SOAR Schedule


June 8-9, June 22-23 or July 27-28

Please note that programs, times, and locations are subject to change.

An official schedule will be given to you at SOAR Check-in.

Programs designated with a  are intended for both students and families.

Thursday (June 8, June 22 or July 27)


12:30-2:00Pre-SOAR Check-inCampusCenter

2:00-2:15Placement Test OverviewMabee Room


2:15-3:15Composition Placement TestCooke 205

3:30-5:30Placement Tests:Cooke 104, 105, 204, & 205

3:30-4:00Math Placement

4:15-4:45Writing Placement

5:00-5:30Reading Placement

3:30-5:30Chillin’ in the GrilleSports Grille


Relax, watch TV, play games, and hang out in the Sports Grille with the Class of 2010 and the Tribe Guides.

4:30-5:30SOAR Check-inCampusCenter

5:30-6:30Residence Hall ToursResidence Hall Lobbies

Meet in the lobbies of the residence halls to get a glance of some residence hall rooms.

6:30-8:00Welcome Dinner with the PresidentMabee Room


8:00-8:30Honors Student MeetingRadford Social Hall

All honors students and families should attend this session to meet with the Director of the Honors Program, Dr. Philip LeMasters.

8:30-9:00Music WelcomeRyan Fine Arts, NW 106

Students who are music majors, music minors, or are non-majors but are interested in getting involved with music programs, are invited to attend this welcome.

8:30-9:00Athletic Welcome Designated Locations

Athletes should meet with their coaches in the locations designated by their team.

9:00-11:00Casino NightWindjammers Lounge


See if Lady Luck is on your side at the McMurry version of Casino Night. You may win a prize…and who knows who your dealer could be!

Friday (June 9, June 23 or July 28)

7:00-8:00BreakfastVillage Market

8:00-8:30Registration OverviewMabee Room


8:30-9:00Meet With Your AdvisorDesignated Locations

Students and families will meet with a faculty advisor for an information session.

9:00-2:00Advising, Registration, BillingDesignated Locations

Students will plan a schedule, meet with their advisor, register for fall classes, and receive a bill. No payment is required at this time.

11:00-11:30Foreign Language ProficiencyCooke 205

This test is optional but encouraged for all students who have had two or more years of foreign language in high school.

9:00-2:00Getting ReadyWindjammer’s Lounge


Throughout the morning, students will have the opportunity to get ready for McMurry by getting the following items:

Student ID

Residence Hall Room Assignment

Post Office Box

9:00-2:00Residence Hall Check-outCampusCenter

Turn in your residence hall room key at the CampusCenter Information Desk.

10:00-12:30Chillin’ in the GrilleSports Grille


Relax, watch TV, play games, and hang out in the Sports Grille with the Class of 2010 and the Tribe Guides.

12:30-2:00LunchVillage Market

Because registration times vary for each student,

it is difficult to determine when you will be finished for the day.