The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, March 15, 2016. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Betsey Hedrick, Gerald Reichert and Clyde Mitchell. Department heads present included: Brad Mitchell, Kevin Dorwart and George Lane. Dean Svenvold was absent.

Mayor Jimison opened the Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. and introduced Morgan, who is a student in Mike Dryden’s government class, to lead the pledge.

Mitchell moved to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2016 regular Council meeting; second by L. Baker and the motion carried.

Pete Leath and Kevin Pena joined the meeting at 7:10


Personnel Committee 03/07/16 4:15 pm

Members present: Mayor, Doug Baker, Betsey Hedrick, Clyde Mitchell. Dept. Members: Chief Lane, Randy Olinger, Public Works Jack Rice, Pete Leath, Keith Boeckel


1. One interview for full time Mechanic position - Public Works.

Action: Committee conducted one interview and recommends hiring Sean Dendy effective March 21st. Pending passing of background check.

2. Four interviews for full-time Firefighter position - Fire Dept.

Action: Committee conducted three interviews and recommends hiring Ramsey Mosley for full-time Firefighter effective March 16th, 2016. Pending passing of background check.

3. Recommend hiring Assistant Recreation Director.

Action: Committee interviewed candidate last month and recommends hiring Jacque Marquart for Assistant Recreation Director effective March 23rd, 2016. Pending passing of background check.

4. Recommend Advanced Reporting, LLC for background checks.

Kevin Dorwart informed committee that a change was needed in the background check company that the city uses. MMIA recommends Advanced Reporting, LLC and the City Attorney has reviewed their policies and gives approval.

Action: Committee recommends Advanced Reporting, LLC effective March 15th, 2016.

Submitted by Doug Baker Ward III

Street Committee 03/09/16 4:00 pm

Present: Gerald Reichert, Mike Dryden, Rhett Coon, Kevin Pena, Jack Rice, Clyde Mitchell, Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Betsey Hedrick, Mayor Jerry Jimison, Jerry Geiger and Forest Sanderson.

Agenda Items:

1)  Street Committee, based on a request from an adjacent Daycare, recommends placement of YEILD signs at the corner of Sargent and Grant.

2)  No public comments were made.

Adjourned at 4:08 PM

Gerald Reichert

FUPR Committee 03/09/16

Present: Jerry Jimison, Mike Dryden, Rhett Coon, Kevin Pena, Gerald Reichert, Jack Rice, Forrest Sanderson (KLJ Engineering), Clyde Mitchell, Betsey Hedrick, Doug Baker, Leon Baker; Jerry Geiger

1. Inter local Agreement for Planning Board: Forrest Sanderson addressed the Committee about the City/County Inter-local Agreement over a Joint Planning Board. Council members asked Mr. Sanderson specific questions about the agreement.


2. Public Comment: None received

Councilman Dryden Ward III

Kevin Dorwart updated the Council about WRRF progress. Pete Leath updated the council on the training he received.

Reichert made a motion to un-table the City/County Interloal agreement, second by Coon and the motion passed. D. Baker and L. Baker voted against the motion, all others voted in favor.

Coon made a motion to approve the City/County planning agreement with the accepted changes, second by Pena and the motion passed. D. Baker and L. Baker voted against the motion, all others voted in favor.


Mayor Jimison asked twice for public comment. No public comment.


Approve contract with Advanced Reporting, LLC. to perform background checks for City of Glendive effective 03/15/16. Hedrick moved to approve contract, second by Pena and the motion carried.

Approve hiring of Ramsey Mosley as full-time firefighter effective 03/16/16 pending successful background check. Mitchell moved to approve hiring Ramsey Mosley, second by L. Baker and the motion carried.

Approve hiring of Sean Dendy as mechanic for Public Works effective 03/21/16 pending successful background check. L. Baker moved to approve hiring Sean Dendy, second by Mitchell and the motion carried.

Approve hiring Jacque Marquart as Assistant Recreation Director effective 03/23/16 pending successful background check. D. Baker moved to approve hiring Jacque Marquart, second by Hedrick and the motion carried.

Approve Amendment #1 to DOWL Contract for Professional Services to be increased by $25,000.00. Dorwart explained the increase to the council. Pena moved to approve contract, second by Reichert and the motion carried.

Set Public Hearing to present findings of Preliminary Engineering Report (April 5th @ 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers). Coon moved to set public hearing, second by Hedrick and the motion carried.

Set Public Hearing to present results of Environmental Impact Review (April 5th @ 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers). Coon moved to set public hearing, second by Pena and the motion carried.

Appoint Mike Dryden to 2-year term on City/County Planning Board effective 03/15/16. L. Baker moved to appoint Mike Dryden, second by Pena with Dryden abstaining and the motion passed.

Appoint Becky Hicks to 2-year term on City/County Planning Board effective 03/15/16. Mitchell moved to appoint Becky Hicks, second by Dryden and the motion passed.

Appoint Steve Bury to 1-year term on City/County Planning Board effective 03/15/16. L. Baker moved to appoint Steve Bury, second by Pena and the motion passed.

Appoint Betsey Hedrick to 1-year term on City/County Planning Board effective 03/15/16. D. Baker moved to appoint Mike Dryden, second by L. Baker with Hedrick abstaining and the motion passed.

Approve budget transfer in Public Works for $5,000.00 from 5310-430630-530 to 5310-430630-360. Hedrick moved to approve budget transfer, second by Dryden and the motion passed.

Accounts Payable Claims: $ 125,130.28. Dryden moved to approve the accounts payable for: $125,130.28; second by Hedrick and the motion passed.


Police- Chief Mitchell stated Hibbert is at the academy. They have tested 5 possible applicants and background checks are currently being done for the open patrol position.

Operations- Kevin Dorwart attended funding conference in Billings He updated the council on the WWTP information. He is working on CIP for funding agencies.

Public Works- Pete Leath stated that the landfill dirt man brought dirt to the landfill. The crew cleaned the high rate unit at the water plant and is keeping busy. New fences have been put up at the landfill to keep the garbage contained and they are burning the 3 million pounds of trees.

Fire- George Lane now has his fulltime crew back to 100%. They will be going to Alabama to inspect the truck. They have a meeting Monday with Wally Broeder to discuss temporary storage in the ambulance building. Recertification school will be held March 27-April 1st.


Congratulations – Successful Makoshika BB tournament

March 15th – Artist’s Night Out - The Gallery – 7:00 to 9:00 pm

March 23rd – Pre-School Screening - DCHS

March 24th – Dawson County Health Fair - EPEC

March 26th – Vintage Market & Indoor Garage Sale - EPEC

April 1st & 2nd – Spring Fling – EPEC


Ordinance Committee – Mon., March 21st - 4:00 pm

Personnel Committee – Mon., March 21st – 4:15 pm

F/U/P/R Committee- Wed., March 30th – 4:00 pm

F/U/P/R Committee – Wed., March 30th – 4:15 pm


Coon met with Nate Williamson and next Tuesday Senator Daines will be at the college round table meeting. The council is invited to attend.

Pena made a motion to adjourn the meeting; second by D. Baker.

Dated this 15th day of March, 2016.

Approved the 5th day of April, 2016.


Jerry Jimison, Mayor



Jessica Ayre, Administrative Clerk