Dates: December 17-21, 2012

Magazine Lessons: I’m Too Busy!/ What’s the Matter?/ Rob’s Burn

Activity Focus: Reading Comprehension, Yes or No?, Best Response, Tell a Story

Tired Minds, Tired Bodies

Part 1: Multiple Choice.Choose the correct answer for each question. Use the information from the conversations in your magazine.

December 17

1.What is happening at 1:30?

  1. a party B.a game
  1. a lesson D.a meeting

2.What work does Susie have?

  1. She needs to answer some emails.
  2. She needs to look for information.
  3. She needs to call some people.
  4. all of the above

3.Who calls Susie?



December 18

4.What did Lily miss?

  1. a meeting B.a lesson

C.a gameD.a party

5.What does Susie want Lily to do with her?

A.travelB.take a break

C.exerciseD.go shopping

6.What did Rob ask Lily to do?

  1. drive him home
  2. buy him a drink
  3. finish a project

D.teach a class

December 19

7.What is the matter with Amber?

  1. She is hungry.
  2. She is overweight.
  3. She has a headache.

D.She has a toothache.

8. What does Amber usually do for a headache?

  1. She takes some medicine.
  2. She takes a hot shower.
  3. She drinks some water.
  4. She drinks some tea.

9.What does Carol have in her office?

  1. a microwaveB.a sofa

C.some medicineD. some food

December 20

10.What is wrong with Ken?

  1. He has the flu.B. His stomach hurts.

C.His back hurts.D. He has a headache.

11. What happens when Ken has the flu?

  1. He can’t sleep very well.
  2. He becomes really sad.
  3. He gets really hungry.
  4. His whole body hurts.

12.What does Amber do when she has a stomachache?

  1. She lies down.B.She drinks soda.

C.She takes a bath.D.She eats some food.


13.How did Rob burn his hand?

  1. He touched a hot oven.
  2. He touched a hot stove.
  3. He touched a hot plate.
  4. He touched a hot iron.

14.What does Susie put on Rob’s hand?

  1. a first-aid kitB. a bandage waterD.butter

15. How should you treat a burn?

  1. Put ice on it. B.Put cool water on it.

C.Put butter on it. D.Put ginger ale on it.

Part 2: Yes or No? Look at the pictures and the words. If the word and the picture match, write “yes” under the picture. If they do not match, then write “no” and the correct word under the picture.

programstomach flu

1. ______2. ______3. ______


4. ______5. ______6. ______

Part 3: Best Response. Match the sentences with the best responses.

1. Is Grandma resting? / A. Yes. Do you need to borrow them?
2. What’s wrong with Tommy? / B. Thanks. I almost burned my hand.
3. Do you have notes from yesterday’s class? / C. We can’t! We have too much work to do.
4. Can you check something on the Internet for me? / D. Yes. She’s lying down in her room.
5. Be careful! That iron is hot. / E. Of course. What do you want to say?
6. We need a break. Let’s go for a walk. / F. Sure. What do you want to know?
7. Excuse me? Can I share something? / G. He has a stomachache.

Part 4: Tell a Story.Look at the pictures. Use some of this week’s vocabulary words to tell a story about each picture.