Simple Outline of the Constitution

I Preamble explains the goals of the New Government

II. Article I (Establishes the Legislative Branch of the Government)

A. Divides the legislature into two bodies (bicameral)

1. House of Representatives

a. State representation based on population

b. Requirements to be a Representative

1. Must be a citizen of the US for at least 7 years

2. Must be 25 years olds

3. Must live or reside in the state you represent

c. has the power to impeach the president

d. elects a speaker of the house to run the House

2. Senate

a. Two representatives from each state

b. Requirements to be a Senator

1. Must be a citizen of the US for at least 9 years

2. Must be at least 30 years old

3. Must live or reside in the state they represent

c. acts as a court

d. Vice president presides over the Senate

e. President pro tempore is second in charge of the Senate

f. approves all appointments made by the President

B. Power of the Congress

1. Has the power to pass laws

a. bill must pass the House of Representatives with a majority vote

b. bill must pass the Senate with a majority vote

2. has power to declare war

3. can override the Veto of the president

a. 2/3 majority vote in the House

b. 2/3 majority vote in the Senate

4. can form committees to investigate important matters of state

5. can pass laws that tax the people

III. Article II (Establishes the Executive branch of the country)

A. Defines the duties of the President

1. Commander and Chief of the Army

2. Gives the President the power to grant pardons

3. President can appoint ambassadors to other countries and judges

4. call a meeting of the Congress to inform them of the State of the Union

5. the president can call for assistance and opinions to help him run the


6. President can Veto any law he feels is a improper

7. runs the Government

B. Requirements

1. must be a natural born citizen

2. must be 35 years of age

C. The process for electing the president

1. Election day will be the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November

every 4 years

2. Term of office will be four years

3. the election will be based on an electoral college

a. people vote for the people who will vote for president

b. the person who gets the most votes will become president

c. the person who get the second most vote will become vice president

D. The President must take an oath of office which is found in Article II of the Constitution

IV. Article III (establishes the Judicial Branch)

A.Creates the highest court in the land the Supreme Court

B. States that Congress shall create inferior courts as it deems necessary (Judiciary Act of


C. Cases where the state is a part, the case will be tried by the Supreme Court

D. All other cases, the Supreme Court Acts as an Appellate Court

E. All federal crimes, except impeachment hearings will be tried by jury

F. Sets the conditions for treason against the US

1. when someone wages war against the US

2. aiding the enemy

V. Article IV (establishes the relationships between states)

A. Every state must honor the debts, records and proceeding of other states

B. set the procedure for the extradition of criminals from one state to another

C. No states can form with in a state

D. the US must defend every state

VI Article V (creates the amendment process)

A. two way to propose an amendment to the Constitution

1. the amendment can be made on the floor of either Houses of Congress

a. 2/3 of the House of Rep. must approve the Amendment

b. 2/3 of the Senate must approve the Amendment

2. 2/3 of the States call for a Constitutional Convention

B. two ways that an amendment can be approved

1. it is ratified by 3/4 of the state legislatures

2. it is ratified by 3/4 of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention

VII. Article VI (establishes national supremacy)

A. all laws and court decisions will be enforced equally in all states

B. National law take precedence over state law

C. All government officials must take an oath to protect and support the


D. there will be no religious requirements to hold office

VIII. Article VII (ratification process)

A. only 9 states were needed to ratify the constitution

XI. The Bill of Rights

A. 1st Amendment

1. No law will be past establishing or prohibiting religion (separation

between church and state)

2. no law abridging the freedom of speech, the press or the right for

Peaceful assembly

and to petition the government for a redress of grievances

B. 2nd Amendment

1.the state has a right to bear arms and form a militia

C. 3rd Amendment

1. No soldiers in time of peace will be quartered in a person's house without

The owner's consent

D. 4th Amendment

1. protection against illegal searches and seizures

2. warrants for a search must specify where to look and describe what they

Are looking for

E. 5th Amendment

1. Grand Jury indictment for serious crimes except in time of war

2. No Double Jeopardy, cannot be tried for the same crime twice

3. Life liberty or property cannot be deprived without due process of law

4. private property cannot be taken for public use without just compensation

5. You cannot be forced to testify against yourself (no self incrimination)

F. 6th Amendment

1. A person has a right to a speedy and fair trial

2. A person has a right to a trial by jury in the state where the crime was


3. Accused person must be told of his charges

4. an accused person has a right to confront witnesses testifying against him

5. an accused person has a right to obtain witnesses in his defense

6. an accused person has a right to assistance of counsel in his defense

G. 7th Amendment

1. a person has a right to a trial by jury in civil cases

H. 8th Amendment

1. no excessive bail

2. no excessive fines

3. no cruel or unusual punishments

I. 9th Amendment

1. If a right is not mention in this Constitution, this does not mean that

the people are denied it

J. 10th Amendment

1. All powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved for the


XII. 11th and 12th Amendments

A. 11th Amendments

1. no federal court can hear a case where a state is being sued by a citizen

of another state or by a citizen of another country

B. 12th Amendments

1.Changed the electoral process for President

2. Electoral college voted for the president and the vice pres. separately

XIII. Civil War Amendments

A. 13th Amendment

1. no slavery or involuntary servitude except as a punishment for a crime

2. gives congress the power to pass laws to enforce this amendment (enabling


B. 14th amendment

1. Defines a US citizen

a. any one born or naturalized into the US

b. state cannot enforce any laws that take rights of a US citizen away

c. no state shall take away life liberty or property without due

process of law

2. did away with the 3/5 compromise

3. Stopped Confederate leaders from holding office until congress deemed


4 US government was not going to pay off the Civil war debt

C. 15th Amendment

1. Extended voting right to Blacks

2. the right to vote could not be denied on the basis of race, color or

previous servitude

XIV. Progressive Amendments

A. 16th Amendment

1. Congress can impose an income tax

B. 17th Amendment

1. Senators were no longer elected by State legislatures

2. Provided for direct elections of Senators

C. 18th Amendment

1. Outlawed the sale, importation, production and manufacturing of alcohol

D. 19th Amendment

1. the right o vote shall not be denied on the grounds of sex

E. 20th Amendment

1. Shortened the period between election and inauguration form March 20 to

January 20

2. Senator's terms end on Jan. 3

3. Congress begins Jan. 3

4. If the president elect dies, the vice president elect becomes president

F. 21st Amendment

1. Ends prohibition

2. give control of alcohol to the states

XV. The rest of the Amendments

A. 22nd Amendment

1. Limit the president to two terms

B. 23rd Amendment

1. District of Columbia gained the right to vote in presidential elections

C. 24th Amendment

1. outlawed poll tax

D. 25th Amendment

1. sets up the succession to the presidency if the president is to sick to

perform the duties of office

E. 26th Amendment

1. Lowers the voting age to 18

F. 27th Amendment

1. Congress cannot receive a raise until it has been re-elected