2017-2018 STEM Fair Project Questions/Ideas:


  1. Earth Science
  2. Physical Science
  3. Life Science
  4. Mathematics
  5. Environmental
  6. Computer Science
  7. Engineering

Earth Science:

  1. How accurate are local forecasters?
  2. How accurate are long-range weather forecasts?
  3. Do weather conditions affect the broadcasting of AM radio stations?
  4. How well does charcoal filter water?
  5. Which material absorbs heat most efficiently, sand, soil, or rocks?
  6. Do different types of soils have different percolation rates?
  7. Will the size of a crater be greater when the impact object is bigger? Or travels faster?
  8. Is rainwater absorbed at the same rate in different kinds of soil?
  9. How can you improve the time it takes to desalinate water?
  10. Which natural event causes water to evaporate more quickly: heat or air flow?
  11. Does the type of soil under and around a building affect how much damage the building will withstand in an earthquake?
  12. Is there a difference between well water, tap water, filtered water and bottled water?
  13. Which type of ground covering controls soil erosion the best?
  14. What conditions cause the evening sky to turn colors?
  15. What is the effect of acid rain on various types of metals?
  16. How does the thermal insulation of clothes made of various materials compare?
  17. What is the effect of humidity on various types of wood?
  18. Does land or water warm faster?
  19. Does the pH level of soil affect the growth of plants?
  20. How can you improve the time it takes to desalinate water?
  21. Which natural event causes water to evaporate more quickly: heat or air flow?
  22. Does the type of soil under and around a building affect how much damage the building will withstand in an earthquake?
  23. Is there a difference between well water, tap water, filtered water and bottled water?
  24. Which type of ground covering controls soil erosion the best?
  25. What conditions cause the evening sky to turn colors?
  26. What is the effect of acid rain on various types of metals?
  27. How does the thermal insulation of clothes made of various materials compare?
  28. What is the effect of humidity on various types of wood?
  29. Can the life span of a bubble be extended by different temperatures and atmospheric conditions?
  30. Does land or water warm faster?
  31. Does the pH level of soil affect the growth of plants?
  32. How much methane (energy) does different food scraps produce?
  33. Does the body of water affect the rate of evaporation?


  1. What levee construction will hold the most water?
  2. Which truss design will withstand the most weight?
  3. Which building design best withstands an earthquake?
  4. Which catapult design will launch an object the farthest?
  5. Does the shape of the nose cone affect how far a rocket will fly?
  6. Does the location of the payload affect how far the rocket will fly?
  7. Which window solution (material) will keep a room the warmest?
  8. Does the shape of a windmill’s blades affect the amount of energy it produces?
  9. Would the color of the roofing material affect the energy efficiency of the heating/cooling system of the house? (or would the type of roofing material)
  10. Does the area/material/shape of a parachute affect how fast it falls?
  11. Does the shape of the boat’s hull affect how much weight in can carry?
  12. Does the bow of a ship influence water resistance?
  13. How does the diameter of the dome of a building affect its strength?
  14. Does the quality/size/type or bearings affect the performance of a skateboard?
  15. How does the adhesive (amount/type) affect the strength of tape?
  16. How do different brands of helmets absorb shock?
  17. Does the size/shape of a boat sail affect how fast it travels?
  18. Does the design of a trench affect the flow of water?
  19. Which pulley system will lift the most weight with the least amount of work?


  1. Does acid rain have an affect on the germination of seeds?
  2. Is soil necessary for plant growth?
  3. Do ants prefer cane sugar or artificial sweeteners?
  4. Does the amount of calcium in bones affect their strength?
  5. Does the temperature of water affect the removal rate of bacteria when washing hands?
  6. Will the size of the fruit determine the number of seeds it produces?
  7. Which soil type to earthworms prefer?
  8. Does the length of a person’s legs affect how many steps they take over a given distance?
  9. Does nitrogen affect plant growth?
  10. Will crowding plants affect their growth?
  11. Does wifi radiation affect the growth of a plant?
  12. Does temperature affect the sugar production in a plant?
  13. Is a dominant hand more sensitive to cold than a non-dominant hand?
  14. Does what you eat affect the ph balance in your body?
  15. Is your sense of taste the same when you cannot smell food?
  16. Does eye color affect a person’s vision?
  17. Do the leaves of different trees contain the same pigments? (besides green)
  18. Does radiation (microwave) affect the germination of radish seeds?
  19. Do video game players have quicker reaction times than non video game players?
  20. Does the diet of earthworms affect the soil they enrich?
  21. Will the amount of sugar in a liquid affect how quickly enamel will break down?
  22. Does the font used for a document affect our ability to remember?
  23. Will a hydroponic garden running it’s water through a fish aquarium affect the growth of the plants? Or, will it affect the water quality of the aquarium?
  24. Does eye color affect peripheral vision?
  25. Does color affect taste?
  26. Can different genres of music affect a person’s heart rate?
  27. Does the temperature of water (with food coloring) affect the rate at which a flower will take in the water?


  1. What kind of soil is best for water retention?
  2. What is the effect of acid rain on plant growth?
  3. What effect does fertilizer have on algae growth?
  4. Which environmental pollutant, motor oil or used antifreeze, has the greatest effect on plants?
  5. Does the use of greywater affect plant growth?
  6. Does rain or hail create more erosion on a slope?
  7. Does vegetable waste (banana peels, apple cores, etc) decompose faster in soil with earthworms?
  8. Which soil cover prevents the most soil erosion (grass, mulch or bare soil)?
  9. How are different soil types affected by erosion?
  10. Which food group decomposes the quickest?
  11. How much garbage does your family produce over a month and what percentage is recycled or could be recycled?
  12. What material is best for cleaning up an oil spill?
  13. Does the external color of a structure affect the internal temperature of the structure?
  14. Impervious vs. Natural surfaces - which filter water best?
  15. How does pollution affect the growth of algae?
  16. Can nanotechnology be used to clean up an oil spill?
  17. Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric - Which renewable resources provide the greatest amounts of energy?
  18. Which sources of biomass create the most energy?

