Starter Camp

Welcome to the YMCA Preschool! This program is for children 3-5 years of age that have not attended our preschool before. The registration packet has several important documents that must be completed in full for your child to participate in our program. Be sure to answer each question completely, no matter how repetitive they may seem. ALL forms, fees (including outstanding bills) and information MUST be complete before you child can attend or your child cannot be accepted. If the form does not apply to your child, for example the medication administration form please put your child's name on it and sign with some indication that it does not pertain to you. To receive the member price, you MUST have proof of membership or Partner with Youth eligibility. The registration fee is $25 dollars until June 15. The registration fee is non-refundable. After completion of the registration materials, make an appointment with the administrator to review your paperwork and the registration process will be finalized at that time. You will receive updates by way of email about important dates and materials, so please be sure to include an email address for things to be sent to. I promise I will not sell your information or give it to anyone without your consent. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I am so excited for our new year to begin and look forward to meeting all of your families! This is a unique experience for the children to adjust to the life of a preschooler without the commitment of an entire month of school. If you choose to join our Preschool in the fall there will be no registration fee due and you will receive a 10% discount on your first month tuition payment.

Most sincerely,

Christie Krumlaw

Christie Krumlaw

Ashland YMCA Preschool Coordinator


Ashland YMCA Preschool Starter Camp Registration

Will attend kindergarten in the next school year___YES___NO (must be 5 on or before September 30th for Ashland City Schools)

Child's Full Name______


Birthdate______Age of child upon enrollment______



Email Address


Cell Phone for Alerts______





Preschool Starter Camp hours are 8:30-11

**A non-refundable registration fee of $25 must accompany this form before June 15. You must have a membership to receive member pricing.**

Parent/Guardian Signature______


Child's Name______

Preschool Starter Camp 8:30am-11am

Member / Non member / Total
Starter Camp 6/25,27,29
Truax / $50 / $75
Starter Camp 7/23,25,27
Kyser / $50 / $75
Starter Camp 8/13,15,17
Beasley / $50 / $75

Total to be paid PER WEEK______

Parent Signature______Date______

Child’s Name ______

Child Information Check List

Dear Family,

Please use this list to check off all completed forms required by the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services and our preschool. These are required before your child may attend this program.

_____ Registration form

_____ Registration fee made out to “YMCA Preschool” ______

_____ YMCA member Yes or No

_____ Medical Statement ______

_____Child Enrollment/Health Info & Allergies (page 1&2)

_____ Page 3 & Medical/Physical Care Plan (front & back)

_____ Parent financial agreement

_____ Pick up card

_____ Handbook signature

_____Swimming, Gymnastics, local walking permission slip

_____ Permission to use pictures on the YMCA website Yes or No

_____ Permission to be on roster Yes or No

_____ Family Information Sheet

Financial Agreement

I agree to pay the Ashland YMCA Preschool the stated amount of tuition indicated for my child's care. Tuition is due September through May. A two week notice of withdrawal is required from preschool. To receive the member rate, I understand that my child must be an active member. Tuition is due monthly by the first week of each month, and a late fee will be assessed after the 10th of that month.

Child's Name______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Administrator Signature______Date______

Swimming, Gymnastics and Walking Field Trip Permission

General permission slip for swimming, gymnastics and walking field trips.

My child ______Date of Birth______has my permission to participate in the YMCA swimming program. The center will have two supervising staff and a certified life guard on duty at all times. My child also has permission to participate in gymnastics lessons and activities. Children will be supervised and assisted during lessons, to maintain a safe and healthy environment. These classes will take place on ______at_____. The YMCA preschool will go on walking trips, weather permitting, within a two block radius. Children will be taught safety while on the walking trips, under the supervision of classroom staff.

Parent signature ______Date______

Parent notes or relevant information regarding these activities:


Ashland Family YMCA Preschool

Emergency Pickup Information

Persons authorized to pick up child from school other than custodial parent: Must name AT LEAST one.

Child’s Name ______

Child’s birthdate ______Email______

Address ______

Parent who should be contacted FIRST ______NUMBER ______

Person to contact second /relationship/phone


Authorized pick up individuals:






Roster Permission

The State of Ohio requires preschools to have a roster of all children enrolled in preschool. HOWEVER, the only thing I need to have on it is the child’s name. I make a roster of parent’s names, phone, address and email for your convenience. You are welcome to use this info to invite children to play or for party invitations. We do not use it to solicit or harass our families. You can choose what information you wish to share; all or just a few things

Pick what you wish to be listed on roster:

_____ Mom’s name______Dad’s name_____ Email

_____ Address_____ Phone_____ Child’s birthday

Handbook Acknowledgment

Parents, after reading the handbook, please sign and return this page to the director. This is due before the child attends the center. Please feel free to ask the director any questions about the policies in the handbook.

I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the parent handbook for the Ashland Family YMCA Preschool. I agree to follow all policies outlined within.


Signature of parent/guardian Date


Signature of parent/guardian Date

*The handbook is on our website to read or if you would like a hard copy one can be provided upon request.

Photo Release

The Ashland YMCA shares photographs of classes and participants on our web-site in hopes of encouraging participation and interest in our programs. We would like your permission to use photographs of our day on the YMCA website. If you do not grant permission, please indicate this below.

I give the YMCA permission to use photographs of my child/children on the website.

X______Date ______

I DO NOT grant permission and the YMCA may not use my photos on the website.
