- Derived from Greek word anthropos= man
- Ology=study of
- Definition=holistic, scientific study of humankind, both past & present
- Whole-understand the interrelationship between all parts.
- Broad-virtually everything associated with human is included in anthropology
Ex: politics, religion, marriage, art, language, skin color, blood types, diseases, etc.
- Main focus – humans as biological organisms
- Interests/Fields
- Evolution=physical/genetic changes over time
- Paleoanthropology=study of fossils
- Nonhuman primates
- Group of mammals
- Are human primates?
- Apes, monkeys
- Why study them?
- Genetically closest
- Similarities & differences
- Window into our past
- Forensic anthropology=examination of skeletal material for legal i.d.
- Main goal-reconstruct past life styles of a people
How? Through analysis of their material remains = artifacts-Ex: pottery, monuments, utensils, jewelry.
- Study garbage=
- Why study? Reflects a lot about life styles.
- Father of=William Rathje
- Everywhere people have been
- Study of languages
- Written & oral
Why study?
- Language argued to be most striking cultural feature of humans
- Reflects culture
- What’s important- large array of terms. Ex: Nuer (Sudan, Africa)
Cattle – 400 terms
- Communicate
- Main focus-human behavior
- Learned (not inherited) - socially transmitted
- Learn social norms-what’s acceptable &appropriate
- Foods
Ex: pony in Tonga
Ex: Kaluli (New Guinea) – semen w/ginger & salt.
Why? Increases likelihood of learning another language (spoken by neighboring tribes) = promotes learning.
- Some behaviors learned consciously
Ex: Say please and thank you.
Sitting properly
- Some Arabic countries-rude to sit w/legs crossed at knee to show soles of shoes or socks.
- Thai nightclub in L.A.
- Other behaviors learned unconsciously/subtly.
a. Use of space = proxemics
- Developed by Edward T. Hall
- Elevator proxemics
- Some behaviors learned as a combination of consciously & unconsciously
Ex: ladies in the shower
- Emphasizes cross-cultural=comparative approach
- Examines similarities & differences in all peoples & cultures.
a.Preliterate through technologically advanced societies.
- What would anthropologists study about U.S. people?
Gangs, prostitutes,middle class, Native Americans, drug use,etc.
b.In all aspects – ex: economics
- $$-Money=form of wealth in U.S.
- Is money only form of wealth?
No—cattle, pigs,yams, shells, etc.
c.Complete view & understanding of the human condition.
- Recently, another sub-discipline included.
- Uses knowledge & methods of other 4 traditional sub-disciplines to apply to solve practical problems and address current issues.
Ex: how to provide excellent health care to a multi-ethnic U.S. population
- Wrap of Intro to Anthropology
- Cell of anthropology
- Theory= set of validated hypotheses that systematically explains relationship between certain variables or phenomena.
- Goal in cultural anthropology is to generate theories—about??
Human behavior
- Characteristics of anthropology
- Scientific in method
- Global in scope
- Holistic in perspective
- How does Cultural Anthro differ from Sociology?
- Who do sociologists mainly study—from where and when?
- Which other sub-discipline do sociologists exclude?