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Courtesy of Juice Guru: Transform Your Life with One Juice a Dayby Steve Prussack & Julie Prussack © 2016 Reprinted with publisher permission. Available where books are sold.

Tropical Turmeric

Makes about 3 cups (750 mL)

This juice is based on an ancient recipe that originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and was used by Rishis and Brahmans as a preparation for worship. It is tangy and slightly sour, with a pungent, satisfying bite. It’s also intensely purifying, in part because of the inclusion of turmeric root. Mangos are loaded with more than 20 different vitamins and minerals, including an abundance of provitamin A, beta- and alpha-carotene, and vitaminC. Carotenoids work synergistically with vitamin A to protect your eyes from oxidative damage while protecting your vision.


To prepare a mango for juicing, cut a small slice from the top and bottom of the fruit to make flat ends. Stand mango upright on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, cut off on all four sides the flesh surrounding the large seed in the middle. Slide a tablespoon between the skin and meat of the mango to remove the flesh. Cut each slice into halves for juicing.

When peeling lemons for juicing, be sure to leave behind as much white pith as possible. The pith of the lemon contains high concentrations of bioflavonoids such as limonene, which is believed to have anticancer properties.

1 1-inch (2.5 cm) piece turmeric root, peeled and sliced (see Juice Guru’s Tip, below) 1

3 mangos, quartered, pitted and peeled (see Tips) 3

1 1-inch (2.5 cm) piece peeled gingerroot 1

2 lemons, peeled and sliced (see Tips) 2

12 sprigs fresh mint (about 1⁄2 bunch)12

2 cupsyoung coconut water500 mL

1.Using a juicer, process tumeric, then half each of the mangos, ginger, lemons and mint. Following the same order, repeat with the remaining mangos, ginger, lemon and mint.

2.Add coconut water and whisk well. Serve immediately.

Juice Guru’s Tip

Slice your turmeric into pieces that your juicer can manage. Turmeric has a deep color that can actually stain the juicer, so be sure to juice it first; then the ingredients that follow can flush out the juicer. We also recommend washing stained parts of your juicer with soap and water right after juicing, to avoid long-lasting discoloration.

Martine Quibell, Publicity Manager, Robert Rose Inc.

120 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 800, Toronto, ON M4P 1E2

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