Graduate Student Research Symposium 2015

To: OVC Graduate Students


We are pleased to announce the OVC Graduate Research Symposium will be held on November 18, 2015. This event will include oral and poster presentations, the Schofield Lecture followed by a reception and announcement of prizes.We encourage all OVC graduate students to participate in this event by sharing your research findings, practicing your presentation skills and celebrating research in the OVC community. The completed abstract form is due by OCTOBER 23, 4:30 pm. Students should discuss their intention to submit an abstract with their advisor and give serious consideration to authorship and intellectual property. The word limit is 1700 characters. See the attached instructions on how to prepare and submit your abstract.

Posters must be mounted by 10 am on November 18 and students are expected to be at their poster from 10:00-11:30 am. Oral presentations of 13 minutes (10 minute presentation, 3 minute question period) will be held in the afternoon. Please realize that time available for oral presentations is limited, so not all those who wish to do an oral presentation may be accommodated and will be assigned to the poster session. If you have recently already completed a poster you may use it for this event.

If you have any questions about the submission process please contact the Graduate Student Organizing Committee member from your department.

Advisors are reminded of the requirement to communicate findings from Pet Trust or Equine Guelph – funded research to the OVC community and should encourage their students to participate and arrange that they are relieved from other responsibilities (such as clinical duties) during their presentation time slot so that they can attend the symposium.

We look forward to sharing an exciting program with you.

The OVC Graduate Student Research Symposium Organizing Committee:

Dr. Gordon Kirby, Associate Dean, Research and Innovation

Elizabeth Lowenger, Manager, Student Affairs

Barb Gaudette, Graduate Studies and Research Assistant

Neda Barjesteh,Pathobiology

Emma Louth, Biomedical Sciences

SeyedmehdiEmam, Pathobiology

EamonnMcGuinty, Population Medicine

Kaitlin Patterson, Population Medici ne

May Kamleh, Population Medicine

Alisha Matte, Population Medicine

Emily Gilbert, Biomedical Sciences

Rashi Asthana, Clinical Studies

Carina Cooper, Clinical Studies

Instructions for Submitting and Abstract for the GSRS:

  1. Open the following Easy Chair link:
  2. If you have not used EasyChair Conference System before, click “sign up for an account”.
  3. You will have to indicate your name, give a password and a valid e-mail address.
  4. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail. To continue, click the embedded link.
  5. Complete the sign-up process by filling out your account information and clicking “create my account”.
  6. You will then be shown a confirmation and be given a link returning you to the sign-in page (from step1). The confirmation may take up to 24 hours.
  7. Sign in with the user name and password you provided in step 2.
  8. Click “New Submission” from menu to upload your abstract.
  9. Fill in your “Address for Correspondence“. Make sure your correspondence information is correct.
  • Next, you can add authors to your submission manually. To add co-authors with whom you have already submitted a paper via EasyChair press “click here to add an associate” and select them from the list. By default three author forms are shown, additional forms can be added by clicking the link “add more authors” at the bottom of third author form.
  1. Fill in the Abstract “Title“
  2. Fill in the “Abstract” field with the abstract of 1700 characters (with spaces)
  3. Provide the list of keywords
  4. Select your department, program, area of research and preferred type of presentation under “Topics” section.
  5. Under "Upload Paper", upload your abstract file in MS Word format
  6. Include Title, Authors name, body of abstract and funding source
  7. Press Submit



Author last name, first initial and 2nd author last name, first initial



Funding Source: OMAFRA