December 12, 2011

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The Board of Trustees of the Village of Winnebago met at 7:00 p.m. with President Frank Eubank, Jr. presiding.




Guests: Attorney Mary Gaziano, Kelli Jeffers, Sally Bennett, Todd Weegens, D. Mark Hubbartt, Lori Schultz, Dick Medearis, Todd Stockburger, Chad Insko, Dennis Noegel, Steve Graceffa, Dana Carroll, Charles Dana, Angie Toot, and Kris Kieper.

A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MRS. GAINES to accept the minutes of the November 7, 2011, Regular Board Meeting and the November 21, 2011 Special Board Meeting. Motion carried on a voice vote.

A motion was made by MR. MALIGRANDA, seconded by MRS. GAINES to make the following line item transfers:

Transfer Amount / From Fund / Fund ID / To Fund / Fund ID
$ 1,500.00 / 21-43-512 / Office & Comp. Equip. / 21-43-530 / Professional Fees
$ 900.00 / 21-43-540 / Pre-Employ. Physical / 21-43-530 / Professional Fees
$ 1,000.00 / 21-43-524 / Sqd 106 Maint. / 21-43-530 / Professional Fees
$ 1,550.00 / 21-43-655 / Fuel/Grease/Oil / 21-43-530 / Professional Fees
$ 1,000.00 / 21-43-524 / Sqd 106 Maint. / 21-43-516 / Police Garage Maintenance
$ 500.00 / 21-43-658 / Misc. Expenses / 21-43-520 / Sqd 107 Maint.
$ 150.00 / 21-43-658 / Misc. Expenses / 21-43-660 / Printing
$ 500.00 / 01-41-593 / Equip. Maint. / 01-41-561 / Dues/Memberships/Subs.
$ 525.00 / 01-41-593 / Equip. Maint. / 01-41-560 / Employee Welfare
$ 500.00 / 51-44-542 / Water Upgrade / 51-44-653 / Building Water Usage

Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

A motion was made by MRS. GAINES, seconded by MR. ELSEN to pay the bills $5,000 and over to Gill’s Freeport Disposal, Frink’s Sewer Service, Attorney Mary Gaziano, and IML Risk Management. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

A motion was made by MRS. GAINES, seconded by MR. ELSEN to pay the bills under $5,000 as presented. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

The Treasurer’s Report has been placed on file for audit.

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D. Mark Hubbartt told the Board he is very disappointed that he was singled out to receive a letter about burning on his property from Mrs. Gaines. He explained he uses the utmost caution when burning. He was reminded that the law requires only land refuse from the property can be burned on the property from which it came.

After discussion a motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MR. MALIGRANDA to accept the appointment by President Eubank of Kris Kieper, to replace Mrs. Targosz as a Trustee until the April 2013 election. Motion carried on a voice vote. Mrs. Kieper was sworn in and took her seat at the table.

The Board approved the appointment to the Liquor Commission of Stan Maligranda by President Eubank. Mr. Maligranda was named Chairman of the Liquor Commission.



a.  A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MR. MALIGRANDA to adopt the Intergovernmental Agreement with Rock River Water Reclamation District to adopt the Village of Winnebago Sanitary Sewer System and authorize President Eubank to sign it.

After a discussion of the options available the motion carried on the following roll call vote:


GAINES: present


a.  Mr. Weegens gave a brief overview of his December report. As most of the time this past month was spent on the IGA with RRWRD there was minimal other activity.

b.  The work on the MS4 and UDO is proceeding. There will be some training after the fact of Village personnel as work had to proceed on the MS4 to meet the deadline. The next UDO meeting will be January 4, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.

c.  The paperwork has not yet been received on the 2011 CDAP Sewer

Lining Grant.

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d.  The Village was not successful in receiving a 2011 Design Engineering Grant.


a.  A motion was made by MRS. GAINES, seconded by MR. ELSEN to adopt Ordinance 2011-04

An Ordinance Levying Taxes for all Corporate Purposes for the Village Of Winnebago, Illinois, for the Shortened Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2011, and Ending December 31, 2011

Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

Attorney Gaziano has received information for the Hearing on 601 LLC to be held January 11, 2012 and she will disseminate the information.


a.  Mr. Elsen thanked everyone for working so diligently to successfully prepare the 2012 budget. His thank you included Mrs. Targosz, all department heads, the Fourth of July Team, all Board members, and President Eubank. He also thanked the past Board for tightening the purse strings three years ago. President Eubank thanked Mr. Elsen for all of his time and effort on the budget.

