



20 August 2003


Present: Dr Michael McCall (Chair)

Prof Phillip Jennings

Prof Richard Hobbs

Dr Martin Anda

Dr Pratap Pullammanappallil

Mr Mal Bradley (Guild President)

Ms Alisha Ryans-Taylor

Mr Ron Pease

Mr Bryce Bunny (secretary)

In attendance: Mr Alan McGregor

Mr John McGowan

Mr Brad Caldwell (ADFP)

Mrs Lynne Miles (Minutes)

Apologies: Prof John Yovich (Vice Chancellor)

Dr Melanie Strawbridge

Ms Alison Gaines

Copy to: Gaye McMath (PVC RM)

Andrew Bain (University Secretary)

John Farley (Records Officer)

Mr Bob Lewtas (ADFO)

Mr Peter Crook (DCDU)

Part A

1.  Apologies

Apologies were received from Prof John Yovich.

2.  Introduction of invited guests

Brad Caldwell was introduced to the Committee. He has taken up the role of Associate Director of Facilities Planning in OFM.

3.  Guest Speaker – Mr Geoff Bott, Mr Chris Lomberg (Parsons Brinkerhoff)

Geoff Bott and Chris Lomberg briefed the Committee on the early findings and progress of the Water Strategy Audit. The next stage is to complete the report and provide recommendations to the university for consideration. It is expected the report will be completed mid to late September. (See Attachment A - Presentation Notes).

Action: 1) Consultant to provide report to OFM.

Part B

4.  Confirmation of Minutes

The committee confirmed the minutes of the 9 July 2003 meeting.

5.  Waste Audit Findings

A report on the Audit of Campus Waste, prepared by the Centre for Organic Waste Management, was tabled and discussed. Bryce Bunny indicated there were a number of opportunities identified and asked the report be read and discussed at the next meeting.

Action: 1) Agenda item for next meeting.

6.  Actions from the Previous Meeting`

6.1 Environmental input into the Master Plan

Richard Hobbs and David Annandale are working with Peter Crook as part of the Master Plan review process. A preliminary Master Plan Planning Workshop was held on Friday 15 August and members of the Environmental Committee participated.

6.2 Greenhouse Cooperative Agreement

The Greenhouse Challenge Agreement has been signed off by the Vice Chancellor and is now with the Commonwealth for endorsement.

7.  Status Reports

Reports provided and were taken as read.

8.  Other Business

8.1 Environmental Week

Activities have been arranged for Environmental Week from Monday 8th September to Friday 12th September. Student Guild is coordinating this event.

Environmental Week is one week prior to the Government Conference on Sustainability and there is an opportunity to engage a number of good speakers who will be available as a result.

8.2 Landscaping

A question was raised about policy for landscape development. Alan McGregor indicated policy for landscaping is contained in the original Master Plan. He suggested the existing policy be reviewed by the Natural Environment Sub-committee current Master Plan Process.

Dr. Mike McCall asked that the Chancellery project be checked against the existing policy.

Action: 1) Richard Hobbs to revive action on landscaping.

2) OFM to action the Chancellery project. BC

8.3 Assessment of Bush Court

Questions were raised about the future of Bush Court. The recommended approach is for the Natural Environment Sub-Committee to investigate and provide advice to the Master Plan process.

Action: 1) Natural Environment Sub-Committee to provide input to the Master Plan Process.

2) Peter Crook to note.

8.4 Built Environment

Dr. Mike McCall indicated there is no apparent evidence that environmental policy exists for the built environment and requested that this be addressed.

Alan McGregor suggested two ways forward:

1.  Need to revive the Built Environment Sub-Committee to provide guidelines as originally discussed in 2002.

2.  ESD concepts have been included in Capital Works projects in the last 24 months. OFM has further developed project management guidelines, which include a checklist about environmental sustainable design.

Action: 1) Dr Martin Anda offered and accepted the role to coordinate Built Environment Sub-Committee and report back.

2) Alan McGregor agreed to finalise the Project Management Guidelines.

8.5 Manager Environmental Planning Position

Bryce Bunny completed his tenure as Manager Environmental Planning at Murdoch on Friday 15th August. Alan McGregor thanked him for his significant contribution to getting Environmental Policies and initiatives at Murdoch University up and running.

