MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Trustee Amy Mann, Trustee Maureen Fellows, Trustee Fritz Koennecke

ALSO PRESENT: Jim Stokes, Mike Hayes, Bill Carr, Bob & Susie Lucas, Bob & Bobbie Constable, Bobby Hart, Jason Emerson, Lauren Lines, Furahini Bahati

Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Mann the Board approved the minutes from the January 3, 2017 Village Board Meeting by a vote of 4-0.

The Village Board rescheduled their February 13, 2017 budget work session from 5:45p.m.to 7:00 p.m. The February 28, 2017 special meeting will be at 5:45 p.m. at the Municipal Building to discuss the 2017 – 2018Budget as previously scheduled.

Mayor Wheeler asked CACDA Executive Director, Lauren Lines to give the Board an update on the Consolidation Grant request process. Ms. Lines reported:

The NYS Municipal Restructuring grant opportunity is a 4 phase program. Phase one includes completion of the current grant application. Phase 2 is project development and would include a $40,000 grant. Phase 3 is small scale implementation ($320,000) and Phase 4 is full scale implementation ($550,000).

Ms. Lines received feedback from NYS DOS on the draft application. Even though the program is phased, we had to be specific about the most likely process for consolidation. The proposed plan included moving all functions to the municipal building and highway functions to the town garage and relocating the police department to another site. This plan could change during the process.

DOS suggested we could skip right to Phase 3 and suggested including consolidating highway departments and courts in the small scale implementation. Each phase requires reapplying for the program and there is no guarantee of funding for future phases. One advantage to moving right to Phase 3 would be securing a larger amount of the funding sooner. The disadvantage is less time to develop the plan and gain stakeholder and community support. The project plan would need to be completed by the February 14 deadline which is not unreasonable. A project team would need to be identified either way. The village can apply for Phase 2 in the current application and then apply for Phase 3 in July.

A discussion followed and the consensus was that the thorough review and analysis allowed by Phase 2 will be essential to a successful consolidation process. Ms. Lines will prepare the application accordingly and submit.

Trustee Fritz Koennecke gave his monthly report:

Lake Association

  • Met January 16th , primary focus is currently on fundraising for the lake treatment next summer
  • Goal is $250K
  • Requesting Village support in the upcoming budget


  • Police Report attached


  • No major issues with the new plans yet
  • Expect to be able to cut the budget significantly even with a conservative allowance (60%) for the village risk share

Police Report:

The following report reflects statistics from 01/01/2017 through 01/31/2017

1.MAJOR INCIDENTS: Any case that is a felony or is information that is needed to ensure to public safety.

We are continuing to receive complaints from persons who are being call by IRS scammers. All residents please be aware and do not give out any information over the telephone. IRS DOES NOT call regarding any issues they have jurisdiction over.

2. ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS: Currently we have four open cases that are actively being investigated along with 1 active warrant.

3. CALL REPORT: For the above dates we had a total of 159 calls for service which generated 51 written reports consisting of 3 arrests, 58 vehicle and traffic tickets written, 3 MVA’s investigated, 36 parking tickets issued and 2 immobilizations.

4. TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS: 4 speeding, 17 uninspected, 4 license violations, 8 registration violations, 4 AUO (operated with license suspended or revoked) and 21 other violations.

5. BUDGET REPORT: Nothing to report

6. MISC: Through a cooperative effort, the Cazenovia Police Department and the Cazenovia College Police Academy received a donated slightly used F.A.T.S. machine (firearms simulated training system) which has been placed in a secure area with the cooperation of the Cazenovia Central School and will be ready for a demonstration by the end of March 2017.

Trustee Maureen Fellows gave her monthly report:

Youth Recreation:

Scheduling meetings to discuss budget and staffing for the youth rec program with program director and town representatives.


Scheduling meetings with lake stewards to discuss improvements for the 2017 season and scheduling of stewards.

Looking at the fees other neighboring villages and towns charge for park facilities to be

used during our budget discussions.

