Fringe & Festival Tickets 2017

The Arts & Creative Learning Team is co-ordinating the distribution of free tickets to access Edinburgh Festivals and Fringe events to young people who belong to any or all of the criteria below:

  • SIMD 1-4
  • Looked after and accommodated
  • English as an additional language
  • Black and Ethnic Minority

The offer is made possible by a private donor who wishes to see his money being used to help young people who would not otherwise have the opportunity, see quality shows and enjoy an experience of their home city.

The offer is a package to facilitate engagement which includes:

  • Ticket/s to see a show of young person/ peoples’ choice
  • Contribution to cover cost food and a soft drink for all young people in group and accompanying adult/s
  • Cover of transport cost to and from the event

In order that eligible young people have the confidence and means to go, it may be a small group with a teacher/ youth worker or a class of children; the majority of whom are known to fit the criteria. The adult/s’ tickets, travel and food would be included in the offer. The performance should be selected by the young people with guidance and appropriateness ensured by staff working with the young people.

The performance may be selected from any of the Edinburgh Festivals, such as:

Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Edinburgh International Festival

In return, the Arts & Creative Learning Team require feedback from the adult/s and young people. This should include any responses from the young people such as a letter, drawing, animation, photographs with captions, models or films. We will provide a feedback from for the adult/s to complete and send with the young people’s responses to the experience.

How to apply for tickets: Complete steps below and fill in proforma -

  1. Teacher/ Youth worker as Group Leader: Identify a group of 2-20 young people, most of whom are from SIMD 1-4.
  2. Identify young people’s top 3 preferred show choices, includingdates and times.
  3. Provide name and address of Group Leader for tickets to be sent to.
  4. Send proforma by Monday 21st August latest to:

Please note applications will be responded to first come and the total fund may be accounted for if you apply later, so please apply as soon as possible.

  1. The Arts & Creative Learning Team will let you know if you have been successful in your application.

Successful applications:

  1. Tickets will be sent Group Leader identified, or told how to collect them as relevant.
  2. £10 per head will be provided to cover transport and a drink and snack as part of the experience. This can be transferred to a cost centre e.g. if it is a school group, or a cheque sent if necessary.Refund of any unspent money to be returned within 2 weeks after event.
  3. Group Leader to collect and provide receipts for costs of transport and refreshments.
  4. Group Leader to collect feedback/ responses from the young people about the experience. This can be in any format e.g. draw, write, model, photos with captions, film or etc.
  5. Group Leader to complete written feedback form.
  6. Receipts, feedback from young people and feedback form to be returned to ACL within 2 weeks after the event.

Group/ School/ Centre name:
Group Leader name:
Group Leader email:
Group Leader phone number/s:
Number of Pupils/ young people:
+ Number of adults accompanying:
= Total number in group:
Breakdown: *SIMD 1-4
Performances chosen by pupils: / Date: / Time: / Cost per ticket: / Tickets cost:
1st choice / £
2nd choice / £
3rd choice / £
Transport: (tick and complete cost) / bus / taxi / Other: / Transport cost:
Refreshments: cost = total of young people and adults in group x £10 / (receipts to be collected and any money not spent to be refunded after event) / Refreshments cost:
Total cost for application: / £