It is great to see we have a large number of you interested in getting involved with teams. We have always been quite successful as a club and it looks like we now have strength in depth, including a growing junior section!
So how will team managers choose their teams ?
The first thing is - are people good club members? eg do they offer to help at events or in the administration of the club? Do they attend club training and / or competitions? Do they come to social events and the AGM ? As we want to encourage people who want to be active members and take part in ALL aspects of the club not just turn up for team events and see it as a way of competing for a reduced free - as the club pays half entry fees and stabling.
Only then will they look at people’s ability and competition record together with feedback we get from our many training sessions. So please come along and support these events so we can meet you and see how you and your horse are progressing. Also it is very important to keep your horse details up to date on the website eg what level are you competing at? What BD, BE, BS points has your horse gained? They will be referring to these records all the time for checking eligibility for certain competitions and ensuring you are entered in the correct team. So as you go out during the year and gain experience and points please update these records on a regular basis.
Where we enter more than one team in a competition we will try to ensure one of the teams is made up of our strongest horse and rider combinations, so that we ensure the club has every chance of continuing its successful record. We will then make up other teams giving everyone an opportunity to get involved as far as possible.
I hope this makes our teams policy a bit clearer and more importantly transparent! We aim to be as fair and open as we can so that Horsham Teams are never seen as elitest or “clicky” in any way. We will always try to be a friendly, welcoming club to any new team members and look forward to meeting many of you in the coming months!
From :
Ros Head Senior & Junior Show Jumping team manager
Ros Wells – Senior & Junior Dressage team manager
Helen Millichamp – Senior & Junior Horse Trials team manager
Caroline Exley - Senior & Junior Combined Training and Challenge team manager
Ros Head – Chef D’Equipe at competitions
HDRC Teams policy.docx