A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MRS. GAINES to accept the 2012 budget as presented. Motion carried on the following roll call vote:


KIEPER: abstain

A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MRS. GAINES to

grant a one percent increase to all none elected employees effective

with pay period beginning December 25, 2011 the new rates are as follows:


Jeff A. White 25.28

Tiffany C. Eisman 15.15

Alan H. Nylund 18.27

David A. Seitz 17.96

Jeffrey A. Spelman 15.69

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William R. Smith 21.46

Todd E. Stockburger 2,568.21

(Salary 44 hours per week)

Chad Insko 2,509.92

(Salary 44 hours per week)

David Hassel 13.83

Diane Frew 10.82

Dennis L. Noegel 2,650.70

(Salary 44 hours per week)

James D. Johnson 20.01

Lori Schultz 1,535.39

(Salary 44 hours per week)

Sally A. Bennett 17.98

Dick Medearis 150.00 per month

plus permits

Motion carried on the following roll call vote:


KIEPER: abstain

b.  There will be a Public Hearing January 9, 2012 at 6:15 p.m. to receive input on the Appropriation Ordinance for 2012.

c.  The Department Heads have done a great job to control costs in this fiscal year.

d.  A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MRS. GAINES to employ Elliot and Company to perform the audit of fiscal year 2011. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

e.  The financial reserves are doing very well.

f.  Three bids were requested for the risk management insurance and two were received. IMLRMA was the low bidder and the contract was again awarded to them.

g.  A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MRS. GAINES to adopt Ordinance 2011-10 as corrected

An Ordinance Providing for the Submission to the Electors of the Village of Winnebago, Winnebago County, at the March 20, 2012 General Primary Election the Question of Whether the Village Should Have the Authority Under Public Act 096-0176 to Arrange for the Supply of Electricity for its Residential and Small

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Commercial Retail Customers Who Have Not Opted Out of Such Program

Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.


a.  A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MR. MALIGRANDA to adopt the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village of Winnebago and Winnebago Park District regarding policing of the park district property as amended subject to corrections being reviewed by the Village Trustees beginning December 13, 2011 and responding within five business days with any objections. If no objections are received in the five day period the President is authorized to sign the document. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

b.  A motion was made by MR. MALIGRANDA, seconded by MR. ELSEN to award a $1.00 per hour increase to Jeff Spelman, part –time police officer, on top of the old rate making his rate $16.54 per hour effective with pay period beginning December 25, 2011. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

c.  The solicitors permit for Direct Energy remains open as not all information has been provided.



a.  No water has been provided to 409 Mallard Drive for several months and they have declined access to Village personnel.

b.  There will be an IGA written to cover the lighting costs for the Hurd/Young Memorial Park.

c.  At the December 14, 2011 Committee meeting Ruth Fazio will talk about codification.


a.  A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MR. MALIGRANDA to adopt the 2012 meeting dates per attached listing. Motion carried on a voice vote.

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a.  Mrs. Schultz will notify everyone of training needed to be NIMS compliant.

b. Upcoming Meetings:

Public Works Committee TBD at p.m. Police Committee TBD at p.m.

Finance Committee TBD at p.m. Community Development December 14, 201 at 7:30 p.m.

4th of July Committee December 27, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.

UDO January 4, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.

President Eubank noted Mrs. Kieper will serve on the Finance and Public Works Committees where Mrs. Targosz previously served.

c.  A possible special meeting or retreat will be discussed at the next


A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MRS. GAINES to go

into Executive Session at 9:52 p.m. to discuss pending litigation. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

The Board returned to Regular Session at 10:40 p.m.

Motion was made by MR. MALIGRANDA, seconded by MRS. GAINES to

Adjourn at 10:41 p.m. Motion carried on a voice vote.


Sally Jo Huggins, Village Clerk

Approved January 9, 2012