Chemical Storage and Use Checklist

A quick audit of your chemical storage and use

The purpose of this checklist is not to expect perfection, but to remind us that there are things that we can do to minimise the potential for environmental harm. These tasks aren’t necessarily difficult; they just require some planning, priority, and periodic checking to see whether there is room for improvement.

Activity / What we do.. / Our performance
1 = very poor 5 = excellent
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Chemical selection / We carefully choose the least toxic chemical for use for each application
Storage / We read the label and MSDS instructions for storage before storing our chemicals
Training / All staff who are using chemicals in our workplace have Chemical User Training Accreditation (ChemCert)
Transporting chemicals / We keep chemicals in locked secure storage containers so there is no risk of damage when transporting
Material Safety Data Sheet / Our vehicles all contain workbooks for MSDSs that we use in the workplace
Spill containment / We have a well stocked spill kit whenever transporting chemicals.

How did you score? Could you do better? – If you think there is room for improvement, please fill in some ideas below

Suggested areas for improvement:

Action / Whose responsibility is it to implement this? / When does it need to be done by
(Immediately, within the next month, over the next year)

Checking where you are at with

Sediment and Erosion Control

How we do it
We always ... / Our performance
1 = very poor 5 = excellent / Ways we could improve
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Develop a sediment and erosion control plan for every job that involves soil disturbance (Before work starts!)
Use the right sediment control equipment on the worksite
Check that controls are in place at the start of the day and at the end of the day
Place an order for sediment control gear to the council store well before the work commences
Create a site checklist to prompt us to check that all sediment measures are in place
Make sure that we are not channelling runoff into a sensitive environment
Do a quick clean up at the end of the day’s work (and don’t rely on the sediment controls to catch all the loose dirt, they are there as a last resort not a first)
Complete a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) when doing major works
Have our REF independently checked by someone in council for adequacy

Remember: Sediment and nutrients in our natural bushland and waterways is one of the main causes of environmental harm in urban areas. Your efforts do make a difference!

Offences can be prosecuted with strong penalties.

SELF AUDIT: Being Aware About Biodiversity