Physical Science:

  1. What variables affect the swing of a pendulum (length of string or mass of pendulum)?
  2. Is there a relationship between the size and strength of a magnet?
  3. What types of surfaces produce the greatest or least amount of friction?
  4. What variables affect the flight of an airplane (materials, weight, shape, angle of


  1. What variables affect the efficiency of parachutes (size, shape, materials)?
  2. Which shape of windmill blade is most efficient?
  3. How does the length of a rotor affect helicopter flight?
  4. Does mass affect how fast objects of equal volume will fall through a liquid?
  5. How does the size of a wheel affect the rate at which it lifts a load?
  6. What variables affect the distance a balloon rocket will travel (amount of air, nozzle shape, angle of ascent, different pathways)?
  7. Which type of material conducts sound the best?
  8. What effect does temperature have on buoyancy?
  9. What material makes the best heat insulator?
  10. What effect does temperature have on the elasticity of a rubber band?
  11. What design shape supports a bridge the best?
  12. Do different types of liquids have an effect on the rate of oxidation?
  13. Does viscosity (thickness) of a liquid have an effect on the rate of evaporation or the boiling/freezing point?
  14. What coating inhibits rust formation the best?
  15. Which will food coloring mix into faster - hot, medium, or cold water?
  16. Which chemicals slow the browning of apples or other fruits?
  17. What effect does temperature/packaging have on the ripening of bananas?
  18. Does temperature have an effect on solubility?
  19. Does the color of water have an effect on evaporation rate?
  20. Does temperature affect the growth of sugar or salt crystals?
  21. How does temperature affect the reaction rate of Alka Seltzer?
  22. Do heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones?
  23. Does the density of wood affect how much weight different pieces of wood will hold in water?
  24. How well do different types of wood absorb water?
  25. Does electricity move better through thick wires or thin ones?

30.Which substance when dissolved in water will conduct the strongest electrical current?

31.Does temperature or concentration of a solution affect pH?

  1. Does the size of a ship’s keel affect the rocking of the ship?
  2. How does the mass of an arrow affects the distance an arrow travels?

34.Does salinity and temperature affect the density of water?

  1. Does the weight of a baseball bat affect how far the ball goes when it is hit?
  2. How does the position of a fulcrum affect the ability of a lever to do work?
  3. How do different surfaces affect friction?
  4. How does salinity affect the freezing rate of liquids?
  5. How does density affect the buoyancy of objects?

Computer Science:

  1. Does the length of a computer password determine its overall strength in security?
  2. Are passwords secure over public Wi-Fi?
  3. Does the color of the surface determine whether an optical mouse works?
  4. Does temperature (both hot and cold) affect how well a computer performs on a given task?
  5. Do typing programs designed to improve typing speed, skill, and accuracy beneficial?
  6. How can a Wi-Fi signal be blocked?
  7. What materials can block a Wi-Fi signal?
  8. Does the image format change the file size of a picture saved to a computer?
  9. Can a computer game be created for blind individuals?
  10. Does a Microsoft word document convert perfectly to a Google Doc?
  11. Can a computer program be developed to defeat a human opponent at a board game?
  12. Does the font style of the letters (or characters) in a file change the size of the file?
  13. How does the file size change as more letters (or characters) are added to a file?


  1. Can a formula be created and used to construct a scale model? If so, use it to construct a scale model of your house, school, or neighborhood building.
  2. Is there a “fastest way” to solve a Rubik’s cube?
  3. Is there an equation that will help solve a Rubik’s cube?
  4. Does the amount of water people use on average depend on the climate in the area in which they live?
  5. Does the amount of sleep you get on average equate to a better mood?
  6. Can a pattern be made by concentric, perfect circles?
  7. Can Pascal's Triangle be used to predict the weather?
  8. Can the Fibonacci Sequence be found in nature?
  9. Does the size of a bouncy ball effect how high it bounces?
  10. Does the weight of paper used to make a paper airplane affect how far it flies?
  11. Does the wing angle of a paper airplane change the distance it flies?
  12. Is there a relationship between geometric shapes and patterns?
  13. Is flipping a normal, two sided coin really random?
  14. Does a sports team's winning percentage deviate from the Pythagorean relationship?
  15. Does gender of a mathematician affect their ability?
  16. Can a mathematical equation and analysis improve cell phone service based upon location of towers?
  17. Is there a relationship between the amounts of corn flakes to raisins in a box of Raisin Bran Cereal?
  18. Does the average height of students per grade level increase their grade level increases?
  19. Does Play-Doh lose volume as it’s played with?
  20. How much salt needs to be added to cooking spaghetti to make it cook quicker?
  21. Does thicker liquid evaporate quicker than thinner liquid?
  22. Can the amount of waste created by our school be lessened by a mathematical practice?
  23. Can a teeter-totter be redesigned for one person?
  24. What are the most common sums of two dice when rolled?
  25. What is the relationship between height and arm length?
  26. What is the probability of reaching into a bin and selecting a particular color of M&M candy?
  27. Can statistics be used to predict the contents of edible consumer products such as fruit snacks, a bag of jelly beans or M&Ms?
  28. Does the probability of drawing a particular card from a deck depend upon the number of that type of card in the deck?