Bagworth and Thornton Parish Council

Members are summoned and Parishioners are welcome to attend the next

Parish Council Meeting

to be held atThorntonCommunity Centre on

Monday 4th April 2016 at 7.00pm


  1. To received tabled report from County Councillor.
  2. To receive tabled reports from Borough Councillors.
  3. Questions from members of the public regarding items on the agenda (maximum 10 minutes)
  4. Apologies for absence.
  5. To receive declarations of pecuniary interest from Members on matters pertaining to the agenda.
  6. To receive and approve requests for dispensations from Members on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.
  7. Chairman’s update on Parish matters.
  8. Minutes of previous meetings to be approved.
  9. Balance of accounts and budget year to date.
  10. To approve accounts for payment.
  11. Clerk’s report on outstanding items.
  12. To receive correspondence(see attached listing)
  13. Planning Issues
  14. Appeal Notice - 14/00729/FUL Installation of 1 No. wind turbine North West Of Barlestone Road Bagworth Leicestershire
  15. TTRO footpath R71 – repair to footbridge over the railway
  16. 16/00250/HOU – raising of roof & 2 storey rear extension 201 Main St, Thornton
  17. Update of Sports Ground – Written monthly update from Working Group
  18. Resolution to appoint Working Group for the management & maintenance of Bagworth New Wood.
  19. Resolution to appoint Internal Auditor.
  20. Resolution to allocate to 106 monies for seating at Jackson Road play area, Bagworth.
  21. Resolution to appoint contractor for tree works at the QE II Sports Ground, Bagworth
  22. Resolution to amend item 818 of 5th October 2015 for the purchase price of a container for the QE II Sports Field Bagworth.
  23. Resolution to accept amendments to Bagworth Allotment Association constitution
  24. Resolution to notify the Rev Nicholls that invoices will be sent for further maintenance of open graveyards in Thornton and Bagworth.
  25. Resolution to visit the manufacturer of speed awareness signs to obtain costings.
  26. Resolution to authorise repairs to fencing in Maynard Park area s per agreed 2016 precept.
  27. Resolution to request the installation of street lighting on Barlestone Road, Bagworth
  28. Resolution to write to Severn Trent Water requesting a boardwalk at Thornton Reservoir
  29. Date of next meeting9th May2016 at BagworthCommunity Centre.

Ann C. Murray

Clerk to the Council

29thMarch 2016