Village Court Receipts January 2017

Judge Moore: $3962

Judge Fischer: $200

Cazenovia Area Community Development Association (CACDA) REPORT

Village of Cazenovia –

  • Lakeland Park planning project funded by NYS Parks - waiting for final reimbursement
  • Kayak/canoe launch at Lakeland Park funded by NYS Canal Corp and a NYS SAM grant - construction documents underway; installation planned for spring
  • Development of Creekside Park funded by CNY Community Foundation - planning to continue through winter; installation of park features planned for spring
  • Grant application submitted to L.L.Bean’s Charitable Giving Foundation for matching funds for kayak/canoe launch at Lakeland Park - $25,000 - FUNDED @ $3,000
  • Development of documents for the Municipal Restructuring grant program is ongoing; received feedback on draft from NYS DOS - due Feb 14

Town of Cazenovia –

  • Implementation of recommendations made under the Farmland Protection Plan funded by NYS Ag & Markets - work is ongoing
  • Additional turbine and interpretive features for the New Woodstock micro-hydro site funded by a Common Grounds Challenge grant and a grant from the CNY Community Foundation - under development and will be installed in the spring
  • Development of documents for the Municipal Restructuring grant program is ongoing; received feedback on draft from NYS DOS - due Feb 14
  • Planning underway for trolley initiative - developing grant application through NYSERDA Clean Energy Communities program ($100,000)
  • Mount Pleasant water district improvements - submitted application through NYS State and Municipal (SAM) grant program ($125,000)

CACDA Initiatives

  • Main Street committee is exploring strategies to recruit new businesses to the historic district.
  • RecDesk initiative is ongoing
  • Movies - Moana - Feb 11; Fantastic Beasts - March 18
  • Attended several meetings regarding YMCA/college facilities
  • Received grant from CNY Arts for Summer Concert Series ($1,000)

The Board approved the request by CACDA to hang a sign on the Lakeland fence to advertise their two upcoming movies to be held at the college theater scheduled for February 11th and March 18th. Each were approved to be up for seven days

Mayor Wheeler and Ms. Linesreported the Village is developing a grant application through NYSERDA Clean Energy Communities program ($100,000). The Village must meet four of their action items. Items under consideration are benchmarking of village building utility use, the unified solar permit, conversion to LED street lights (SmartWatt has completed the audit of street lights - the hold up right now seems to be National Grid), and energy efficiency code training for code officer. The village will continue to research and confirm its four action items so we are eligible for the grant.

Mayor Wheeler reported there are new unified Solar Permit Guidelines (see above). Public Works Admin. Bill Carr will check with Ted Bartlett who is the Chairman of the Historic Preservation/Architectural Review Committee to confirm that if the solar panel permit meets the criteria set by the state it will not to go to the HPC. The Village Attorney will check the Village Code as it may need to be adjusted.

Trustee Amy Mann gave her monthly report:


The Tree Commission held its 2017 organizational meeting on January 14. We set dates for our two annual spring events.

Our educational seminar will be held on Saturday, March 25 in the Library Community Room. Our speaker this year is Professor Sam Van Aken of the Visual and Performing Arts School at SU. Professor Van Aken was in the news recently for his “Tree of 40 Fruits,” which is a mixture of science and art. I will have more details on his talk, which will include a workshop with the audience, at our March meeting.

Our Arbor Day observance will be held on Saturday, April 22. This year we will return to Lakeland Park and begin plantings which will go along the pathway which is to be installed inside the Forman Street wall. This will continue our replacement efforts for the trees which were removed a few years ago. The new trees will be sited to work with projects slated for the park.


Saratoga is progressing on the various permitting procedures for the kayak launch. There will be a site meeting on February 28 at 10:00 with several of the stakeholder agencies. The drawings have been submitted for preliminary State approval. After the site meeting, if there are no redesign requests, Saratoga will seek to wrap up the permitting and complete the drawings so we can go to bid. In the meantime, we will need to do SEQRA. Saratoga will do the short form and we can hopefully do this at our March meeting.

We received the 2017 contract for LL Bean today. It is identical to the 2016 contract. LL Bean will pay us $75 for a park use permit for their 2016 usage and $500 for indoor trailer storage. As plans for the launch unfold, we will continue to coordinate with them about exactly where they will be located this summer.

Also, we received a $3,000 grant from Bean to be used toward the launch construction. Many thanks to Lauren Lines for her persistence on this.


The exploratory committee met again on January 18. Once again, the committee has expanded to include new stakeholders. Since our last meeting, the Y provided us with a sample study done by another community. This study was similar to the one we would get if we decide to move ahead. We collected feedback on the methodology and sampling as it might pertain to our specific community, and this will be relayed back to the firm. Also, we agreed to explore whether other providers might be available to do a study at a lower cost. Dave Bergh at the College is tasked with following up on these things, and then we will go from there.


See Bill’s report below:

StreetsSnow plowing continues.

Several street signs have been repaired or replaced.

Christmas tree pickup is complete.

Christmas garland has been removed

Removed sign at Lincklaen House

Maintenance of Fire equipment continues.

Trimming of trees branches over sidewalks continues, (So sidewalk plow can get through)

Flooding of ice rinks continues

BuildingsPainting at DPW shop continues

Cemetery Repairs to fence continues

Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann the Board authorized Mayor Wheeler to sign a contract with LL Bean Outside Discovery Schools after review by the Village Attorney by a vote of 4-0.

Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler, seconded by Trustee Mann the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 4-0.





WHEREAS, the Registrar of Vital Statistics of the Town of Cazenovia has traditionally performed the functions of that office on behalf of the Village, and

WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Health has requested that the Village independently appoint and report the identity of the registrar on behalf of the Village.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby confirms and appoints Connie J. Sunderman as the Registrar of Vital Statistics for District #2621 (Village of Cazenovia), and recognizes Susan Wightman as the Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics for District 2621, and it is hereby further

RESOLVED, that the Village Clerk and the Mayor are hereby authorized and directed to file such reporting forms with the New York State Department of Health as may be required to notify such agency of the appointments made and recognized herein.

Dated: February 6, 2017

The Village Board approved the following park requests brought before them:

H. Metcham to use both pavilions at Lakeside Park on June 24th

B. Thorp to use the small pavilion at Lakeside Park on July 12thand to use both pavilions on July 30th.

B. Church to use the small pavilion at Lakeside Park on August 5th

K. Rhinehart to use both pavilions at Lakeside Park on July 7th.

The Board approved the banner request from Limestone Creek Hunt for their Carriage Trail Run scheduled for May 21st and their Parade of Hounds/Blessing of Hounds scheduled for September 10th. The banner can go up one week prior to each event.

The Board approved the banner request from Caz Cares for their fundraiser scheduled for April 29th. The banner can go up April 20th – April 29th.

The Board approved the banner request from Caz Rowing Club for spring registration which is February 26th.The banner can go up February 8th – February 17th.

Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Fellows, the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 4-0:

RESOLUTION #40 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby authorizes the following budget transfers:

1)To:A-3120.11$ 6,358.00

(Police Chief)

From:A-3120.117$ 6,358.00

(Police – Part Time)

2)To:A-3120.118$ .04

(Police – Part Time Clerk)

From:3120.114$ .04

(Police – Parking Enforce. Officer)

3)To:A-1420.4$ 2,677.50

(Law – Contractual)

From:A-3120.114$ 2,677.50

(Police – Parking Enforce. Officer)

4)To:A-8010.12$ 61.72

(Zoning – Zoning Clerk)

From:A-1910.4$ 61.72

(Unallocated Ins. – Contractual)

5)To:A-8020.1$ 1,000.00

(Planning – Clerk Salary)

From:A-1910.4$ 1,000.00

(Unallocated Ins. – Contractual)

6)To:A-9040.8$ 2,828.00

(Worker’s Comp. – Employee Benefits)

From:A-9060.8$ 2,828.00

(Health Ins. – Employee Benefits)

7)To:F-8340.101$ 38.46

(Transmission/Distribution – Longevity)

From:F-8320.101$ 38.46

(Source Supply Power/Pumping – Longevity)

Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Koennecke, the Board approved the payment of the Village bills for the month by a vote of 4-0 (see attached list).

Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann, the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 4-0:






WHEREAS, The Office of the State Comptroller New York State and Local Employees’ Retirement System requires that a Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution be established for retirement credit recording purposes for elected and appointed officials,

WHEREAS, The Village of Cazenovia requires that a Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution be established for retirement credit reporting purposes for elected and appointed officials;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby establishes the following standard work days for elected and appointed officials and will report the following days worked to the New York State and Local Retirement System based on the record of activities maintained and submitted by these officials to the Village Clerk.

Participates In


WorkdayofTime KeepingDays PerElected or

Title Name(Hrs/Days) OfficeSystemMonths Appointed

Village Mayor Kurt Wheeler 6 7/1/16 to Y 8.67 E


Village Justice Timothy Moore 6 7/1/14 to N E


Associ ate Donald Fischer 67/1/16 to N A

Village Justice6/30/17

Clerk- Katherine Burns 7 7/1/16 to Y A


Deputy Clerk Susan Dady 77/1/16 to Y A


Water Charles Seager 87/1/16 to Y A


Court Clerk Kerry Bishal 8 7/1/16 to Y A


Public Works William Carr 8 7/1/16 to Y A


HighwaySamuel Usborne 87/1/16 to Y A

Superintendent 6/30/17

Cemetery Jeffrey Hughes 8 7/1/16 to Y A

Superintendent 6/30/17

Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Fellows to move into executive session at 8:13 p.m. for attorney client privilege. All aye, approved.

The Village Board moved out of executive session at 8:52 p.m. There were no motions, proposals, or decisions made in executive session.

Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 p.m. All aye. Approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Katherine A. Burns

Village Clerk