Mal Bradley enquired about what was planned for Bryce’s replacement. Alan McGregor reported that the position had been advertised and applications closed on 8th August. Six applications had been received and will be considered for short-listing. It is hoped a replacement will be known within 1 month.

Meeting Closed: 9.50 am

Next Meeting 8 October 2003

Attachment A – Presentation Notes

Integrated Water Plan - Murdoch Campus

The purpose of this brief is to:

·  Provide an overview of the Project

·  Identify key emerging issues

·  Provide a status report on progress of the Integrated Water Plan

Protecting the Environmental Values of Water

·  Environmental values of water

·  Groundwater-dependant ecosystems

– North Lake and adjoining sumpland (both EPP wetlands)

– Murdoch Swamp ( ‘C’ sumpland)

– Hospital Swamp (‘C’ sumpland)

– Murdoch Drive/South St Lake (‘C’ lake)

– Associated remnant vegetation

·  Irrigation use.

Background to Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)

·  Concept developed in Perth in early 1980s, now commonplace in eastern states – but not in Perth

·  Provides for ‘treatment trains’ – sequencing of Best Management Practices in design, storage/conveyance, treatment, reuse and disposal

·  Integration opportunities

·  Signs of change:

- Senate Inquiry on Urban Water Management

- Health of the Swan-Canning Rivers

- Institute of Engineers – Australian Stormwater Manual

Groundwater abstraction
Annual groundwater use
1993 groundwater contours
2003 groundwater contours

Water level decline 1993 - 2003
Modelling water balance

A model is used to obtain an appreciation of water balance at the campus and test scenarios:

·  How much water is used?

·  For what purpose? Quality needed?

·  Where from? Imported water? Groundwater abstraction?

·  Losses to sewer?

·  Is the campus in surplus or deficit?

·  Can ‘water harvesting’ and/or ‘greywater’ be used to supplement groundwater and scheme water usage?


·  Aquacycle is a daily urban water balance model developed to investigate the use of locally generated stormwater and wastewater as a substitute for imported water use

·  Developed by the CRC for Catchment Hydrology (2003)

·  Permits analysis of scenarios involving:

- climatic cycles

- seasonal supply & demand analysis (shortfall/surplus)

- import/export of site water

- stormwater harvesting

- wastewater re-use

- aquifer storage and recovery

- rainwater tanks

Improving ‘on-campus’ water use efficiency

·  Estimated that >90% of scheme water imported to the site is exported from the site via sewer

·  Significant cost savings

- Scheme water bill $147k in 2001

- Sewage use charges calculated from water use, $169k in 2001

- Sewage service charge is based upon 748 fixtures!

·  Simple, cost effective options – it is estimated that currently only 20% of campus fixtures are ‘Waterwise’

- Low flow showerheads

- Dual-flush cisterns

- Tap aerators

·  Scheme water usage could be reduced by 30-50%

Water harvesting potential

·  Average annual rainfall falling on the campus is equivalent to 1/3rd of the licensed groundwater usage

·  However, rainfall occurs in Winter and is not matched to the period of greatest water demand (Summer)

·  Evaporative losses from surface storage facilities would be significant

·  Potential use of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) would replenish groundwater levels, reduce evaporative losses and provide a degree of physical filtration

Status Report

·  Groundwater Assessment

- 2003 groundwater levels surveyed (completed)

- 2003 groundwater contours (completed)

- Change in GWLs 1993-2003 (completed)

- Summary of groundwater abstraction (completed)

- Nominal Environmental Values identified (completed)

- Determine sustainable water allocation

·  Water Cycle Model

- Collate scheme water usage data for campus (completed)

- Determine number and type of fixtures (all 1682 of them!!)

- Determine annual fluctuations in water use/demand (completed)

- Model stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces

- Identify water harvesting options

- Identify cost/effectiveness of options

·  •Integrated Water Concept Plan

- Identify water management options

- Establish benchmark indicators of water use efficiency

- Summarise blackwater/greywater reuse prospects

- Scope co-lateral gains in energy and water use efficiency (eg groundwater heat rejection)

- Report on findings

Impact on University Risk Profile

·  •Key issues:

- Non-compliance with DoE groundwater abstraction license

- Declining groundwater levels, potential impacts on important wetlands

- Previous studies – Mackie Martin, 1991

- Corporate risk resulting from adverse publicity

- Increased risk of prosecution

Environmental Committee Minutes – 20 August 2003