Lewis and Clark National Historical Park Trunk Inventory

Verification of Contents of the “Fort Clatsop Explorers” trunk for Grades 3rd to 5th

School: ______Trunk ID # ______

Ship back to Lewis and Clark National Historical Park on: ______

·  Returning this truck on time ensures the next school may enjoy its use in a timely manner.

·  Educators: The contents of the traveling trunk were inventoried prior to shipment. To double check, please inventory the contents before using. If something is missing, you want to know sooner than later, and this will help you become familiar with the items.

·  Thank you and we hope you and your class enjoy using the traveling trunk.

Educators: After using the trunk, and as you, the educator or another responsible adult, are repacking the items, please re-inventory the contents to make sure each item is in the trunk and has been packed properly.

Park Class Class Park Where the Various Items are Placed in the Trunk

Sent Recv’d Packed Recv’d

Portfolio (inside lid of trunk): Posters and Maps (10 items)

______Brochure: NPS – Lewis and Clark Trail

______Historical Document: Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1806

______Historical Document: List of Expedition Members

______Map: Clark’s Track Map

______Map: Lewis Clark – The Corps of Discovery

______Poster: Fort Clatsop

______Prints (4) in folder: Uniform & Dress of the L & C - Corps of Discovery

Clothing (on top of items in Top Layer items): Youth Sizes Only (6 items)

______Buckskin Jacket

______Buckskin Pants

______Fatigue Hat

______Leather Belt

______Moccasins (1 pair)

______Possible Bag

Lewis and Clark National Historical Park Fort Clatsop Explorers Traveling Trunk Inventory - (Grades 3rd to 5th) page 2

Park Class Class Park Where the Various Items are Placed in the Trunk

Sent Recv’d Packed Recv’d

Top Layer: Educator’s Resources (2 items)

______Fort Clatsop Explorers Resource Guide

______CD Songs of the Journey inside the front cover

______The “Furthest” Reach Journal

Top Layer in Haversack: Student Resources (9 books/magazines)

______Charbonneau Family Portrait

______Dog of Discovery

______Encyclopedia of Presidents – Thomas Jefferson

______Fort Clatsop – The Story Behind the Scenery

______Going Along With Lewis and Clark

______Kids Discover Lewis and Clark

______Kids Discover Sacagawea

______Lewis and Clark Expedition, The

______Lewis and Clark Expedition Coloring Book, The

Bottom Layer: Educator’s Resources (3 items)

______Book: The Journals of Lewis and Clark

______DVD: Lewis & Clark – Great Journey West

______DVD: Lewis & Clark – A Clatsop Winter Story Video

Bottom Layer: Replica Survival Tools and Items (9 items)

______Candle Mold (DO NOT try to push candle into the candle mold)

____ Please keep for your class Tallow Candle

______Candle Holder (Use to display the tallow candle)

______Elk Jerky

______Fish hooks (3 hooks in sealed, round plastic container)

______Flint & Steel Kit (brass box with a piece of flint and a steel)

______Powder Horn

______Sewing Kit (leather kit with needle, awl, sinew & antler buttons)

______Sinew (a long, hard, slender, yellow, stringy-looking item)

Bottom Layer in Haversack: Presents and Trade Items (5 bags of items)

______Bead Bag (2 strands): 1 long & 1 short strand of glass trade beads

______Blue Felt Bag w/Red Ribbon (1 item): 2” pewter Jefferson Peace Medal

______Fabric Swatches (4 items): Sewn together are: 1 silk handkerchief,

1 sq. wool flannel, 1 sq. cotton fabric 1 wool blanket sq.

______Metal Bag (4 or 5 items): 1 string of 3 thimbles attached to bag;

1 stainless steel arm band; 1 leather thong w/3 bells & 2 rings;

1 beaded copper wire; may/may not include 1 beaded brass wire

______Miscellaneous Bag (3 items): 1 Tobacco Twist; 1 horn comb;

1 mirror w/sheepskin cover

Borrowers may be charged for missing or broken items needing replacement.

Please contact the park at (503) 861-4422 with your questions.

Thank you for being prompt!