Unit / Date / Main Selection
Genre / Skill/Strategy / Grammar / Writing / Spelling
1.1 / 8-15 /

Because of Winn-Dixie

Realistic Fiction / Sequence
Word Structure / Declarative & Interrogative Sentences / Narrative
Prewriting / Short vowels VCCV
1.2 / 8-22 / Lewis and Clark and Me
Historical Fantasy / Author’s Purpose
Answer Questions
Word Structure / Imperative & Exclamatory Sentences / Narrative
Drafting / Long a and i
1.3 / 8-29 / Grandfather’s Journey
Historical Fiction / Sequence
Graphic Organizer
Glossary/Dictionary / Subjects and Predicates / Narrative
Revising / Long e and o
1.4 / 9-6 /

The Horned Toad Prince

Modern Fairy Tale

/ Author’s Purpose
Story Structure
Context Clues / Compound Sentences / Narrative
Editing / Long e
1.5 / 9-12 /

Letters Home from Yosemite

Narrative Nonfiction / Main Idea
Graphic Organizers
Word Structure / Clauses and Complex Sentences / Narrative
Publishing / Long u sounds
9-19 /

Unit 1 Review

2.1 / 9-26 /

What Jo Did

Fiction / Cause and Effect
Prior Knowledge
Word Structure / Common and Proper Nouns / How-to Report
Prewriting / Adding –s and -es
2.2 / 10-3 /

CoyoteSchool News

Historical Fiction / Draw Conclusions
Prior Knowledge
Dictionary/Glossary / Regular Plural Nouns / How-to Report
Drafting / Irregular Plurals
2.3 / 10-10 /

Grace and the Time Machine

Play / Draw Conclusions
Answer Questions
Word Structure / Irregular Plural Nouns / How-to Report
Revising / Words with ar, or
2.4 / 10-17 /

Marven of the Great North Woods

Biography / Fact and Opinion
Monitor and Fix Up
Dictionary/Glossary / Singular Possessive Nouns / How-to Report
Editing / Consonant Pairs
ng, nk, ph, wh
2.5 / 10-24 / So You Want to Be President?
Expository Nonfiction / Main Idea
Dictionary/Glossary / Plural Possessive Nouns / How-to Report
Publishing / Words with
ear, ir, our, ur
10-31 / Unit 2 Review
Unit / Date / Main Selection
Genre / Skill/Strategy / Grammar / Writing / Spelling
3.1 / 11-07 /

The Stranger

Fantasy / Cause/Effect
Ask Questions
Context Clues / Action & Linking Verbs / Compare/Contrast
Prewriting / Adding
–ed and -ing
3.2 / 11-14 / Adelina’s Whales
Photo Essay / Fact and Opinion
Graphic Organizers
Context Clues / Main & Helping Verbs / Compare/Contrast
Drafting / Homophones
3.3 / 11-28 / How Night Came From the Sea
Porquoi Tale / Generalize
Context Clues / Subject-Verb Agreement / Compare/Contrast
Revising / Vowel Sound in shout
3.4 / 12-5 /

Eye of the Storm

Expository Nonfiction

/ Graphic Sources
Word Structure / Present, Past, and Future Tenses / Compare/Contrast
Editing / Compound Words
3.5 / 12-12 /

The Great Kapok Tree

Fantasy / Generalize
Story Structure
Word Structure / Irregular Verbs / Compare/Contrast
Publishing / Possessives
12-19 /

Unit 3 Review

4.1 / 1-3 /

The Houdini Box

Historical Fiction / Compare and Contrast
Context Clues / Singular and Plural Pronouns / Story
Prewriting / Contractions
4.2 / 1-09 /

Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon

Expository Nonfiction / Compare and Contrast
Context Clues / Subject and Object Pronouns / Story
Drafting / Final le, al en
4.3 / 1-17 /

The King in the Kitchen

Play / Character and Setting
Monitor and Fix Up
Dictionary/Glossary / Pronouns and Antecedents / Story
Revising / Final er, ar
4.4 / 1-23 /

Seeker of Knowledge

Biography / Graphic Sources
Ask Questions
Word Structure / Possessive Pronouns / Story
Editing / Consonants
/j/, /ks/, /kw/
4.5 / 1-30 / Encyclopedia Brown
Realistic Fiction / Plot
Prior Knowledge
Context Clues / Contractions and Negatives / Story
Publishing / Prefixes
un-, dis-, in-
2-6 / Unit 4 Review
Unit / Date / Main Selection
Genre / Skill/Strategy / Grammar / Writing / Spelling
5.1 / 2-13 /

Sailing Home: A Story of a Childhood at Sea

Historical Fiction / Author’s Purpose
Context Clues / Adjectives and Articles / Persuasive
Prewriting / Multisyllabic Words
5.2 / 2-21 / Lost City: The Discovery of Machu Picchu
Narrative Nonfiction / Compare and Contrast
Word Structure / Comparative & Superlative Adjectives / Persuasive
Drafting / Syllable Patterns
V/CV and VC/V
5.3 / 3-5 / Amelia and Eleanor Go For a Ride
Historical Fiction / Sequence
Story Structure
Context Clues / Adverbs / Persuasive
Revising / Greek Word Parts
5.4 / 3-12 /

Antarctic Journal


/ Main Idea
Text Structure
Word Structure / Comparative & Superlative Adverbs / Persuasive
Editing / Words with Latin Roots
5.5 / 3-19 /


Science Fiction / Draw Conclusions
Monitor and Fix-up
Context Clues / Prepositions &
Phrases / Persuasive
Publishing / Related Words
3-19 /

Unit Test

6.1 / 4-2 /

My Brother Martin

Biography / Cause and Effect
Answer Questions
Word Structure / Conjunctions / Research Report
Prewriting / Schwa
4-2 /


4-(9-20 /


6.2 / 4-23 /

Jim Thorpe’s Bright Path

Biography / Fact and Opinion
Text Structure
Dictionary/Glossary / Capitalization / Research Report
Drafting / Prefixes
mis-, non-, re-
6.3 / 4-30 /

How Tia Lola Came to Stay

Realistic Fiction / Character and Theme
Context Clues / Commas / Research Report
Revising / Suffixes
-less, -ment, -ness
6.4 / 5-7 /

To Fly: Story of the Wright Brothers

Biography / Generalize
Ask Questions
Context Clues / Quotations and Quotation Marks / Research Report
Editing / Suffixes
-ful, -ly, -ion
6.5 / 5-14 / The Man Who Went to the Far Side of the Moon
Narrative Nonfiction / Graphic Sources
Monitor and Fix Up
Context Clues / Titles / Research Report
Publishing / Words with Silent Consonants


Developed by Debbie Slocum 2007

Literacy Specialist Byron-Bergen Schools