, Parental Care
4:00 Place-Based Education / Mark Recapture Lab (B-6)
Survivorship lab (Type I curves) (B-6.2)
Biodiversity of Insects 6th-8th, B-5
UV beads: Inquiry (B-1, 6th-8th)
Thurs. June21
* Outside
Standard B-3, B-5, B-6 and 7-4 / Ecology, Energy / Nutrient Flow in Ecosystems
9:00 Species Richness / Area curves
11:00 Lecture – Community Ecology,
Species Interactions
2:00 Predation Lab, Mimicry Lab
3:00 Overfishing Lab
4:00 AP Biology / Rubrics / Assessment / Species diversity in a forest (B 6.1-6.3) (Outside)
Predation lab
(B-6.1, B-3.6)
OverfishingLab (Tragedy of the Commons)7-4.6; B6.6
Mimicry (B-5)
Fri. June22
Standard B-4, B-5 & 7-2.5 / Mitosis, Meiosis, Mendelian Genetics
9:00 lecture – Mitosis, Meiosis Mendelian Genetics (Corn and Beads to Demo)
11:00 Dragon Genetics: Concord Consortium program (free-ware)
4:00 Science South Implementation Discussion / Planning / Mitosis / Meiosis Beads / Corn
Concord Consortium Dragon Genetics (B-4.5 & B-4.6)
Dragon Genetics B-4; 7th grade (popsicle sticks: Mendel)
Monday June 25
Standards B-4,B-5, and B-1 & 7-2
6th grade / ** Monday – Thursday all activities will be held at Science South. Please arrive promptly by 9 am. Afternoons will be spent practicing / implementing the lessons with middle school kids.
9:00 Quiz 2
Mitosis / Meiosis
9:30 Genetics: Cell Division, Mitosis
11:00 Genes in a Bottle
1:00 Human Body Systems (model hand, ear, lung)
3:00 Hidden Sugars / Tooth Decay / Marvels of Mitosis (B-4)
Genes in a Bottle (B-4)
Human Body Systems
Tuesday June 268
Standard B-4
& 7-2 / Biotechnology
9:00 DNA Extraction (Strawberry)
10:30 Gel electrophoresis lab (Fingerprinting)
1:00 Lesson Implementation (genes in bottle / human body systems) / DNA Extraction (B-4)
Gel electrophoresis (fingerprinting) (B-4.9, B-2.5)
Wednesday June 27 (Outside)
Standard B-6 & 7-4 & 6-2 / Ecology / Plant Biology *Outside
9:00 Flower / Seed dissection & Plant ID, Nature Walk
1:00 Lesson Implementation (DNA extr / electrophoresis) / Outside: Plant ID / Nature Walk
(B-5 & 6th grade)
Flowers Fruits and Seeds (6th)
Thursday June 28 (outside)
Standard B-6
& 7-4 & 6-3 / Ecology (Watersheds) *Outside
9:00 Microaquaria and Water Quality Analyses with Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
1:00 Lesson Implementation (sugars – teeth / plant ID & flower – seed dissection)
4:30 Review for Quiz / Post Test / Outside: Water Quality and Microaquaria (B-6 / 6th-7th grade)
Friday June29
Post-Test / 9:00 am Francis Marion University
Individual conferences,evaluations,quiz, post–test, surveys.
Throughout the Day: Individual Post- Interviews