Early Years Collaborative

Workstream 1Meeting 8th December2014


1. Present: Joyce Reekie – Head of Midwifery (chair); Lynn Cuddihy - Primary Mental Health Work Lead, CAMHS; Laura Gibson – Health & Wellbeing Specialist; Liz Hood – Infant Feeding Coordinator; Alison Lang – EYC Coordinator (minutes); Dave Morton, Project Officer; Natalie Potts- specialist midwife for vulnerable families; Ann Robison – midwife, Team Leader

Apologies: Sally Bell, Health Visitor; Susan Briggs, Health Visitor; Eileen Carruthers – Unit Manger Specialist Drug & Alcohol Services Coordinator; Julie Hunter-Oral Health Programme Manager; Shona Irvine, Social Worker; Sara Wilson-Machin, Health Visitor

2. Matters arising from last minutes

Point 2a) Smoking cessation: David has been in contact with Trish who has expressed an interest in participating in this piece of work. The group agreed that other workstream contacts should be invited to this meeting as it involves an extended pathway, Laura suggested that Julie Hunter should also be invited to the meeting once dates have been decided. ACTION: Joyce and Laura to invite key contact to the next meeting once dates for next year have been decided.

Point 2b)Income Maximisation: Alison and David still trying to recruit participants, now looking at circulating amongst frontline staff.ACTION:Dave to forward full details of the test for practitioners to circulate amongst their staff.

Point 4f) National Tests of Change: Alison has circulated the National Tests of Change, this list may need to be updated once information comes back from Learning Session 6.

Point 3 a)Local Update: Story Telling – ‘Bonding for Brilliant Babies’ is up for review in the New Year. Action: Lynn and Liz to meet to determine if this leaflet should be used or the UNICEF one and how it should be issued. Health Visitors are also distributing the ‘Baby, I Love You’ book at the first visit. This is gifted through UNICEF as part of the Commonwealth Games legacy.

3. Tests of Change

a)Laura Gibson - met with Alison to finalise the background information in the toolkit. Three questionnaires have been developed to gather feedback on the toolkit, refine the toolkit and to evaluate the effect of the toolkit 3-6 months down the line. This will be trialled in Pharmacy and Sexual Health.

b) Healthy Start –Joyce has met with Veronica King on this matter. There is currently a problem with the data and some women are having trouble filling out the form. Women are unaware of the eligibility criteria; there is also a time lag in submissions being made and the vouchers actually being received. There is a lot of work to ensure that we have the smoothest process possible in place while reaching out to all women who qualify for the HS scheme.

c) LizHood – 14 day phone support going well, positive feedback and good compliance from the test to date. It is now on its 4th run. Liz is keen to involve other members in the test to look at scaling up.

- Antenatal Facebook support page– looking to populate the page with hints or tips then recording data on how engaged families are. David has developed a spreadsheet and questionnaire to test satisfaction with the service.

- Maternity Care Assistant (MCA) discussion with mums at 28 weeks regarding breastfeeding. Not yet spread due to staffing issues but positive feedback so far. Occurs in Dumfries & Stewartry and next steps are to spread to gather data in Wigtownshire and spread to Annan.

- Liz is also interested in encouraging employers to be ‘breast feeding friendly’ for those women returning to work after maternity leave and would like to anyone interested in developing a pieceof work to contact her directly.

d) Natalie Potts – Continuing to populate team activity for ongoing tests (GBV, DNA, huddles)

Has several ideas for new tests of change and has asked David to prepare some run charts for new tests. There will also be some tests around the new multi agency team for pre birth assessment. Also looking towards Psychology department to begin a new test of change.

e) Lynn Cuddihy –Attachment training for schoolstaff. People are increasing their knowledge and she is planning to spread to other schools. She is now planning work with Solihull who have agreed to adapt the Programme for schools. Lynn is meeting with 2 teachers to begin this testing. The Solihull evaluation form is being improved to allow for more detailed evaluation regarding staff confidence and pupil feedback.

f) Further tests of change – Workstreams 2 & 3 are looking at pieces of work around the red book. This may provide an opportunity to improve the developmental pathway on young children and members were asked to consider tests around this.

g) Ann Robison – all midwives now have CO monitors so will be using consistently. Wellbeing assessment: to test with 1 midwife from red team and 1 from blue team. To incorporate a question around Mental Health. Action: To meet with Lynn and Natalie to discuss.

4. AOCB:

a)Away team – the same team will now go to all the national learning sessions. The group discussed the best options for spreading learning and getting new members interested in joining the collaborative.

b) Newsletter – Alison encouraged workstream members to share their learning in the upcoming newsletter. This is an opportunity to share successes, run charts etc.

c) Dave is leaving at the end of the month to go to a permanent post and Alison is leaving at the end of the month to return to clinical work. Joyce thanked them both for their input and support and wished them well.

5. Date of next meeting:

Monday 12th January 10-12 am Creswell Parentcraft room.

1 W1 minutes 08.12.14