Duties of the Deputy Church Warden.

1)To open the church on a Sunday morning.

2)When there is a Service in the church on Sundays to:

  1. Unlock Toilets, North Transept and Vestry.
  2. Open the lower safe so that the processional cross can be removed.
  3. Set up the cross on the window sill. Remove the plastic cover from the Altar, and set the candles on the altar.
  4. Set up microphones, as required.
  5. Put the collection plate on the the credence table.
  6. Unlock the North Door.
  7. Stop the de-humidifier and empty.
  8. Put on lights, and light candles
  9. When necessary, put out ramp for disabled, and help find a place for wheelchair congregation. Check if anyone needs communion brought to them.
  10. Welcome visiting priests, show them vestry and ensure they have everything they need.
  11. Put out collection bags for Sidesman.
  12. Check that Sidesman / Readers have turned up and if not find replacements or take their place.
  13. During large services, help congregation to find seats, and if necessary bring up chairs.
  14. At the end of the service, reverse the order, but leave the church open, Close sanctuary and tip kneeler on Sanctuary step.

3)Notes for Special Services.

  1. Communion:
  2. Remove the key from the lower safe andopen the upper safe. Remove the chalice(s) and patten(s) appropriate for the service.
  3. Take the Bourse and linens out of the top right hand drawer.
  4. Put chalice(s), patten(s) and linens on credence table, and check setup with priest.
  5. Prepare elements and place at West End.
  6. Prepare additional elements and place near altar.
  7. Give the number in the congregation to the priest as (s)he comes in with the choir.
  8. Take up the elements after the Peace.
  9. Take the place of the north side Sidesman at the end of communion, and open Sanctuary gate.
  10. Advent / Christmas / Easter / Pentecost etc.
  11. Ensure altar frontal colour is correct.
  12. Parade Service
  13. Put the appropriate place labels in the pews.
  14. Eastertide
  15. Make sure the Paschal Candle stand is placed by the pulpit.
  16. Advent / Christmas
  17. Make sure the Advent Candle stand is placed by the pulpit.
  18. Team Services
  19. Put the Team Candle in a place designated by the presiding priest.

21st October 2013