TLC용 발색 시약 제조법 및 용도

1. p-Anisaldehyde: This clear tan stain is prepared by dissolving 0.7 mL of p-anisaldehyde in 250 mL of EtOH containing 9.5 mL of conc. H2SO4 and 2.7 mL of acetic acid. The plate is developed by heating on a hot plate. This stain chars lavender and is good for oxygenated compounds.

2. Cobalt(II) chloride: This pink stain is prepared by dissolving ~2 g of CoCl2 in 100 mL of water and 10 mL of conc. H2SO4. The stain is used in conjunction with PMA. In cases where PMA is not effective enough, dipping the plate (already processed with PMA) in CoCl2 assists the staining process. The spots are often different colors against a pink or colorless background.

3. 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine: This stain is prepared by dissolving 12 g of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in 200 mL of EtOH, 60 mL of conc. H2SO4 and 80 mL of water. The stain is effective for carbonyl containing compounds.

4. Ehrlich's Reagent: This stain is prepared by dissolving 1.0 g of p-dimethylbenzaldehyde in 75 mL of MeOH and 50 mL of concentrated HCl. The stain is effective for indoles, amines, ergot alcohols and pyrrolizidine alkaloids.

5. Ceric Ammonium Molybdate (CAM): This stain is prepared by dissolving 2.5 g of (NH4) 6-Mo7O24 and 1.0 g Ce(SO4)2 in 90 mL of water and 10 mL of conc. H2SO4. The plate is developed by heating on a hot plate. This stain chars blue and is good for polyhydroxylated compounds.

6. I2: A jar of I2 crystals or a jar of fine grade silica gel impregnated with iodine works well. The plate is simply allowed to stand in the jar of iodine vapor or is immersed in the silica gel for a few seconds. After examining the plate, the stain can be removed by heating the plate briefly on a hot plate. The plate can then be stained by other means.

7. Ninhydrin: This stain is prepared by dissolving 0.3 g of ninhydrin in 100 mL of n-BuOH or EtOH containing 1-3 mL of acetic acid. The plate is developed by heating on a hot plate and spots are shades of purple or brown. The stain is specific for amino acids, amino sugars and primary, secondary, and tertiary amines.

8. Phosphomolybdic acid (PMA): This green-yellow stain is prepared by dissolving ~3-4 g of PMA in 100 mL of EtOH. The plate is developed by heating on a hot plate. PMA is the most commonly used stain for organic materials, since it reacts with a wide variety of functional moieties. The spots are usually black against a yellow-green background. PMA is also effective with extremely dilute reaction samples and in this regard can be used semi-quantitatively.

9. Potassium Permanganate: This stain is prepared by dissolving 3 g of KMnO4 and 20 g of K2CO3 in 5 mL of 5% NaOH and 300 mL of water.

10. Vanillin: This light tan stain is prepared by dissolving 1-2 g of vanillin in 100 mL of EtOH containing 1 mL of conc. H2SO4. The plate is developed by heating on a hot plate. This stain is particularly good for hydroxyl and carbonyl containing molecules. The spots are often brightly colored. This may be an advantage when two molecules have the same Rf value.

TLC Stains
p-Anisaldehyde (1L 병 기준)
EtOH 95% 800 mL
p-Anisaldehyde 40 mL
H2SO4 40 mL
Acetic acid 0.8 mL
0℃ Ice bath에서 위 순서대로
가능한 서서히 시약 가한 뒤, 냉장보관. / Ninhydrin
Dissolve 0.3 g ninhydrin in 100 mL
of n-butanol ; add 3 mL AcOH
Phosphomolybdic Acid (PMA)
10% (w/v) PMA solution in ethanol
3% (w/v) CuSO4 in 15% aq. H3PO4
1.5 g KMnO4
10 g K2CO3
2.5 mL 5% NaOH
150 mL H2O / DNP
12 g 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine
60 mL H2SO4
80 mL H2O
200 mL 95% EtOH
3 g Vanilline
50 mL 95% EtOH
15 mL 2 M H2SO4 / Iodoplatinate
10 mL 5% PtCl2 solution
5 mL conc. HCl
240 mL 2% aq. iodine solution
20 g Na2CrO7
160 mL H2SO4
240 mL water / Cerium(IV) Sulphate (Ceric sulfate)
10% Cerium(IV) Sulphate
15% H2SO4, H2O
Morin Hydrate .1% wt % in methanol
Cerium Molybdate (Hanessian's Stain)
5.0 g CeSO4
25.0 g (NH4)Mo7O24․4H2O
450 mLl H2O
50 mL H2SO4 / Ceric Ammonium Molybdate
40 mL H2SO4
360 mL H2O
10 g Ammonium molybdate
4 g Ceric ammonium Sulfate