Learning Museum2016-17: Expression of Interest

We warmly welcome expressions of interests from across the sector and across the UK. We aim to establish a well-distributed network of different sizedof organisations, and this will guide us in consideration of all applications, alongside evidence of shared commitment to the principle objectives of the programme – to:

  • Nurture the next generation of the museum workforce, drawing in fresh perspectives from a diverse cohort of trainees, enabling them to harness the power of objects and engage under-represented audiences;
  • Champion best practice in dynamic collections skills and showcase innovation in museum development across the UK, ensuring a sustainable future for the museum sector;
  • Develop a proactive learning network of trainees, partner museums and the British Museum, leading to long term nationwide collaborative projects of all kinds.

Please complete the following expression of interest, considering closely the ‘Call for Partners’ document.

Please send further inquiries and completed expressions of interest (no later the 1st December) to:

For further details on the British Museum, including the full extent of our National Programme activity, please visit

Expression of interest

Your name:
Job title:
Name and succinct description of organisation:
Telephone number:
Best days/times for contact:
Museum governance structure:
Annual visitor numbers:
Number of paid staff:
Size, range and specialist elements of your collection:
Existing formal education and vocational training provisions:

Below are listed somecore elements of the programme, along with a related request for information. Please provide succinct responses to each request, using no more than 250 words for each response.

Supervision and leadership: The success of Learning museum will depend upon the appointment of a learning-focused supervisor for each trainee. Please detail potential candidate(s) for the supervisor position, and explain briefly why they would make a suitable supervisor.
(max 250 words)
Young persons:The programme is committed to attracting new talent to the museum sector. How has your museum demonstrated a commitment to engaging young people (16-24) and what do you consider to be the principle challenges of working with this age group?’
(max 250 words)
Recruitment: Learning Museum will seek trainees from amongst young persons without prior experience or qualifications in cultural heritage. What experience does your organisation haveof recruiting new entrants to the sector? (open days, volunteering, or work experience, for example).
(max 250 words)
Broadening Diversity: Learning Museum aims to directly address issues of lack of diversity within the museum workforce and audience. What recent programmes or activities demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to broadening the diversity of your audiences?
(max 250 words)
Best Practice: Each partner museum will be required to deliver a training day for the group of all trainees. Which do you consider to be areas of best practice within your organisation? Which elements of this best practice would you choose to showcase and contribute to a training session upon at your establishment?
(max 250 words)
Skills sharing: Learning Museum will build a network for expertise sharing amongst partner museums. Where do you consider there to be particular areas of development within your organisation? Where might you hope to learn from the network?
(max 250 words)
Partnership: Please briefly describe any experience that your organisation has of working in partnership with other museums, or heritage organisations.
(max 250 words)
Calendar 2014-16: Please describe any forthcoming exhibitions, events, funded programmes and collaborations, along with any major institutional changes that will take place at your establishment between September 2015 and August 2017.
(max 250 words)
Further opportunities: Considering the full range of national programmes described on the British Museum website, please describe any ways beyond Learning Museum, in which you might like to collaborate with the British Museum in the future.
(max 250 words)

Please return your completed applications no later than 1stDecember 2015 to: